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Duane Johns & Dave Young | The Builder Nuggets Podcast

EP 33: Perpetual Training (Part 1)

Duane Johns & Dave Young | The Builder Nuggets Podcast         Duane Johns & Dave Young | The Builder Nuggets Podcast        
EP 33: Perpetual Training (Part 1)           EP 33: Perpetual Training (Part 1)          
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    TRAINING! It’s an absolute must. With no end in sight to the high demand for housing, coupled with a tight labor pool and trade base, training will be a necessity for growth moving forward. It is essential in building the workforce of tomorrow. Join us for a conversation with industry consultant and training expert Joe Stoddard on what all of us can do to make this a key element in our business. We owe it to the industry to get this right.

    Show highlights include:

    • Why you have to budget for training or your business will die a slow, painful death (3:10) 
    • How to take people with limited construction knowledge and transform them into leaders inside your business (8:16) 
    • The “Pre-Assess & Reassess” system that ensures your employees learn something from your trainings (12:54)
    • Systems and process need to be in place before you can train anyone else to use them (14:50)
    • How the commodity mindset can cost you time and money (17:43) 
    • The counterintuitive way paying your team members more turns them into profit generators (19:51) 
    • Why making your business simpler is more profitable, makes it easier to hire new people, and eliminates expensive waste (26:15) 

    To get the most out of this podcast, head over to https://buildernuggets.com and join our active community of like-minded builders and remodelers.

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