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James Pollard | Financial Advisor Marketing

How Financial Advisors Can Deal With Burnout

James Pollard | Financial Advisor Marketing         James Pollard | Financial Advisor Marketing        
How Financial Advisors Can Deal With Burnout           How Financial Advisors Can Deal With Burnout          
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    Burnout affects 2 of 3 financial advisors — and the current crisis has made everything worse.

    If you’re working long hours, can’t separate work from your home life, and feel like you’re stuck on a treadmill… burnout might be creeping in.

    In this episode, you’ll find out how to recognise the three types of burnout, discover how to reduce your workload, and create more space in your personal life.

    • Don’t be happy as a “workaholic” — why the real definition should scare you (1:41)
    • Why 1:05 a.m. might be the best time to move your business forward (3:05)
    • 3 signs you are losing your “home life” boundaries and how the convenience of “WFH” accelerates burnout (3:50)
    • Why “loving what you do” can put you on the fast track to burnout (5:12)
    • Do you suffer from “Stock Market Exhaustion?” How taking time off tricks your brain into increasing your long-term stress (5:32)
    • Weekend “vacations” not an effective stress relief? Try this “TIE” shift in your daily schedule (6:25)
    • How strictly limiting your workday can explode your profitability (9:25)
    • The three types of burnout most financial advisors have and how to fix them (9:54)
    • How to reach big goals that should motivate you but instead paralyze you (13:36)
    • How to delegate differently and pour a bucket of water on your burnout (16:00)

    If you’re looking for a way to set more appointments with qualified prospects, sign up for James’ brand new webinar about how financial advisors can get more clients with email marketing. 

    Go to https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/webinar to register today. 

    Go to the https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/Newsletter and pick up your free 90 minute download called „5 Keys to Success for Financial Advisors“ when you join The James Pollard Inner Circle.

    Discover how to get even better at marketing yourself with these resources:




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