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Duane Johns & Dave Young | The Builder Nuggets Podcast

EP 30: Negotiate Like a Voss!

Duane Johns & Dave Young | The Builder Nuggets Podcast         Duane Johns & Dave Young | The Builder Nuggets Podcast        
EP 30: Negotiate Like a Voss!           EP 30: Negotiate Like a Voss!          
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    A few years ago we read the book Never Split the Difference and it changed how we viewed conversations. Never Split the Difference is a deep dive into a former FBI hostage negotiator's field-tested tools for talking anyone into (or out of) just about anything. Join us for a conversation with Brandon Voss from The Black Swan Group and improve your emotional intelligence.

    Show highlights include:

    • The counterintuitive way you’ll get more customers by raising your prices (7:15) 
    • The “gather data with your eyes” trick that helps you vet if a client will pay what you’re worth in the first 5 minutes of talking with them (9:29) 
    • The only 3 types of negotiators and how to deal with each type in the middle of a negotiation (16:16) 
    • The “Verbal Mirroring” secret from an FBI hostage negotiator that helps you dominate any negotiation you’re in (21:23) 
    • How asking questions to analytical type negotiators are a surefire way to blow the deal (25:49)  

    To get the most out of this podcast, head over to https://buildernuggets.com and join our active community of like-minded builders and remodelers.

    If you’d like to beef up your negotiation skills, join Black Swan’s negotiation newsletter at https://www.blackswanltd.com/home or check out the Black Swan YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/c/Blackswanltd1

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