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Most businesses don’t have a great company culture.


Because it seems silly for the CEO to spend time creating a great company culture. But if you fail to do this, you’ll walk into your office one day and want to fire everybody (even if they’re great at what they do).

Truth is, nothing is more important to growing your business than taking the time to build a winning company culture. In this episode, I’m sharing my mistakes I’ve made so you can avoid them and build a great company culture from day one.

Here Are The Show Highlights:

  • Why having core values prevents you from firing everyone on your team (5:10)
  • The “70% Rule” that empowers your team to make decisions without worrying they’ll be fired over a mistake (7:42)
  • How micromanaging your team suffocates accountability throughout your entire company (9:04)
  • The “5 to Thrive Method’ that maximizes your employees’ effectiveness (without overwhelming them) (9:38)

If you're ready to put the power of wholescaling to work for you, then head over to https://JoeEvangelisti.com/downloads to get your free “Business In A Box” downloads.

Or if you're a true action taker, ready to blow the lid off your results. You can apply now to work with our team to build the business of your dreams faster than you ever thought possible. Go to http://realestatemoneymindset.com to apply and change your life.

For my list of top 100 books I’ve used and implemented to grow my business, head over to https://JoeEvangelisti.com/top100

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You're not a rookie real estate investor anymore. In fact, you're probably doing a small handful of deals each month, but you're killing yourself to make it happen and to top it off, if you take time off from your business, you don't make any money. That's because you don't have a real business, yet. We're about to fix all that. If you're a can do action taker, the whole scaling podcast will teach you the tips, tricks, and systems you need to generate massive revenue, build your team and give you the financial freedom you've dreamed of in any market in the US. This is WholeScaling.

(00:43): Tell you guys a story this morning. I want to kick it off first with this. I want to start a mission statement. I want to have a reason for this call and I want you guys to come to this room, prepare for a reason and that reason, and the reason I started this call, the reason that I put this call together was self-serving right. I'll tell you that right up front, right? The idea was to get everybody in alignment on my teams, in my sphere of influence with the people that I serve on a weekly basis. It's to get everybody in alignment and to bring the most elite version of yourself into alignment with the you of today. I'll say that one more time. It's so we can bring the most elite version of ourselves into alignment with the you of today, right? So what does that mean?

(01:34): Bring the most elite version of ourselves into alignment with the you of today. It's really quite simple, right? What is that person? Who is that person? When you dream of the goals that you want to achieve, when you create these big ideas of the things that you want to do and be, and own who is the person that you have to be to create those things, right? See the person that you have to be to be that person, maybe who you are today, you may already be in alignment. That might be great, right? But we talked about this a couple of weeks ago, being the hero of our own movie. How often are you in alignment with the hero of your own movie? How often are you setting up those goals and knocking them down and being successful? The goal of being in this room is to bring the most elite version of yourself, into alignment with the you of today, bringing those two people together, right?

(02:36): You are the same person, obviously, but by eliminating and eradicating some living beliefs and putting together a great strategy and getting better time management, all those things we talk about, right? Good accountability, good structure. We can now bring those people closer together. So I want to tell you guys a quick story of something that really changed my life really changed the way that I became a leader. I will give you a caveat to this, that districts. I work on this every day. I work on this every week I work on this every month I get better and better and better. And I don't know that I'll ever be right, but I work on it. And so a couple of years ago in a little bit of rewind, I had almost 50 employees, right. I had what I would consider to be a not very good culture.

(03:25): It wasn't terrible. It wasn't the worst culture in the world, but it just wasn't a good culture. It wasn't a place that I wanted to be. I didn't even want to walk in my own office. Right. I didn't know a lot of the people that worked in my office, I let a lot of my lower, I should say upper level management, but the management below me run the teams. Right. I really pay a lot of attention to who we hired or why we hired them or what their positioning was. And it all came to a head one day, by the way, I was a hot head, big time, hot head, right. It's still a little bit of a hot, it's still a little bit of a temper. Right. But lot worse back then. And at one point in time, I walked into the office and I was there and things just weren't going well that day, like there was just stuff going wrong, left and right.

(04:03): Problems after problems. Right. And what does a hot tempered leader do? They lash out. And so I lashed out, I remember walking out of my office and I said to my then assistant, I'm going to fire everyone in this office. Right. Let's do people get it together? This office, I'm a fire, everybody. Right. And she had to pull me aside and she said, Joe, you just can't say that. He just can't talk like that. Right. People don't understand that you're joking. And I said, I'm not joking. Right? I'm not joking that wasn't a joke that wasn't a threat, right. Terrible culture. And I reflected upon that moment. I talked to my coach and I sat down and we started to get into alignment. I realized the culture wasn't strong. And so I tell you all this to fast forward to today where I have amazing teams.

(04:52): I have teams with people. I love to talk to. I have teams with people. I love to do business. I truly do. A lot of you guys are on the call today, two guys on a weekly basis and communicate a lot to guys. And a lot of it boils down to what I want to teach you guys today. And that is what's called core values. See, back then I had a core value structure and I had a list of core values that in order for me to remember, I had to go in my Dropbox and I had to find it right. My coach at the time said, Joe, what are your core values? And so that's a great question. I'll be right back to you. And he said, that's problem. Number one, you're the visionary, you're the owner. You're the boss. You're the CEO. And you need to go find a list of your core values in order to read them to me.

(05:38): How was your company supposed to understand your core values? How does the people in your team supposed to know what they stand for? If you can't even figure it? Yeah. Without looking it up. Right. Great question. I asked. So as a leader, and as you folks might know, some of you are leaders. Some of you are on a team of you are in a team. Some of you are in a management position, right? Some of you are business owners. Those that are watching this, these core values are one of those things that really changed 180 degrees for me. Now, does that mean they're perfect? No. Does that mean that they're all encompassing? No. Does that mean that every single person on my team can read them, memorize them and understand? No, but they get better at it a week. And for most of you, if you're on my teams, you've heard me read them out before I read them aloud.

(06:25): Right? Share them with you today. I want to share with you guys, my four core values for all three of my teams, by the way, they're the same and why they're important to me. Number one, I boiled it down to an acronym, right? I never used to be able to remember my core values because I didn't have a simple way to continue to remember them. So now our core values spell out fast. It's pretty simple, right? Fast. And the first core value is this it's fearless, fearless. And here, let me help you understand this. Unless you run a company like Blackstone, right? And you have a bunch of Navy seals that work for you. This is a very simple core value. Okay? Fearless means you're being trained to make decisions. It means that you come to work prepared and that you're ready to go. And that you don't need to second, guess everything you do see guys for most people on this call, it's not life or death, right?

(07:21): You're not making a decision that someone's going to get harmed physically. You're not making a decision that someone's life is in your hands, right? A lot of you aren't in the medical field, right? You're not literally clamping off a valve, right? I'm talking fearless. When it comes to being great in your seat, in your role in playing the position you play, you go out there with utter confidence. And along with fearless, we have what's called the 70% is a go rule. And what that means is, and almost everyone can answer this because they've heard it enough times. If you're 70% sure you pull the trigger. You're 70% sure you make a decision. You're 70% sure you move ahead confidently because in my organizations, that rule stands. And if you make a decision and it's wrong, leadership will never come down on you. In fact, they'll support you.

(08:12): Hey, you know what, man, you made a decision. Good for you was wrong. We all make mistakes. Chalk it up. Let's do it again next week, right? Or tomorrow or next hour. Right? Because quicker the decision can be made and executed upon the better we learn, the faster we grow, the quicker we move forward. Right? If you fill your organization with people who are petrified to make decisions or even worse, if you're the type of leader who forces people to come to you every time, the need to make a decision, you're going to go nowhere fast. So fearless is number one. Number two is accountability. Accountability. Accountability can not be handed off to somebody without responsibility. I'll say that again. You can't expect someone to just be accountable to how it works. Okay? People don't become accountable unless you hand them responsibility and you trust them.

(09:05): Micromanagement has no place in accountability. When I give somebody a task, I expect them to do it. Period. If they don't do it the first time, maybe it's something wrong. Maybe their kids were sick. Maybe they were once the second time. Excuse, third time. If I have to come back to someone three, four times, they're not a fit for that role. That's accountability guys. Okay? Yeah. I'm going to give someone that responsibility. I'm not going to stand over there to make sure they did it. And that's the type of person and they're not an adult. They don't have my team. Right? They have to be accountable inside that accountability. I wrote down five to thrive, five, to thrive. Five things that you should be accountable for to own your role, to own your seat. If you're giving people more than five major tasks, major things to be accountable, you're overwhelming them.

(09:56): Nobody can handle more than five big things. Okay. So when you went that person that has 25 big things, and you wonder why they're inefficient. Look in the mirror. Five to thrive. Five to thrive. Okay. Next one. Up. Speed. Speed. Right? Good buddy. Mind, judge. Graham wrote a book scale with speed or scale to speed, scale and speed. Right? Great book. Read it. Get it. If you're a business owner, it's important. We've got to move fast guys. We can't stay still. Right? The worst thing a sales team can do is to carry over a pipeline that never closes right. Or to have pendings things or that stagnation of not getting things done. We've got to move with speed. We've got to execute. We can't make excuses. Right? We got to course correct. Push forward. No matter what we've got to execute with. Speed. What that means in order for us to do speed is we've got to be fast with focus.

(10:58): We have to be excellent at time management, right? What keeps you from having speed is busy work, right? Excuses. Putting out fires, right? Acting like you're busy, but not doing the high gain activities. Avoiding the tough stuff slows you down quicker than anything. So fast and accountability are really one and one, right when we're great at our seat. And we execute with confidence and we move, move, move. And we're excellent at time management speed is a by-product. It happens. You want to know why you're slow, open up your calendar, right? How much are you getting done in a given 12 hours, eight hours, 10 hours, six hours. What are you doing in a given day to move the needle? Speed is a by-product of time management and execution. And last but not least, the T stands for team. We use each other to multiply.

(11:57): This is such an important factor. You can't have a team with 12, 15, 20, 25, 50, 45 people like I did that. Don't communicate and help each other grow. We must solve problems together. Right? My teams know we solve problems on the call, nine 30. I got help. San call. We're all gonna solve problems together. Right? We've got to create solutions together. We're going to train together. And most importantly, we're going to give feedback to each other open, honest feedback what's working. What's not working. What should we be doing that we're not doing? These are all team questions that start at the top. I ask these questions every day. So that's it guys short, sweet and simple. That's fast. That's our core values. And those core values have changed the game for me. You want to know what good culture comes from. It comes from understanding where you're supposed to be and translating that to your teams and then holding them accountable to do it by the way people want to be held accountable.

(12:59): But again, go back to accountability. How do they get held accountable? They get responsibility. They get trust. They get support. They get the things they need to be successful. And they get heard. They get listened to get their feedback. Right? All important things for great culture. Guys, I'm really proud to say, we have amazing teams today. They're getting better and better. Every single month we get dialed in every single month. I talked to higher level coaches. Every single month, my teams get better coaching every single month. And we grow as a result. So I'm not saying I have it down Pat or that I'm perfect. Right? But I'm sure as hell, better than I was five, six years ago. I can tell you that right now. So I hope you guys found this message helpful. I hope you'll try to implement some of it. I hope you'll keep your core values, short, sweet, and to the point, easy to memorize and easy to transfer. Talk about them. Don't write them down and then just hide them in a book somewhere. Own them. Live them and become the best version of yourself. I hope you guys have a kick week. It'll be up if you need me. I appreciate you all.

(14:04): If you are ready to put the immense power of wholesaling to work for you, then head over to Joe evangelists.com/downloads and get your free business in a box download. Or if you're a true action taker, ready to blow the lid off your results. You can apply now to work with our team, to build the business of your dreams faster than you ever thought possible. This call costs $500 to weed out the tire kickers and mental, uh, feed. The real ballers will make back many times over on the first deal. Even if you don't get selected to work with us, you'll get a full year of access to our private coaching group, a $1,200 value and a 30 minute coaching call with Joe. So you win either way, go to www dot real estate money, mindset.com apply and change your life.

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