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There are thousands of marketing agencies who’d gladly cash a check from you. The problem: Most of them don’t know what they’re doing.

They’ll plan a strategy for you, charge thousands in ad spend to your credit card—and disappear when none of it gets results.

But if you find one of the good agencies, they’ll bring you new customers and make your business a beloved brand. In this episode, Joey Gilkey from Tribe Prospecting stops by.

Joey has worked with more marketing agencies than most business owners ever will. And he’ll tell you how to separate good agencies from the bad ones.

Ready to find the right marketing agency instead of wasting your budget on amateurs? Listen now!

Show highlights include: 

  • Most agency owners are one type of person—and why that can doom cooperations from the start. (4:04)
  • What really makes an effective sales process (it’s NOT a slide deck). (8:15)
  • This “hidden in plain sight” thing will tell you more about an agency than the CEO ever could. (11:38)
  • If you read this on an agency’s website, run the other way. (15:59)
  • The case for not doing what business coaches tell you. (18:20)
  • Should you discount your products because of the crisis? (22:46)
  • A plug and play marketing strategy for golf courses in a pinch. (23:57)

If you enjoyed today’s show, make sure you head on over to www.tapsandtees.info and download your free report of ‘No BS,’ game-changing marketing tips and strategies that show you how to blow up your brand online.

Read Full Transcript

You are listening to the Taps and Tee show weekly conversations for people, passionate about marketing, golf and craft beer. Marty is the cofounder of Bad Rhino an award winning digital marketing agency helping golf and craft beer brands get real results in social media marketing. Here is your host, Marty McDonald. [00:21.7]

Marty: Hey everybody welcome back to Taps and Tees and just continuing on this series. You know for the people that listen to this regularly, as you know, this is about the third or fourth one in that series and we're talking to people in the marketing world that actually know what they're doing. If you've been listening or you follow me anywhere, any of my content, I'm big on always working with people that know what they're doing. It's easy to fall into a trap where you get, you know kind of caught up with the buzzwords, get caught up with people promising results. And I'm doing this interview series because these are the people that I hang out with, I'm in masterminds with, I consult with regularly, I break stones with them on Facebook and other things. But you just see during this series, and I'm bringing on people that know what they're doing. They are different parts of the world; they are different parts of the agency world. [01:09.4]

And today I get to introduce a great guy that I've gotten to know over the past year or so and his name is Joey Gilkey. And Joey is not only a great looking guy and a, you know, a good and smart man, he is CEO at Tribe Outbound and he's going through some changes and putting together his company and he has multiple things going on. But what's really interesting about Joey is that he really, really got dives in depth in the sales. And I think that's super important for anybody listening to this because Joey is a market leader who's been very influential in growing some of the fastest growing companies you know that hire him. You know, he's consulted with fortune 100 companies. He's helped re-build about 36 or so on the Inc. 5000 and he works with a ton of agencies. So he understands the agency mindset. He understands what we do. And it's super important to listen to some of the things that he's got to say. Because if you're going out there and you're in golf or craft beer and you're looking to hire an agency, you know, Joey's going to pinpoint some things that make agencies good and what he's seen there in the past. So like he says, you know, he can blow your shit sales shit up. So without any more words out of my mouth, Joey are you there? [02:20.1]

Joey: I am here, my friend, Marty Mac What's up?

Marty: How you doing buddy?

Joey: Good. Love the intro; I'm glad I wrote it

Marty: In addition to what I said, why don't you just give everybody just a quick overview of what you have going on and what you're doing?

Joey: Cool. Yeah, so yeah, I blow your sales shit up. I'm kidding. I wrote that as a joke. I'm glad you read it. Yeah. So Joey Gilkey, I run tribe outbound during the day, at night I run Joe Gilkey & Company, which is a new spinoff on our company. I live in the high ticket sales world, six figure seven figure even eight figure contract sizes. And so just the way we approach sales is really different. I've had the privilege of where with a lot of agencies, even a lot of obscure industries like patented nanotechnology and infused concrete companies, real sexy. But we come from the whole world of high ticket selling and I like to have incredibly polarizing opinions as well. So I'm sure we'll get into some of my polarizing opinions. But yeah, for the most part, companies hire us to go after really big deal sizes. We've also made a pivot to move more towards the consulting training helping business owners who are selling, get out of the sales process and then build a sales operation with salespeople that's running like a machine internally so they can go focus on being the CEO. That's me. Cool, the most part. [03:40.8]

Marty: Yeah, that's good stuff. So what do you see, like when you bring somebody on, let's just talk from the agency perspective.

Joey: Hmm…hmm.

Marty: You know, where are they usually lacking in sales? Is it process? Is it organization? Is it all of the things or what do you see normally?

Joey Yeah, when it comes to agencies specifically most, and if you have had the unfortunate privilege of sitting across the table from a typical agency owner, most agency owners are creative, visionary types, which has a lot of pros and also has its downsides, especially in the sales process. Most creatives don't know how to appropriately handle a sales conversation. Oh and when I say sales conversation, I don't mean the manipulative trying to get around gatekeepers and trying to manipulate into win a deal. I just mean they don't really know how to usher a prospect through a sales process that's beneficial and helpful. So what I find with agencies specifically that they're doing wrong is one, they don't know how to do outbound sales. They've entirely relied on inbound and referrals and word of mouth, which are awesome. I love those things. [04:46.3]

Those are the easiest sales to make, but they're unpredictable. You don't know when they're going to come, you don't know who they're going to come from and sometimes are unqualified, so it's hard to find your “dream clients.” The other problem that I see is that they are trying to apply a SAS sales model.

Marty: Hmm…hmm.

Joey: Which is a high volume of outreach with a low conversion rate because they just have to go after that many people and their ticket size are so low. We're trying to apply a low ticket volume product sales process to a hybrid ticket, high relationship, high touch industry like marketing agency services, which are sometimes 10 thousands, hundreds of thousands to even seven figures. And that model just doesn't work in our world. So I think those are the two big problems other than the fact that they just suck at sales usually. But yeah. [05:39.9]

Marty: No, it's funny because, you know, I think when I look at my myself and that's why I like interesting in talking with you and I think that's why, well, when I got into your materials and then interacting with you at Masterminds and other events, you know, the way approach it I think is one smart, but it also relates to me like back in the day when I started, I could do all the technical stuff, right? I mean, I still know it.

Joey: Hmm…hmm.

Marty: I still keep up to date, but for me to do it is a challenge. Right?

Joey: Yup.

Marty: So then when you get into talking with clients or you're heading up a sales initiative, you know, you do have to balance that visionary part along with the execution part.

Joey: Yes.

Marty: And tying those things together, so like when you start talking, I can understand why an agency would hire you. Then on the other side of it, like you said, is you have to lead someone through a sales process, which, you know, in a prior career I used to do all the time. And sometimes it's not just transactional, like buying a tee shirt online. It was multiple facets and it would last sometimes upwards of 90 even 120 days and could be even six months, you know, before that person. Cause I was a head Hunter, got in that seat.

Joey: Hmm…hmm. [06:52.7]

Marty: So how do you help agencies, you know, start that process? Like when you sit down with them or your team sits down with them, like what do you work out so that they understand that you have to take that potential customer through a journey?

Joey: Yup. Yeah, I’ll answer your question. So I think what I find most of the time when I come into an organization is one, they don't have a process for getting outbound leads. So they have to understand that first because if you don't have leads, then you can't have conversions. If you don't have conversions, you don't have money. And all three of those are different pieces of an equation. We actually have an inside joke about our equation, Marty, because we, I drew it on a whiteboard and once when I was doing initials for each part of the equation and part of the equation is operations. So I didn't know and essentially divide by operations and he said, Oh, so we just divide by zero. That's great. So anyways, when I, when I come into a company, there's all these facets of they have issues with the lead / pipeline, they have issues with the conversion or the clothes and they have issues with the economics, what they charge. [07:57.1]

Those three things combined are what equal growth. And I won't get into that too much. But what I find is when it comes to a sales process, one, they have nothing to find, right? They have maybe a sales asset or two, which is maybe a slide deck plus an agreement / proposal. But that's not a sales process. A sales process is what is it that you can do to build in micro yeses throughout the entire duration before acquisition. So before you acquire someone as a customer, how do you build in micro yeses to the, to the relationship? Cause the other day we're trying to build a relationship.

Marty: Hmm…hmm.

Joey: And relationships are built on trust and authority and you can't have trust and authority if you don't provide value.

Marty: Right.

Joey: So how do we build out a, a process where we are staying in front of our prospects or our leads that provides value, that builds trust and authority, that creates a relationship that ultimately leads to a deal, right? [08:52.7]

And so sometimes it says it's as simple at first as helping them document and create a CRM that has a documented touch point process and having them what we call bucket leads. So we have a process called bucketing where it's essentially we bucket leads who are not customers yet into four different buckets. And so it's really easy to understand. It comes down to being consistent. So back to the original question you asked about what's big issues that we see with agencies and agency owners is they're inconsistent. And what happens is they'll go out and do some sales because they need the money.

Marty: Hmm…hmm.

Joey: To pay for their own bread and they land a big deal. And then they get focused on delivering and they let the pipeline dry up because they're focused on delivery. And then something happens where they have to go, go sell again, but the pipeline has dropped. That's a start over again.

Marty: Yeah.

Joey: So we create a process that allows them to consistently and manageably, so it's not overwhelming stay in front of people consistently, even if they have to go into delivery.

Marty: Yeah.

Joey: So that's a long winded way of saying it comes down to building out a documented process. [10:01.9]

Marty: Right. So, no, that's perfect. And you know, if you're listening to this and you know most of you on here own a craft brewery or involved in craft beer or you know, are in golf and either you know, you're teaching professional or you own a course or you have multiple courses or you're selling some sort of you know golf products, how this relates to you? When what Joey is explaining here is a lot of agencies, and I hear this from current clients as well as potential future clients where they're upset with their agency.

Joey: Hmm.

Marty: And the most part it happens at the beginning of the sales process because many agencies will go in there and they have a sense of urgency and it shows through on their sales process and they build expectation and excitement in their prospect. When you slowdown that sales process and you create a relationship first, like we do a Bad Rhino and you start to really pull apart some of the pieces that they might need or they don't need or they have problems with or whatever the case might be, you start to not only get to those yes points and that's not just a sales term, that's just creating a relationship where you agree and you can label it whatever you want. [11:14.4]

But what you need to think about is that if you're going to hire an agency, listen to their sales process, because most of the time it's going to portray how the project starts. The retainer starts, whatever you want to call it and how they're actually going to perform.

Joey: That’s true.

Marty: And that's why I want to have Joey on today because it gets a little technical and we'll get off that in a few seconds here. But the big part of this is if you're going to hire an agency, make sure that you look at the process. Because many times I get a golf client or craft beer client and they're gun shy about working with Bad Rhino or me as a consultant because they've been burned in the past. And when I unpack who they hired or what happened, most of the time they were just sold a bill of goods and then that client or that agency couldn't deliver for that client. And most of the time it happens in a sales process and I think there's a professional way to do everything and this is a good thing and it can help you actually select that agency from the get go. So yeah, with this Joey, like how did you start this and when did you get into this? [12:16.7]

Joey: Yeah, so this kind of accident, actually I want to facilitate what you just said. Something could actually bolsters your, your point. I think there's three things when you're actually vetting an agency. Well you should be looking for is one, are they niched down, I don’t mean that they have to specialize only in your industry, but do they have case studies, a lot of case studies on your industry. [12:39.7]

They know the nuances of your industry. So one is niche too. Like you said, it's process. Do they have their shit together? And then three, are they thinking about the future? Right? We call it kind of bridge selling. So it's, it's, you're currently here and you want to get there. So here's your current state, here's your future state. There's a, they have to help you build that bridge to your future state. Can they portray that? So I just wanted to add that, cause I think it bolsters, bolsters at that point you're making. [13:06.7]

Marty: Oh great point, yeah.

Joey: But how did I get into this? So how do I get into this? It was kind of by accident. I've always been in high ticket selling. So I was in selling into fortune 1000 companies. It services right out of the gate and I got into a Biz Dev manager job there. I ended up getting poached and working for a risk management consulting firm, real sexy, running Biz Dev there. And then ended up getting poached again to be a VP of sales for a marketing agency. That's kind of where my journey started, where I started falling in love with the agency world. And next thing, one thing led to another. I ended up leaving that agency after we grew it substantially and saw how much money I was making the agency owner, I was like, Oh, I'm going to go start an agency. So I went out and I set out to start an agency that was built in like Facebook sales funnels for SAS companies. And what I learned was I can sell really good, no, I can get into the accounts I want to get into. I hate delivering the marketing agency services.

Marty: Right. [14:08.3]

Joey: So I got into a Mastermind, the mastermind that Marty has actually mentioned where we met, which is through a buddy of ours, Jason.

And I got to run a bunch of, this is three or four years ago, got around other agency owners cause at the time I was an agency and realized that what I was really good at, they were really bad at and what they were really good at I was really bad ass. I was like, well, let me just see if I can help. Some of my buddies in this group sell better. And so I, it kind of tested the waters. It went swimmingly well. And then I just thought, well I think I found a pain point that no one else has really knowing how to solve. So let me create a business around it. And then next thing you know, the brand started growing. It started taking off. I think for me it was kind of back to the, you know, the points we were making about, having a niche, I found my niche, I found the people that I specialized in, found the people that I love to serve, people that I want to be friends with my clients. [14:59.1]

And that's why Marty and I are friends, I love agency owners. I love; they're a little more visionary and creative and not so buttoned up. And so for me it just kind of happened on accident where I just solve a problem. I found myself in the right place, had the right solution to a particular pain point that everyone was feeling. And it just kind of took off from there. What's funny was I was agencies for a long time and then I got away from that over the past eight months or so.

Marty: Hmm.

Joey: And I missed it. And then I realized the impact I was having in that space. And so now we're back in it like full balls to the wall going back after agencies because those are our people. I think you have to really love who you serve.

Marty: Sure. No, that's a great point. What do you like in the marketing industry and you know, what do you dislike that you see from agency owners? And I know you have a process, like you're not going to take any client, which I think is good.

Joey: Hmm.

Marty: But what do you dislike about that marketing agency world?

Joey: Yeah.

Marty: Or what do you find the flaws in there that you see? [15:57.0]

Joey: Yeah, there's two things I really don't like. One is we do all things for all people.

Marty: Hmm…hmm.

Joey: I just really don't like generalist agencies because it just means when they say we do all things for all people, they would never actually say that. But when they come across as we're a full service agency for any type of businesses, kind of what they call themselves.

Marty: Yeah.

Joey: Or like we do full service for B2B. Well that's pretty broad. Attack the world. What it essentially means is we specialize in nothing

Marty: Hmm.

Joey: And so I think that's one thing is that I hate about this industry is they feel like. They are missing out on opportunity if they narrow and it's actually quite the opposite. You can go much deeper when you get narrow.

Hey, if you're enjoying what you're hearing on the show and want more, head on over to TapsandTees.info and get our free report with game changing tips and strategies straight to your inbox. Just enter your info and stop being stuck with no marketing plan. [16:47.8]

Joey: The second thing is this obsession that we have with productizing our service.

Marty: Hmm.

Joey: There's nothing wrong with, with trading systems and processes and using technology to make yourself more efficient, but I think we've fallen in love with, those books out there like E-Myth and Built to Sell, which have really, really good principles in them. But I think sometimes our application of those principles, those books are all about like systematizing and process, creating a process driven company that removes you from the service essentially. Which sounds sexy, but in the world of really high ticket sales where people are trusting you with a lot of their money to deliver results and do really high quality work, it's hard to do high quality work when you're not doing custom tailored work. In my opinion, I think the productize agencies are the ones that you will see. Right now we're in the time of coronavirus, not to date this too much, but we're going to see a lot of productize industries or agencies specifically go under.

Marty: Yup.

Joey: Because they don't provide enough value. [17:45.9]

Marty: Yeah, I was just about to say that and talk about; you know in, you know, we're at the end of April here in 2020 recording this. So we're in the middle quarantine and I was just about to ask that question, but I agree with you. I will say this. So going through Jason's stuff and he was hammering me.

Joey: Hmm.

Marty: As well as another business coach starting close to six years ago. Bad Rhino has been in business for 10 and they're like, you know, you need to niche down, you need to niche down, you need to do this.

Joey: Hmm.

Marty: And I did.

Joey: Yup.

Marty: So beer, craft, beer, golf and a couple of others that we have pretty solid inroads in. But it will tell you this during coded here, being a generalist to a certain degree, not, we don't productize anything, but being a generalist has actually been beneficial to the agency. [18:33.2]

Joey: Yeah.

Marty: And what I mean by that is we don't take on anybody. Like I had a client, a potential client even right at the beginning of this, which kind of makes everything, you know, lead comes in during a crazy time and you get excited. But when I was talking to them, I referred them to a friend, I was like, ah, we're not the agency for you. I mean we could do it, but they have better in depth knowledge of your industry.

Joey: Yup.

Marty: And then there's some others that come through, like we just signed a mass company that's been around for 12 years and the reason they went with us was that we'd been around for a while and we also knew how we could customize a solution for them.

Joey: Yup.

Marty: So I think you're a hundred percent spot on. You're going to see a lot of people drop off, and then you're also going to see some agencies, you know, expand a little bit. [19:21.9]

Joey: Yep.

Marty: To kind of take on some new things. But what else have you been seeing and what have you had to do in this time to keep your business rolling in the right direction?

Joey: Yeah, I think that this is a phenomenal opportunity for agencies in one way, if they're willing to put in the work to go get it. But one thing that, that I have found and Marty we’ve talked about this, in our open office, happy hours that we do for our company, was that larger companies are downsizing their market, their marketing departments, but they don't want to throw marketing out entirely. So they're bringing, it's an opportunity for third party companies that might minimize a little bit of their overhead.

Marty: Hmm…hmm.

Joey: But still drive results. It's an opportunity for these agencies to go upstream and go after bigger deals because these bigger companies are laying off a lot of people that are fixed income just sitting at home, our fixed overhead for them and now they have an opportunity to go in and find an agency who's got a bunch of specialists at a fraction of the cost. [20:17.3]

So that's an opportunity I'm seeing and I actually don't disagree with you. Right now I think a lot of the rules don't apply to like normal life versus corona virus time. I think right now being a generalist does have a lot of benefits and it's helped me think through our offers and stuff as well. We've definitely pivoted quite a bit. So a lot, we've lost a ton of revenue and a lot of it is because we have, we're a big line items.

Marty: Hmm…hmm.

Joey: So when companies hire us to do like the done for you sales, so will hire us to actually go hunt for deals. We cost typically minimum 15-20,000 a month.

Marty: Right.

Joey: So it's a large, you know, it's a large line item that when their customers aren't actively buying, then our customers who we sell for are essentially looking at their line item and saying, well there's a lot of money going out and not a whole lot coming in right now. [21:10.1]

And so we get paused or get canceled. So I think, well the problem with us is we talk a lot about going upstream and whale hunting for the big deals and go after your dream clients to an extent that that's, that's what you should be doing is, is having, trying to have less clients and charging more. But I think what I didn't do well was I didn't facilitate with really high margin training consultant. I think coaching type of stuff, which I knew I could have been doing. I was just looking at the big numbers of some of these bigger deals and it was making my life a lot easier while in times like now, and I've lost some of those, I'd imagine losing a $300,000 client.

Marty:: Yeah.

Joey: Or six of them. [21:45.3]

Marty: Hmm…hmm, yeah.

Joey: In three weeks, you know what that does for your bottom line. I wasn't doing some of the things to facilitate. So we’ve pivoted, we're now gonna get a lot more select. We're going to get more selective with those clients. So we're still going to take those on. We're still gonna only have a few of them. We're still gonna charge a shit ton of money for it. But we're also now really focusing on this side of the business, which is more of the training, consulting and coaching, helping business owners remove themselves from sales and build out an internal sales operation.

Marty: Yeah, I think you know, I think that's a great point. And it's always weird doing interviews when you have a crazy environment that you can't control. Right. Cause and it's also fun too because it pushes everybody out of their element. You know? I have a most of our craft breweries that we have, obviously you're on pause. I mean they, it's a crazy time, but I think the best conversation I had that kind of relates to this and then I did a webinar for the PGA section here in Philadelphia last week. [22:42.0]

Joey: Hmm…hmm.

Marty: And the tons of questions that came in off of that, was you know, what about discounting, right?

Joey: Yes.

Marty: So we'll take craft beer on the first. I mean one of our clients had their taproom their one location does close to a hundred thousand dollars a week on average. I mean they have peaks and valleys but on average and whenever they do like different can releases and stuff like that, that's a huge thing to just come to a halt. Like they're making plans.

Joey: Yup.

Marty: Six months down the road, a year down the road based off of that revenue and projections and things like that. Well that just stopped like that, just like, like a screeching car came to a halt. So that's like a whole game changer. And they're also talking about like when things come out of this, you know, craft beer, you know, a $6 plane, you know, and I know what goes into that.

Joey: Hmm…hmm.

Marty: You know, so I'm not saying that you have to discount it, but people are going to be looking for that type of thing cause they have to cut costs in the short term at a minimum.

Joey: Yeah. [23:39.9]

Marty: Right? And then you go from there and then the golf world is like the same thing. It's like well when it comes back, what do we do? Do we make offers? I'm not big on discounts and I never have been as a sales technique, but you can build value into that. And you know, I told you know the golf courses and the them, you know, I was like try and do like a 12 rounds and you can buy 12 rounds. Say it's a hundred bucks a round. So you get that, put that on a gift card, but give them like 200 additional on that card.

Joey: Yeah.

Marty: So say, Hey look, you can use that 200 for rounds, you can use it in the pro shop, whatever. But you're given a value there, but you're also booking 12 rounds, which is going to be most important to you. So you have to figure out, it may not be 200 on, there may be an extra hundred, maybe, you know, maybe an extra 500 for some courses. But you need to entice them to get back in because you just have to change that philosophy. And in craft beer side, I see them discounting some things on short term, like they're creating different brand or beer names in their brand. And it's fun to a certain degree. I mean, none of this is fun, but it's fun in an interesting way cause you have to get creative and that's how you survive, you know, crisis like this. [24:48.5]
Joey: Yep.

Marty: So moving out of that you know, what's the best place you've ever been? Travel wise like where have you gone and just..

Joey: Ahhhhhh.

Marty: And it was like, blew your brain, you know, blew your mind.

Joey: Croatia. The Dalmatian coast in Croatia. I, it is, dude, it's unbelievable. It is the most unbelievable place in the world.

Marty: I remember you telling me about that. Yeah

Joey: Yeah.

Marty: What makes it so unbelievable for you?

Joey: Well I've been to some really cool places. You know, I love going up North to Montana and going to British Columbia and then going to Banff and all that stuff's awesome and it's almost like all inspiring. But when you go to Croatia, there's just something about a couple of things. One, the people there are the nicest people of all time. They're so nice, like weirdly nice. The food's incredible. I was able to eat pizza and usually like in the States, if I like look at a pizza, my ass jiggles. And I just start putting on weight instantly. But in Croatia it's something and about what whatever they use for their, you know, their dough. Maybe it's just not the genetically modified wheat we have here. I just didn't get bloated and all that kind of stuff. So I could eat pizza like day pizza and pasta. [25:54.3]

Marty: Hmm…hmm.

Joey: It's right across from Italy. So it has a lot of Italian inspiration and it's, it's this, it's got a thousand islands off the coast of Croatia. It's called the Dalmatian coast. It's got spotted with islands. You get this Mediterranean climate, with perfect weather. I mean, it was when we were there, it was like 71 degrees and sunny every day for 16 days straight.

Marty: Nice.

Joey: And so it has great wine, great food, super nice people. And it's just beautiful. The waters, this crazy teal and turquoise and yeah, it's hard to be.

Marty: Yeah, that's pretty cool. I mean I know when I used to travel back and forth from Europe for work; the first thing I noticed was how different the beer and the food tasted.

Joey: Yeah.

Marty: And then I was sitting at a bar. I know, imagine that and I was talking to the bartender cause I had this Carlsberg beer and was just outside of Amsterdam. [26:44.7]

I've had Carlsberg before in the States. And I was like why is this taste so good? And the bartender just goes, he's like, cause we don't put all the crap in it that you Americans put in your shit. And I started laughing and you quickly realize a lot of that. And I remember eating and drinking over there versus here and it made me change. I mean that was 10-11 years ago when I was doing that regularly. And it made me change my eating habits in the US like I shop a lot at farmer's markets.

Joey: Yup.

Marty: And really seek different things out because of that. So that's interesting.

Joey: It's also super cheap over there. It's like.

Marty: Yeah.

Joey: In places like France and stuff and Switzerland are very expensive, but tuition was so cheap and you get a full meal with a glass of wine and bread and a dessert for like 11 bucks total. [27:31.9]

Marty: Nice.

Joey: It's stupid.

Marty: So as far as that, like since this is a beer and golf podcasts you drink beer?

Joey: Yup.

Marty: I know you're a Bourbon guy. Whiskey guy.

Joey: Yeah, I collect bourbon but I love beer. I've so since quarantined I, I probably drink every day, which maybe I should admit to that.

Marty: Its okay.

Joey: But I've been going home and just cracking open a cold one. You'd be ashamed of some of the things I've been cracking open lately cause I can't go to the stores, but I'm, yeah, I'm a huge beer guy. I love IPAs. I like darker like porters as well.

Marty: Cool. What's been your favorite beer that you've ever had? The craft beer, not a Miller light.
Joey: Oooh…uh…Yeah. Let's see. There's there's a local brewery here in Knoxville that has, it's called it's called The Big Bastard. So the brewery is called Crafty Bastard Brewing. [28:20.0]

Marty: Hmm.

Joey: They make some crazy eclectic beers. But Aaron, the head brewer there is he's just super creative, he’s travel all over the world and he has a, he has two really good beers. I love IPAs. And the big bastard has double IPA, super smooth. It's like 10.5%. And it's, I mean it's super good. It's like some Tangerine and it's really tasty. And then I'm a big, I do like a solid Porter. So there's a peanut butter chocolate Porter out of California from a brewery called Belching Beaver.

Marty: Hmm…hmm.

Joey: That's just, it's super good man. It's like drinking a milkshake.

Marty: There you go. Now I know all your athletic, you know, days and awards and all that fun stuff are over, but you play golf at all or? [29:09.5]

Joey: I try to golf, you know, I think that.

Marty: It's the best way to put it, I try.

Joey: I try to golf.

Marty: Me too. I've been trying for like 33 years or so.

Joey: It's so hard, man. So for me, I'm super competitive and like hopefully not an arrogant way, but I've, I've always been able to pick up a sport and be pretty good at, like I played division one football, I got division one baseball offers, I got drafted in the MLB, like all those things. I'm good at sports, but for some reason with golf it's a very humbling sport for me.

Marty: Hmm…hmm.

Joey: I can hit the shit out of it, it can go far. I just have no idea where it's going to land.

Marty: Right.

Joey: That's for most people. And then my short game is fairly atrocious, but I try to play, I'm like an upper nineties kind of guy.

Marty: Wicked.

Joey: That's about as good as I can get.

Marty: We can be good on the partner if you can, you can crush the ball. I'm in. My short game is pretty solid. If we can get it to go straight, we'd be pretty good because off the tee I'm, I'm steady but I'm not

Joey: You’re not a long ball.

Marty: I'm not a long ball off the tee [30:07.3]

Joey: My dad..

Marty: I could crush the ball when I was young. Like I could hit the ball farther when I was 16 then I can now, and I have way better mechanics, but it's just youth and being able to spring your body and just rip it, you know.

Joey: Yup, yup.

Marty: So I always, I always joke around but it's true being around and going to so many tournaments I've gotten to play with so many former NFL players and baseball players as well and hockey players and they all tell me is like they had to retrain their body for golf and once they did like all their natural athleticism and other stuff.

Joey: Yup.

Marty: That they built over the years came out, so it’s always fascinating.

Joey: My dad.

Marty: To talk about that. [30:44.7]

Joey: My dad played minor league baseball in the New York Mets organization before he blew out his knees. And so he's, I mean he could hit bombs in baseball and then he kind of pivoted over to playing golf and he wins like every long drive competition. He plays a lot. So he works for Home Depot corporate. They always throw events and you know, they take a lot of their customers to things and all these tournaments and every time there's a long drive, my dad comes on with some sort of award cause he just has that like that like high speed torque. [31:11.3]

Marty: Yup.

Joey: That you get from playing baseball, if he's just adjusted to golf. I'm telling you, that dude hits like consistently, like 330, 350 and

Marty: I could believe it.

Joey: And just smashes it.

Marty: I played with a couple more than a couple former hockey players and we won the long drive in the one time and I think it was 378 was his drive.

Joey: sheesh!

Marty: And he uncorked it like, like he's like, alright, so this is long drive hole. And I'm like, yep. And he was just like; I'll just let this one go for you guys. We'll see if it lands in the fairway. If not, he's like; I might win the long drive. And he had to cut a corner to take like a, a different tack to it. And he's like, I think I can put it right over there. And I'm like, dude, that's a poke. Like, I mean we're talking like it was probably about 310 to clear where he had to go and he just obliterated this ball and sure enough man, like we walked up there and we moved that stick and put the long drive right there. I mean it's crazy, you can’t do that.

Joey: There's just something beautiful about watching people who can do that. I mean like when I, I love going and watching, like I used to go to the masters every year. [32:12.0]

Marty: Hmm…hmm.

Joey: When I was younger and just watching Tiger's body move the way it moves.

Marty: Sure.

Joey: And like the amount of, it's just so fluid but there's, you can tell there's just so much power that he winds up, how that ball comes off the tee is just, it's incredible to watch. It's a, it's an, it's an art [32:29.5]

Marty: Hmm…hmm, yeah.

Joey: So watching those guys that can smack it around, it's pretty cool.

Marty: I played with, last thing I'll say about this. I play with one former major league baseball player and he was really good, but he would actually miss the ball.

Joey: Hmm…hmm.

Marty: And one of the guys in the car, it was after a few beers and he was like, dude, he's like, you could hit like a 98 mile fast ball that was moving. And he was like; you can't hit a ball that's sitting on the ground. He started laughing. He's like, I know, he's like, it's in my head. And then he got, he was a mess the rest of the round we were on like the 12th hole and he was carrying us in terms of distance and everything. Now my buddy like makes this whole thing got in his head. I won't tell you who it is, but you would know him. And I was just cracking up the entire time. I'm like, you gotta be just like, like this is insane because. [33:11.4]

Joey: It's such a mental game.

Marty: I've seen this person perform like on TV, you know? And it was just like, Oh my gosh. But it was a good time. Anyway, Joey where can people find you online?

Joey: I'm most active on LinkedIn. And so obviously craft beer and golf market may not be as active on LinkedIn. If you want to find out more about us and what we do just type in Joey Gilkey usually on Google, our websites will show up. That sounds really arrogant and pretentious. Never mind. Just go to our website joeygilkey.com

Marty: No, it does work. I mean, I think in this day and age, I mean, I tell everybody that you need to be able to do that. Like if you're a craft brewery, I need to be able to put your name in and find your location and you know, it's not arrogant for a person to do it, my opinion.

Joey: Okay.

Marty: It's just the way the world is. So I appreciate your time buddy. And I hope this is helpful for everybody. I'm recording these just to show you different people, if you got to the tail end of this; different people that can just kind of shed some light on, you know, selecting an agency and what they do. So I hope it was helpful and we'll see you on the next one, which will be real soon. Thanks everybody. [34:12.0]

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