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These days, attention spans get shorter and shorter. Fewer people take the time to read blog articles. Instead, they’re scrolling through Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.

If you want to reach anyone with your marketing, you have to target them where they are. One of the best (and free) ways of doing that is by creating engaging videos. Written content might generate patient appointments. But video can have a much greater impact.

If you can show prospects a patient walking out of your practice beaming after your finally solved their chronic pain—that’s what really makes an impact.

In this episode, you’ll find out about the best ways to use video marketing for your practice. Listen now if you’re ready to stand out and do marketing that fills your practice with patients.

Show highlights include:

  • Forget about becoming mainstream famous or getting millions of followers. Here is the one skill you need to become THE chiropractor in your area. (6:16)
  • How long your videos need to be on different platforms–do this wrong and your target market might completely ignore you. (7:45)
  • Why you don’t need to create tons of videos to market on many platforms. (11:03)
  • How “parasocial interaction” breaks down prospect’s doubts before they ever speak a word with you. (14:14)

Check out the MPI virtual summit here: bit.ly/mpivirtualsummit

Read Full Transcript

Hey, chiropractors. We're ready for another Modern Chiropractic Marketing Show with Dr. Kevin Christie, where we discuss the latest in marketing strategies, contact marketing, direct response marketing, and business development with some of the leading experts in the industry.

Kevin: Alright. Welcome to another episode of The Modern Chiropractic Marketing Show. This is your host, who is under the weather, Dr. Kevin Christie. Today, I'm recording this. I'm on deadline to get this done so I actually get it out on the Thursday that it's due. I try to practice what I preach, which is consistency, and our podcast comes out every Thursday, rain or shine, and I have a deadline to get the episode done before certain Thursdays come out, and this is that. Obviously, you can tell in my voice I'm not feeling so great, but got to get it done, which reminds me of kind of a common issue with - you know - content marketing in general or just life in general - entrepreneur, business and that is sometimes you have to just suck it up and get it done. [0:01:07.8]

I always try to reference, in my brain, the book The War of Art by Steven Pressfield, and he talks about the resistances we have when creating and every time I try to procrastinate or give an excuse for skipping a deadline, I really try to reference that. It's a good book. It's an easy read. It's an Audible book too, so I think that's how I consumed it. So check that out if you struggle with getting that video shot, writing that blog, putting that Facebook post up, sending out that email, doing your notes. Al Things like that. Writing that narrative, whatever it needs to be - think of that book. Read that book. Get some good clarity on what resistance is and how we face that as creators and you are a creator. Even if you're not doing a ton of marketing, you're creating a business. You're creating a practice. You're creating an experience and you know, just an environment for people to get better and get treated by you. So check that book out. It's a really good book. That's not what we're going to be talking about today, in general, but I just wanted to come out of the gates and give you an honest moment of where I really didn't want to have to record this podcast today, but I got good information for you. [0:02:20.2]

This is going to be kind of the wrap-up episode, solo episode of video. We'll have more episodes on video in the future, I'm sure, but we definitely went on a run recently of video because yes, as much as you may not like it, it is probably the best way of getting your message out there. So, I highly recommend the video side of things, so check those podcasts out. I've had someone on - I had Luke on about YouTube, so it's, you know, video with YouTube. I recently had Dr. Mike from MoveU, who is obviously killing it on video and using Instagram as the platform. We have had people come out and talk about video essentials as far as doubling up your energy and things of that nature. So we're just going to kind of, you know, put a bow on it and tie it up and go from there. [0:03:10.0]

So, before I do that, I do want to make sure that you are aware that we have the CSA Retreat and the early bird pricing is going to end November 1st, so that's coming up. We have different pricing for CSA members and we have pricing for non CSA members. If you're a non CSA member, you're more than welcome to attend, and we hope you do. We are capping this at 40 and this isn't until December and we're already halfway there and the early bird hasn’t ended yet. So that's going to be December 14th and 15th down in Palm Beach County - Palm Beach, Florida - Del Ray Beach, to be exact. We have got a lot of fun things planned with a ton of education. We have Dr. Jeffery Langmaid coming to speak to you. We have John Morrison speaking to you. I'll be presenting. Bobby Maybee will be presenting. So we have got a lot of good stuff in store for you. So check that out at the bit.ly link here, bit.ly/CSAPalmBeachRetreat and you can sign up for that. I wouldn’t wait. We are capping it for sure because we have a hard number that we can fit into our intimate conference room at the hotel and there is some room blocks there as well. All the information is at that landing page. You can find everything you'd want to there. So check that out. Alright, cool. Let's get into it. [0:04:23.6]

You know, video is something that I think a lot of people struggle with, but if you can do it and work on it, I highly recommend making this a really good part of your marketing strategy. What I recommend people do now, when I'm talking to some of the clients that I coach, is shoot the video, double up your energy, shoot it but don’t send it out into the interwebs yet and just watch it yourself. I know it can be weird. I mean, it was weird when I started watching myself and listening to myself on the podcast when I review the shows, but you'll get over that. But honestly, look at it, watch it and see - is this effective? I mean, is the message good? Is the content good? Is my energy level good? Is the lighting? Can I hear it well? Is this a piece of content that I would watch? That I would find interesting. [0:05:16.7]

And so just shoot it. Shoot maybe a few. Get good at it. Watch it. Critique yourself and see where you can improve. I've done that consistently for myself and I'm still a work a progress, but I still go at it. But check out your different hand gestures and your energy and your use of crutch words. I know that's a struggle for me - podcast, public speaking, whatever it may be - is you'll just tend to get onto crutch words. It is okay to have some here and there. It's okay to be authentic. We're not trying to be A-list celebrities and actors. I'm not expecting you to do that. Your audience is within your community, so you're not competing against the world. I obviously just interviewed Dr. Mike from MoveU. They've got a different target audience than you, like they've gone national. They've got 1.2 million Instagram followers. They're selling an online course to the masses. [0:06:12.3]

It's a different end goal than what you have in your private practice. I need you to be best in breed in your community and that's by providing good content but effectively, whereas someone that's going nationally or even international, like MoveU, they have got to really step up the game and compete on a large scale. So, you know, there's so many good pieces of information that he brought in that episode and I just learned so much and I know if you listen to it, you will as well. Just understand that your audience is different and your community is different and so just get out there and start doing it. But that's my first piece of advice. So just start shooting the video, watch it, critique it, see how you can improve and then go from there. [0:06:59.6]

From an equipment standpoint, we have had episodes on this. You can reference those, but don’t get bogged down with the equipment. Make sure your lighting is good. Make sure your sound quality is good. You know, the iPhone, especially the newer ones, they're great. You can use that, no issues at all and you can get some of the lavalier mics that are really easy and affordable and get that and start shooting and start having a plan and go from there with it. Some of the lengths of it - so that's a question I get - I had a few questions recently, so I jotted them down for this episode was the length of the videos. So I want you to first think of what your strategy is, okay. So I know last episode with MoveU, Instagram is their platform. Like they are really all in on Instagram. So you got to understand the difference of length. Sixty seconds or less for Instagram. Stories, you can kind of piece it together, but what I'm hearing, okay - so it's always funny. This always changes. It's always relative. It's always ranges and stuff but for YouTube, you want it to be, you know, at least 4 minutes … like you want to get 4 minutes going on these YouTube and Facebook platforms and so with Facebook you're at probably like 3-5 minutes is really good and YouTube supposedly is about 7-10 minutes. [0:08:16.6]

I am trying to make your life easier and I don’t want you to have to be everything to everybody on every platform, so let's pick a number that's kind of in the middle there. So if you can shoot a video that's 4-5 minutes, you can place it on YouTube and you can place it directly on Facebook and you're going to be fine. I don’t want you to shoot a 4.5-minute video for Facebook and a 9-minute video for YouTube just because they say that's optimal. Al But you may need to shoot a separate video that's under 60 seconds, a quick little video. I've done that plenty, where I'll shoot a concept and I'll really get into it for 4 or 5 minutes for YouTube and Facebook, and then I'll shoot a second one where I just hit on key points for under a minute and then know that my copy for Instagram might have to expand a little bit on that. Some of the key points maybe I couldn’t get out in a minute. So that's kind of a timing strategy for you. [0:09:11.7]

And then, what you want to get rid of nowadays - like this is an interesting concept too where everybody, and I've …I mean, I've fallen prey to this as well, but a lot of people were putting the logo intro things on there and it's like 10 seconds of just your logo, cool and all that. That's kind of gone the way of the dinosaur. Some of my videos are still going to have that. We produced it that way. Now, we do some videos for say inside the Chiropractic Success Academy as far as the Academy videos we put a nice little on there, but that's a different thing. Like this is an audience that's already a paid member inside of our Academy and we have it there. When you're trying to capture attention from these platforms, that's not going to capture their attention. The branding value does not outweigh the value of capturing someone's attention. So just get rid of that from now on and just roll right into getting the video. And you know what's cool? Is when you directly upload it onto Facebook, they have the captioning option now so you can…they can do the written caption, which is very effective and make sure that you're doing that. So that's really key in the whole process as well. [0:10:23.2]

One separate podcast that I want you to reference is Episode 374, Video Marketing Strategy – The Power of Video During the Customer Journey. Really good video. Really good podcast. That's a social media marketing podcast. Check out that episode. They dive into video a lot if you want some more reference material. Sometimes it gets more into business-to-business marketing or a lot into the weeds I don’t want you to worry about but some of what they're talking about in there, I've listened to that recently and felt like oh, that was some really good information that could help out with you for that. So check that out. [0:11:01.8]

The next thing I want to talk about is video repurposing. When you shoot this video, you want to put them on those different platforms, but it's pretty cool with what you can do with that video. You could put it into the…You put it in YouTube, So you shoot the video. You put it in YouTube. You could then take that YouTube link and insert it into a blog that you write or even a blog that's maybe already on your website. You'll be surprised, but you can put that into there and that can help out and it can really give some more SEO juice to your blog. So that's a part of what you can do with the video. So we put it on YouTube. We put it in our blog. You can use these videos for patient education. So I give this example a lot, but I did a pre run warm-up for runners. I've done a pre golf warm up for golfers. We did a blog and a video component of some ergonomics. And so when I get a patient that comes in with one of these scenarios, so it's the runner that's not warming up, I go over to my EHR system and our computers in the rooms - I get the YouTube link. I have it put right on the desktop as far as our YouTube channel. [0:12:14.8]

I get the YouTube link for that running pre warm up, email it right directly to them through the EHR system and they have it. So I use it to support some of the verbal communication I have with patients and so video is really good with that. You can send…if like let's say you shot three or four videos in a month. You could take those videos, put them all into one email and you could make them separate emails as well, but one of the strategies that we're going to implement is you can put them all into one email with a little bit like a two paragraph blurb for each one, just topic and this and that there - and then have a really distinct call to action to have those people try to subscribe to your YouTube channel. So if you send them a nice email with really good valuable videos and then a nice call to action to subscribe to your YouTube channel, there could be a good chance that you'll start getting more subscribers to the YouTube. [0:13:07.2]

So now, when you upload video to YouTube, it goes right to their YouTube app on their phone and they get it. That's a great after unit marketing strategy. So there's people that may not be coming in your office anymore, but they're liking your YouTube channel and you put a YouTube.. a video onto YouTube. You can get them to see that at a higher rate, so it's going to be good after unit marketing. So that's another strategy. Obviously, you can post these directly on the Facebook, on your Facebook business page, inside of Facebook groups that allow you to deliver content, valuable content. You can run a Facebook…you should run a Facebook ad for the videos. You can put it on Instagram if it's 60 seconds or less, So there's a lot of different ways you can shoot one video and redistribute it out there and it's going to help with that overall total web presence that's going to give a lot of good SEO value and Facebook/social media value to people to know, like and trust you and have a higher likelihood of them feeling like they know you and wanting to come in. [0:14:08.7]

There's an interesting thing that they talk about in that same episode I was mentioning before and it's the parasocial relationship that people have with you from video. It's the best example is like is a celebrity, you know, if it's Brad Pitt or whatever, you feel like you know Brad Pitt, but it's a real…basically, it's a one-sided relationship. That's the definition of a parasocial interaction where you feel like you get to know someone so well but you've never met them. They don’t know you at all. But that's the definition of a parasocial interaction and video does that. So if your videos are consistently getting out there, people through Facebook and Instagram and your email list and all that - they're going to feel like they know you and they trust you and they have this relationship with you and there's going to be a higher chance that they're going to come in or refer to you, even though you've never met them and they've never met you and it's just …it's an interesting phenomena that happens with this parasocial interaction on video and it just really helps do that. Some people can develop that through their writings, you know, some really good writers can do that and it's harder. Video is just definitely the easier way of doing it. So by creating these videos and getting them out there, it's really going to help you out. [0:15:23.8]

So we're launching a new Facebook strategy of video. So we're going to be shooting…I'm actually, this Saturday, a couple of days from now, going to shoot four videos. I'm having a videographer come in. You don’t need to do that. It makes sense for me to do it. There's a lot of variables that would make sense for you to do it. So we're going to shoot four nice videos. And we're going to do that each month. We're going to pick one day a month, batch it, shoot four, use those four for a month and then go to the next. And then we're going to have a couple of different strategies with each video. One will be towards our general patient population and I'm able to upload my email list into Facebook, have an audience specifically of people that have been in my practice. [0:16:08.9]

We're going to shoot one video. The first one we're shooting about is micro breaks and we're going to talk about micro breaks for the desk worker but also micro breaks for other people that do repetitive activities and so that's going to be the topic and that is going to be uploaded and it's going to go to YouTube as well, all that but from a Facebook ad strategy, that's going to go in and it's only going to target people that are on our email list with that email associated with Facebook account and I'm keeping top of mind awareness for those people. So that's what video one is going to do.

Video two - we're going to do one that is geared towards runners. It's going to be a topic that's common. So my audience is a runner. The topic is going to address a common issue that a runner has. We'll shoot that. That's going to go into Facebook, target cold traffic, but runners, triathletes in a certain, you know, 5 or 7-mile radius of my office. They're going to see that. So we're going to start with kind of a video funnel for runners. [0:17:09.1]

The third video is going to target a different group. So video two and three, we're targeting cold traffic. Then we're going to do… with very specific groups that we're targeting with very specific issues that that group suffers from. The fourth one we're doing this month is headaches, which is something, again, that's a topic that affects everybody, not just like only runners. So, that one, we're going to split into two things. That headache video is going to target my patient list, like video one did, but then it's also going to target cold traffic, but more of a general persona versus a just runner. So in our Facebook targeting, got to be a little bit different. I'm probably going to do a 1% look alike audience of my practice, which is another strategy you can do. You can take people that are in your email list and you can do a 1% look alike of that email list. [0:18:00.4]

So they're going … Facebook is going to populate all the things that are algorithm that makes their target audience look like people that are already in your practice and we'll target them. We have an ad spin associated with that. Mine is close to $1000/month. You may not be there yet, but that's what we're going to do and we're going to do that consistently and we're going to repurpose those videos, like I mentioned, as well. So that's our Facebook ad strategy with video.

Okay. There's two more topics I want to talk about and one is what I really think you need to get going on when you're shooting videos and I like story branding it. You know, you have got to get that hook early on, in like the first 15 seconds. You have to grab their attention. You just can't shoot the video, start talking about yourself and yourself and how great you are and making yourself and your technique the hero. You want to take that group. So let's take that runner and you're going to say something like, and I'm just kind of, you know, riffing on this here, but it's more like, are you a runner who's suffering from calf strain and tired of that affecting your training and the potential of not being able to finish your race and cross that finish line you worked so hard for and you don’t want long periods of rest and you don’t want any type of medications - I mean, you're looking for a resolution to be able to get rid of this while you're training and keeping up with your program - right - so that's kind of the hook. Get them in. [0:19:24.0]

That's story branding it. That's making…you know, talking about them - they're a runner - that's part one, the character. You're addressing their problem, which is a calf injury or whatever, strain/sprain. You get into the external/internal philosophical. So external was the calf strain. Internal is not crossing the finish line. The philosophical is they don’t want long periods of rest or medication. So then I come in - we can work on that and we solve it. I introduce myself. It's like, oh, this is Dr. Kevin Christie. So after the 15 seconds of hooking them, then I introduce myself and local sports chiropractor in Boca Raton, Florida - we treat a lot of runners. We do a full assessment with them, try to get them a plan and guide them with their training program so that we don’t miss too much running and we can make sure we can cross that finish line and have long-term resolution of this calf injury and this is how we do it. [0:20:11.1]

Then I may get into active release or graston and stretching and exercise and all the things we do, but I'll be concise about it. But I'm not putting that up front. I'm putting that towards the back end, after I've already made it about them and so I'm following those seven characteristics of stories. So I want you to start playing with that on your video. Like start working that out. If you have to write it out and get going on it, practice that before you shoot the video live. Start telling the story with your videos and you'll grab their attention. You'll have the clearly defined message that is now matching your clearly defined audience. Al I could probably make a whole podcast on that. But just sort of working through that.

Then lastly, the topic comes up all the time is do I have to shoot video? Like there's going to be some people that refuse to shoot video. They don’t want to do it, and I get it, and I'm here to say that honestly, there's been thousands of extremely successful chiropractors that have built amazing practices who have never once shot a video. [0:21:13.3]

It doesn’t mean they shouldn't, but you can do marketing and content marketing without video. I highly recommend it. It's really good. It really helps you with your communication skills also. If you start getting good on video, you actually get better with your patient interactions and your report of findings and your public speaking and all the different things that involve talking to humans - you'll get better if you get good at it on video, but maybe writing is your thing. Maybe you're really good at writing. Maybe you're really good at sending out emails and you're good at community outreach or you've put together a really nice blog posts and maybe you want to do a podcast, a local community podcast instead of video. That…I've had podcasts about podcasting in your community. You can definitely do this, very cheap and in your community and get a lot of recognition from it. [0:22:05.3]

So there are other options. I highly recommend you get over your fear of video and the resistance that you may have against it, going back to that War of Art book and doing it, but you can work around not shooting video if you are just not going to do it. Then the other thing you can do is you can take videos of other people that are putting great information out there. Like I just shared one on Steve McGill talking about lumbopelvic stuff and I shared that on my page. You can take other videos and then you can give your spin on it in written paragraph form - nothing too meaty and detailed, but you can use video from other people to support your clinic's message. So you can consider that as well.

I hope this helps. I hope you have some insights on video. I hope you take the leap of faith if you haven't yet, and have a well-rounded approach with your video and will do amazing things for your practice. Have a great week.

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