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Darin Persinger

MAR125: Good debt vs Bad debt

Darin Persinger         Darin Persinger        
MAR125: Good debt vs Bad debt           MAR125: Good debt vs Bad debt          
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    money-making-agents-rich“So I just think debt is the biggest hurdle, the biggest roadblock that you are going to have to truly becoming rich.” – Darin Persinger

    Click here to download the transcript of this show MAR-125_transcript


    Numbers never Lie:
    15: Dave Ramsey says pay cash for a house or worse case scenario do a 15 year mortgage

    Main Topic:
    Debt In Business And Life
    Good Debt vs. Bad Debt

    Show sponsor:
    Find out how you can get more listings every month without cold calling or door knocking at http://SellerGetter.com

    Links and other stuff mentioned in this show:
    1. A look into the Millionaire Real Estate Agent Mind  Millionaire Real Estate Agent
    2. How to increase your real estate agent income  Increase your income
    3. The three stages of financial freedom  Financial Freedom
    4. Rental America: Why the poor pay $4,150 for a $1,500 sofa  http://goo.gl/bX8d8u
    5. Is student loan debt hurting the housing recovery?  http://goo.gl/MR7UyK

    Have a podcast in 30 days

    Without headaches or hassles


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