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Mike Fallat | Inner Circle Podcast

#14 - Own Your Life

Mike Fallat | Inner Circle Podcast         Mike Fallat | Inner Circle Podcast        
#14 - Own Your Life           #14 - Own Your Life          
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    Many people think the American dream is dead. But it’s more alive than ever. And it’s easier than ever to obtain. 

    Unlocking the American dream starts with owning your life. Not slaving away your time, money, and resources for another person. 

    When you realize you’re the only person responsible for your life, it opens the door to true, unparalleled freedom.

    In this episode, you’ll discover how writing and using the 3 C’s formula unlocks this freedom in your life. And makes you a lot wealthier and happier in the process. 

    Listen to the episode now and own your life. 

    Show highlights include:

    • The “3 C’s Formula” for owning your life, experiencing true freedom, and making boatloads of cashola (1:44) 
    • How writing about your childhood helps you “tap into” success superpowers you didn’t realize you had (2:20) 
    • The “Clarity” secret that gives you an unfair advantage in business (6:15) 
    • How to stack up small wins in your life today which fast tracks your first million (7:24) 
    • The counterintuitive way to build a circle full of successful winners by repelling them (11:40) 
    • Why owning your life is the easiest and most effective way to behead your deepest, darkest fears about our country (20:05) 
    • How hitting rock bottom is the greatest thing that can happen for your business, relationships, and life (22:23) 

    You’re only as strong as your circle. Want to surround yourself with other patriot entrepreneurs like yourself? Then join my Inner Circle at https://www.mikesinnercircle.com/.

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