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Highlights from this episode include:

  • The question you must ask yourself before you can get anyone else to trust you (2:31)
  • This is the reason you’re stressed out, stuck, and no one trusts you (3:00)
  • These specific types of conversations are the key to building the trust that leads to the sale (5:38)
  • Focusing on these three factors will create more engagement than anything else you can do (6:56)
  • Adding this to all your marketing convinces people to buy more than anything else you say (8:00)
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There's two types of people who hear consensual sales in the first go, Oh, Eww, Shawna, that is not what you want to say. There are better words to use and the second type here, consensual sales and say, you know what? You're right. I don't want to talk my way into the sale. I don't want to memorize a script. You just want to work with clients who are excited to work with you. Now that's consensual sales.

Right It's me, Shawna. Okay. So do you ever wonder how do you build trust with your clients? Well, I'm going to talk about the answer that I gave a client today and you're going to learn all about how you can do that. Okay. But before I jump in to this special episode, I want to rattle off one of the reviews that a listener, a super fan left on Apple iTunes.

(00:48): So if you haven't yet, this is ah, man, it helps me so much. It's a really nice gesture to just lets me know that there are other people here listening and that you're getting value from the show. So this one is for mommy to Brighton. She says the real deal, five stars. Shawna makes you feel normal that there's no way to do it and we're all just trying to make it work. And Shauna makes me feel like I am MF winning at this entrepreneurial game. I'm so excited for all the episodes to come. Thank you mommy to be mommy to Brighton. I appreciate that review and I appreciate that you're listening. So let's jump right in. Client comes to me, she says, Shana, I need to know how you're building trust through emails. And I was like, well what do you mean? And she's like, I need to know how to build trust and an email.

(01:38): And I said, okay. When you say trust, what does that mean? Like how will you know that you have trust? And she says when someone is willing to buy, well, I mean there's not a lot that we're going to unpack. There's just a couple of fundamental things that are important for you in your own business while you're writing emails. But let's just address the elephant in the room. The first one is is that so many of us want things we want just this arbitrary thing like trust. We want success, we want weight loss, right? Like we just want, we romanticize this one arbitrary word and it's kind of meaningless. What we need to do first is we need to ask a better question and you guys might've heard this before, like you get out of life what you have the questions to be cut or what the heck is the question you get out of life?

(02:26): The kind of questions that you ask because how do I build trust is fundamentally a different question. Then what is it going to take for somebody who is willing to buy? Right? It's a much clear question. It's a much better question and it actually gives us like an action step. It helps us identify what needs to be done. Most people are stuck or they're stressed out because they're not asking good questions. They don't have clarity around what their, what they want. So if you can get clarity around what you want, man, it's going to make the task and the past that thing so much easier. But yeah, half the time we're not even asking good questions where they're like, what? Like I don't even know what that means. So that's the first thing. I just want to address that and get that out of the way.

(03:09): So how would I help facilitate the trust that is required for somebody to buy? And I'm going to tell her when I told you, okay, that's how I want you to edit it and say it. Okay? There's three things I'm talking about today. The first one is someone will be willing to buy when they know that you can help them while simultaneously feeling seen and heard. So I gave this example to my client. If I imagine that you go to a doctor and you go in with a headache, right? And the doctor says, Oh, so you've got a headache, where's the pain? And you point to your head. And they go, okay, like take this prescription and you take the prescription and whatever. Now you take that prescription. And you go get your drugs right for your headache. Now imagine that you go to a different doctor and this doctor says, okay, where's your pain?

(04:02): How long have you had this pain? Have you taken any other medication? Does this run in your family? Is this on your mom's history, on your dad's history? What's your exercise look like? What's your food look like? Right? What if they say, are there any been any big life changes in your life recently? Right? Is there anything that sets this headache off? And they do sort of this like thorough in depth analysis. Now finally at the end he gives you a prescription. Okay. And he says, this is what you'll need. How much more trust will you have in the doctor who took the time to see you and hear you? Yeah, like if a slightly more to the second doctor. And that's what I want you to start thinking about when you are speaking to your ideal clients and trying to build trust. So they will willingly purchase from you, is that you'll need to speak in a way where they feel seen and heard, right?

(04:57): When they know that you understand their situation better than anyone else, you are the obvious choice for them. But so much of what we write, it's about us. Hey, I'm launching this new thing. Hey, I've got this new offer. Hey, there's a special deal. It's like it's not about the client, it's about you. And so you really need to put yourself in their shoes and speak from their perspective, which is another thing that will help you build trust and move somebody along the process in which they're willing to buy, which is the more that they engage in, participate in conversation with you, the better chance of them purchasing from you is because you can't close deals that you don't open. So the conversations you have to create conversations that allow engagement like that are open back and forth. And the only way to do that, I mean maybe there's other ways, but the only three ways that I know in the way that you can do this is you have to speak to what someone is thinking, where they go, yes, that's me.

(05:57): Or you speak in such a way where they either love it or they hate it. People engage with you for three reasons. They love it, they hate it, they strongly agree, they strongly disagree, or it's about them where they self identify. Okay, and you don't have to go very far for me to prove this point. I mean open up your Facebook and look at the comments section. The comment section will be full of people who strongly agree. Oh my God, yes, totally grilled. That's it. That's exactly it. That's me. That's so me. Or they'll say, Oh, I've thought this before and like, I really hate that, or I hate this. Or like either you have one or the other. There's not much in between. And so when you're trying to move people into a willing state to purchase from you, you want to create conversations where they're engaging with you.

(06:46): Why? Because when you open conversations, only then can you close them. So the question then becomes how do you open those conversations? You need to speak to what someone hates, what someone loves or who someone is. That's what I was trying to say. Okay, the next thing, Hey, let me tell you the step. Okay, I can't remember where I read this. So fact check me. I read somewhere that that's crazy. High percent of people, like 90% of people before they purchase, what's the one thing that they do before anybody makes a purchase? Like 90% 90 ish percent of people will do this before making a purchase.

(07:27): That's my drum roll. They will read a review. People do not want to do something that will make them look stupid or that will make them regret the purchase later because that's subconsciously making them look stupid, right? So they will quote unquote like test the water so to speak. They want to know who went first and what they got right. So wherever you can, you need to sprinkle social proof through the process or it's social proof through like these emails that you may be sending. Okay? So this is like social proof and then it's like a subcategory of social proof is you're not only using social proof to like make, show them that the water safe, that this is a really smart decision and that you're, I don't want to say you're an idiot for not doing this, but like that all the smart people do this, right?

(08:14): Like the best kinds of people will purchase as best kind of product. But what you're also doing with the social proof is you're getting them to see that they are like these people who purchase, right? So if you want people to willingly purchase from you, they have to believe that they are like the people that you help. Okay? They have to self identify with the people that you help. Does that make sense? Because we like and are drawn to people like ourselves. So if you want to move people along the sales process, you need to be asking yourself, am I showcasing results and and feedback from people who are like my ideal clients and am I speaking in such a way where they identify as such where they see their people, right? So just like the doctor, going back to this doctor example, let's say that say that you had that really great medical advice from that really great doctor who did a very good job of caring for you, asking you questions, getting to know you now and imagine that you're a female and you go to the female doctor or the male doctor.

(09:23): Just based on your own assumption, if you were to get that medical advice from the female doctor or the male doctor, who would you more likely resonate with? Probably the female doctor if you're a female patient. Right? So I hope this point isn't getting lost, but what I'm sharing with you is that if you want people to move along the process to purchase from you, they have to see themselves in you or at least in your clients. Okay. The final thing is there is such a thing as the familiarity effect and it's the more someone is exposed to something, the more that they will trust it. Okay. So it's not going to do anybody any good. If you think that you're going to create trust and Goodwill and the willingness for people to buy. If you show up in their email like once every six months that is going to create the opposite effect.

(10:14): They're not going to trust you. So it's really important that you create some sort of familiarity effects, some consistency where you're showing up and they get used to seeing you. Right. And know you know this, I mean aren't there times where you just see something like so much when you're finally like creates the desire within you to purchase like ah, I know I didn't quite need this but here I am because you know of a, B and C. So let me just try to recap this for you here quick as best I can. Cause I know that this is kind of a little, this is just hot in my brain right now and I'm just trying to get it out to you so you can start implementing this right away. But let's recap. Okay, so you want to build trust with your clients. What that really means is you want them to have a willingness to purchase from you.

(10:58): So the ways in which I would do this are one, make sure that you have social proof, like everywhere in anywhere that you can use the stories, melt them for what it's worth, okay? And if you don't have any social proof, man, go get some start trading your services in some capacity. Okay? The other thing is, is you've got the social proof and you're using the social proof to showcase that this is smart, that it's a safe decision, but also showing the other person that these people are like them. Other way is to speak in such a way where you're opening conversations for higher engagement and you do that through what they love hate. Or is this me? If your content can hit those three points, you'll drive engagement and hence drive purchases because you can't close what you never open. Okay. So you said social proof, the familiarity effect, the content strategy.

(11:49): Was that it? I think that's it. That's all I have for today. And maybe this is just, we've been having you for like a blog post that really moved you or it was like so incredible and you're like, wow, like this is everything that I have felt. This is everything that I have wanted to say, but I just couldn't articulate. And you just feel like you trust that person. Like that's what you need to create in your own emails that you're sending or the content that you're pushing to social media. Okay. And the only way that I know how to do that is to have deep, meaningful conversations with people. So you really need, like, this is just me heart to heart with you right now, is that you really need to take the time to be curious about your people and love them like deeply so that they're willing to share with you this insight.

(12:37): Okay. So we get so stressed out about having the right words or the right combination of words or how to say things in the right way. But what really needs to happen is you need to focus on having really honest, heartfelt conversations and people will always want to talk about what's important to them. So your job, your one job is to make sure that that environment with that person is safe enough to have those honest, heartfelt conversations. Okay? That's what I have for today. If you enjoy this episode and you thought it was amazing and good, check out my website. Hey, Shauna may.com there is an email that you can sign up for. There's coaching opportunities in a variety of resources to help you out. Okay? But after this episode, go directly to my Instagram profile at Hey, Shawna may and you can check out the post at the top that says consensual sales podcast and you can ask me any questions there or thoughts you had about today's episode and I'll answer them there directly. Okay, thanks guys.

(13:44): This is ThePodcastFactory.com.

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