“I can't chase the shiny things. I have to be serious and do the stuff that matters in my business so…” – Darin Persinger
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Numbers never Lie:
3.8 million: The CEO of BuyOwner.com just listed his six thousand square foot mansion with a Coldwell Banker agent for $3.8 million dollars.
Main Topic:
Why Are You In Real Estate Sales?
2 questions to ask yourself:
1. Ask yourself why you’re in real estate? more than just the paycheck?
2. Figure out whether its a mean to an end? or end to a mean?
Show sponsor:
The 5 Levels Of Success For A Real Estate Agent http://makingagentsrich.com/5levelsbook/
Links and other stuff mentioned in this show:
BuyOwner.com CEO hires a Realtor http://www.heraldtribune.com/article/20140515/ARTICLE/305159993