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Jonathan Rivera | The Daily Bread Project

TDBP14: Stop waiting for life to return to 'normal'

Jonathan Rivera | The Daily Bread Project         Jonathan Rivera | The Daily Bread Project        
TDBP14: Stop waiting for life to return to 'normal'           TDBP14: Stop waiting for life to return to 'normal'          
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    If you're waiting for life to get “back to normal” You're in for a rude awakening today on The Daily Bread Project.

    Why? Because today's guest says, “This is the new normal.”

    And you know what… She's right.

    Today on The Daily Bread Project Katie Danger from The Everyday Athlete joins me to share:

    • Why Monday's are the best day of the week
    • How experimenting makes you a better leader
    • Tips for staying fit even when the world is frantic
    • Why there are no guarantees in life and how to make the most of everything you have
    • How you can be normal in an unnormal world
    • A quick exercise to get you out of despair (no matter how bad you feel)
    • Why taking control is the best medicine for your anxiety
    • How you can thrive (even in a recession)

    All that and more today on The Daily Bread Project.

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