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Jonathan Rivera | Results Leader.FM

Transformational Marketing with Dave Sutton

Jonathan Rivera | Results Leader.FM         Jonathan Rivera | Results Leader.FM        
Transformational Marketing with Dave Sutton           Transformational Marketing with Dave Sutton          
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    How do you transform your art into marketing?

    Both art and marketing are similar. Both tell stories.

    But marketing has a compelling strategy to engage customers to buy your stuff. When you implement a strategy, you can track its results.

    Dave Sutton, Chairman and Founder of Top Right Partners, started his company to help people transform their art and put a strategy behind it in a cost effective way.

    In this episode, he reveals how to get your story out there and give your clients a reason to care about your business.

    Show highlights include:

    • Why being uncomfortable with your status quo forces you to create new marketing campaigns (and how you can keep up with the times) (6:31)
    • The “Inc. $5,000 Budget” that turns a marketing campaign into a windfall for your business (10:49)
    • Why deploying authentic strategic ad campaigns connects you with gobs of customers (and gives them reasons to care about your business) (11:46)
    • How distinguishing between marketing and art pulled the most famous Super Bowl ad off network television (18:09)
    • Why focusing on making people successful skyrockets your sales through marketing your brand (21:48)

    If you found a golden nugget of wisdom in this episode, share it on social media with the hashtag #ResultsLeaderFM to help spread the word.

    If you loved what Dave revealed in this episode, you’ll find more of him online at https://www.toprightpartners.com, on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/marketingscientists/, on Twitter @TopRightPartner, and you can call him at 678-384-6700.

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