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Katie Danger | The Everyday Athlete Podcast

Episode #52: Top 3 Ways To Build Massive Muscle

Katie Danger | The Everyday Athlete Podcast         Katie Danger | The Everyday Athlete Podcast        
Episode #52: Top 3 Ways To Build Massive Muscle           Episode #52: Top 3 Ways To Build Massive Muscle          
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    Show highlights include:

    • Arnold Schwarzenegger’s secret for transforming his body into a chiseled sculpture (3:58) 
    • The most overlooked, yet important part of your workout routine that builds hard, strong, and aesthetically pleasing muscles (6:04) 
    • The magic number of reps you need to do according to the science of hypertrophy (7:04) 
    • Why lifting until failure can actually make you weaker (and what to do instead) (7:43) 
    • The “50:60 Training Method” for weight lifting that builds massive muscle at breakneck speed (9:55) 

    If you’d like to try the “50:60 Training Method,” you can grab a free copy at http://the5060method.com

    And a special gift for you — if you’d like a free $25 gift card to http://redhnutrition.com/, email me at katie@coachkatiedanger.com letting me know you listened to episode 52 and I’ll send it over. 

    If you’re interested in taking supplements, but don’t know where to start, head over to https://coachkatiedanger.com/ and get my free guide covering the top 10 best supplements or check out my 81-page intermittent fasting ebook. 

    One of the most underrated ways to train your body is with bodyweight movements. That’s why I created the Bodyweight Muscles Training Program. You can have great workouts without needing a barbell or a gym membership. You can grab your free copy of the program over at http://bodyweightmuscles.com

    If you’re looking for a leg day workout plan that is perfect for beginners and those with bad knees, go http://LegDayWorkout.com to get your free workouts. . 

    If you’d like to try any of the supplements mentioned in this show, head over to https://RedHNutrition.com to find them. And you can save 30% with the coupon code CoachKatieDanger at checkout! 

    Or if you need help creating a supplement program, send me an email at  Katie@CoachKatieDanger.com and I’ll be happy to help you. 

    If you’d like to join a group of Everyday Athletes like yourself, join our Facebook Group Everyday Athletes Worldwide

    And make sure to follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/coachkatiedanger/.

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