Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles

Yesterday I told you how Pandora and Spotify have turned to Podcasting as a new profit center.

I also mentioned how this is going to be a big opportunity for those prepared to cash in on it.

Apple's iTunes boasts 600,000 podcasts in their catalog.

While Spotify has around 150,000 in theirs.

Pandora only has several hundred.

Thing is, Podcast listenership is growing like crazy.

There are 73,000,000 monthly listeners.

Which has doubled in the last five years.

With smartphones, smartcars, and all sorts of connected devices – listenership will continue to grow.

The problem…

No one has figured out a reliable way to make dough from their shows.

Pandora and Spotify are betting on sponsorships.

But they're dead wrong.

There's a much easier and much more profitable way to use your podcast.

Watch this 2 minute video to get my three step method for cashing in on your podcast.

Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles


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