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Nick Parscale | Nick The Brave

Igniting your shine w/ motivational speaker, consultant, and author Lavonna Roth

Nick Parscale | Nick The Brave         Nick Parscale | Nick The Brave        
Igniting your shine w/ motivational speaker, consultant, and author Lavonna Roth           Igniting your shine w/ motivational speaker, consultant, and author Lavonna Roth          
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    In this episode, you’ll learn… 

    • The oddball reason eating healthier puts positivity on “easy mode” (2:52)
    • The “Refine Me Method” for using your worst moments in life to fuel your strength (4:43)
    • The “7-Minute News Test” that helps you easily push negativity to the curb (9:47)
    • How oozing confidence lets you “get away” with huge failures without beating yourself up over it (12:37)

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