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Mark Evans | Making Of A DM

EP 57: How to Turn Your Liabilities Into An Assets, This Is A Different Way

Mark Evans | Making Of A DM         Mark Evans | Making Of A DM        
EP 57: How to Turn Your Liabilities Into An Assets, This Is A Different Way           EP 57: How to Turn Your Liabilities Into An Assets, This Is A Different Way          
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    What if I told you that you can get other people to pay for everything you’ve ever dreamed about? 

    You probably wouldn’t believe me. But I’ve done this to rent yachts, private jets, and even own a 60,000 square foot mansion — without paying a cent out of my own pockets. And I’ve even made money from these “liabilities” by transforming them into “assets.” 

    In this episode, I’m revealing the single most profitable mindset shift you can have — so you can live your dream life and get others to pay it for it. 

    Here Are The Show Highlights:

    • How to get others to foot the bill for anything you dream about having (2:18) 
    • Why renting a yacht is one of the most profitable investments you can make for yourself and others (2:39) 
    • The billion dollar mindset shift that can help you afford a mansion this week (even if you only have a fraction of its cost in your bank account) (5:57) 
    • Why the gap between multi-millionaires and you is only 6 inches (7:25) 
    • How to live in a 60,000 square foot mansion for free (and even make money while living there) (11:37) 
    • Why living within your own bank account slowly bankrupts you (and how to live in an endless amount of other peoples’ bank accounts) (14:18) 
    • How injecting fun into your events lets you charge at least 10x more (28:02) 
    • The Beatles’ “Write A Swimming Pool Method” that’s made them millions of dollars (and how to do this in your life) (31:13) 

    Did you enjoy this episode? Let me know by leaving a 5-star review. Then send me a DM on Instagram @MarkEvansDM letting me know you left a 5-star review and I might send you a pretty cool gift. 

    If you want exclusive content and the first chance to grab my new book Magicians vs Mules when it releases, head over to https://markevansdm.com/ and sign up for updates. 

    For cool gifts, gear, and a chance to enter a giveaway I’m having, head over to https://magicianvsmule.com/ and enter your email address.

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