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Nick Parscale | Nick The Brave

Riding bikes for kids with cancer with founder and president of Milestone Communications, Len Forkas

Nick Parscale | Nick The Brave         Nick Parscale | Nick The Brave        
Riding bikes for kids with cancer with founder and president of Milestone Communications, Len Forkas           Riding bikes for kids with cancer with founder and president of Milestone Communications, Len Forkas          
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    Speed: 50% Speed: 75% Speed: Normal Speed: 125% Speed: 150% Speed: 175% Speed: Double Speed: Triple
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    In this episode, you’ll discover… 

    • The 2-second mindset shift that immediately transforms negativity into positivity (even on your worst days) (5:37) 
    • How riding your bike can help children with cancer (and how to apply this to anything you do) (6:09) 
    • Why letting go of control is the first step towards living a more positive life (7:58) 
    • The selfish reason for helping others that makes it 100x easier (13:15)

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