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Nick Parscale | Nick The Brave

In 20 Minutes Or Less with Dane & Parks

Nick Parscale | Nick The Brave         Nick Parscale | Nick The Brave        
In 20 Minutes Or Less with Dane & Parks           In 20 Minutes Or Less with Dane & Parks          
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    In this episode, you’ll learn…

    • How to turn a bad day around in 20 minutes or less (3:49)
    • The radio personality’s secret for not getting bummed out by all the bad news in the world (4:18)
    • How to control your emotions — especially when someone is being mean and negative (5:27)
    • The six-word question to ask yourself when someone is negative that prevents you from lashing out on them (5:51)
    • The trick to living a more enjoyable and fulfilling life (9:21)

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