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Jonathan Rivera | Results Leader.FM

Finding opportunities inside obstacles with former rock-n-roll guitarist turned business coach Wayne Weathersby

Jonathan Rivera | Results Leader.FM         Jonathan Rivera | Results Leader.FM        
Finding opportunities inside obstacles with former rock-n-roll guitarist turned business coach Wayne Weathersby           Finding opportunities inside obstacles with former rock-n-roll guitarist turned business coach Wayne Weathersby          
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    Most people give up on their dreams when they meet an obstacle. But the most successful entrepreneurs actively seek out obstacles because they realize opportunity hides behind obstacles. 

    But you can’t see these opportunities when you’re neck deep in busy work that doesn’t pay your bills. That’s why it’s so important to delegate and delete all the busy work from your life. That way, you can focus on the revenue-producing activities that are filled with obstacles and opportunities. 

    In this episode, Wayne Weathersby, a former rock-n-roll guitarist turned business coach who has helped companies like Chrysler, joins me. We discuss how to get out of your head so you can take massive action that drives results and creates opportunities out of thin air. 

    Here Are The Show Highlights:

    • How reading one book doubles your revenue while cutting your workload in half (1:58) 
    • The “Rock Climbing Approach” to building businesses that keeps you mentally stimulated and injects steroids into your piggy bank (5:10) 
    • How the “Prey Drives” prevents success from draining all your motivation and drive (5:51)
    • Why endlessly crossing off to-dos drives a stake through productivity’s head (and keeps you from profit-generating activities) (7:16) 
    • How setting goals is like robbing yourself blind (and what to do instead) (19:00) 
    • Why never saying “when” makes it easier to close deals by painting an emotional picture (21:14) 

    If you’d like to learn more about how Wayne’s coaching can help you get better results, check out his website at https://frontlinecoachingllc.wordpress.com/ or follow him on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/kw_realtor_coach/.

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