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Duane Johns & Dave Young | The Builder Nuggets Podcast

EP 81: Figuring Things Out

Duane Johns & Dave Young | The Builder Nuggets Podcast         Duane Johns & Dave Young | The Builder Nuggets Podcast        
EP 81: Figuring Things Out           EP 81: Figuring Things Out          
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    Having a solid set of core values and strong relationships with your clients and trades will pave the way for success in your business.

    Show Highlights Include:

    • Why having no background in real estate development gives your construction company an unfair advantage (7:02)
    • The weird way starting (and growing) a business in a recession is a blessing in disguise (9:00)
    • The “School District” secret for never running out of new buyers (10:52)
    • Why cultural fit is the #1 best way to find the perfect teammates to grow your business (even if they’re under qualified) (25:46)
    • Why the remodeling business will boom over the next few years (31:35)

    If you’d like to connect with Jenny and the Icon Builders Group, you can visit their website at https://www.icon-group.com/.

    To connect with Duane, Dave, or one of our show guests head over to https://buildernuggets.com and join our active community of like-minded builders and remodelers.

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