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Numbers never Lie:
50 Learn how to track your time in Making Agents Rich #50
Main Topic:
Rich Habits 6: Less is more
Book excerpt: Successful people avoid excesses, wild emotional swings, addictions, obsessions, binging, starvation, extravagances, and fanatical behaviour.
Three tips:
1. You have to know your priorities
2. SCRIPT: I want to be _____ in the moment when _____
3. Moderation = Balance
Show sponsor:
The Rich Habits book gives you the daily success habits of wealthy individuals. In it you’ll find out how the rich get so rich
Links and other stuff mentioned in this show:
1. How To Track Your Time As Realtor, Self Employed or Business Owner Time Tracking
2. The four agreements you need to make right now 4Agreements
3. Rich Habits 1: Forming good daily habits RH1-Habits
4. Rich Habits 2: Setting Goals RH2-Goals
5. Rich Habits 3: Daily self improvement RH3-Improvement
6. Rich Habits 4: Being healthy RH4-Health
7. Rich Habits 5: Building better relationships RH5-Relationships