Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles

In this episode, you’ll discover… 

  • The insidious way you can become addicted food (and the simple way to rewire your cravings) (2:10) 
  • How eating small, frequent meals throughout the day help you easily drift into a deep, restorative sleep (3:59) 
  • Why scrolling on social media invites energy vampires into your body that feed on your physical health (5:57) 
  • How cleaning eating instantly minimizes depression, anxiety, and ADHD (7:19) 
  • Why counting calories and dieting makes you unhealthier (and what to do instead to lose weight and keep it off) (11:21) 
  • How sleeping for 8 hours every day makes you more productive (especially if it seems like you’ll miss a big chunk of your day) (12:28) 
  • The “Pronunciation Filter” that helps you avoid eating foods that skyrocket your stress and inflammation (18:41) 

If you’d like to check out Jen’s holistic health coaching services or join her 30-day plant-based transformation challenge, head over to https://rootedholistichealth.com/. You can also follow her on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/jen_jenkins_health_coach/.  

If you’d like a sneak peek at my soon-to-be-released book, Set Free: A Woman’s Guide to Clarity, Freedom, & God’s Endless Love, you can download the first 5 pages here: jillallencoaching.com

If you’re ready to rise up and become the best version of yourself, check out the 12-month mindset and accountability experience that will help you rise up, click on the just breathe link at jillallencoaching.com

If you have zero energy to focus on yourself and need extra support and accountability from women who know what it’s like to juggle a crazy busy life, then go to the Fit & Fierce link at jillallencoaching.com and become unstoppable with us. 

Or, if you want to join a sisterhood dedicated to growing our faith, join our Just Breathe Facebook Group.

Read Full Transcript

Hi there. I'm Jill Allen and this is find your fierce, the show designed for women to discover your fierce, unlock and unstoppable mindset. Build unbreakable courage and completely transform how you show up every single day. Each week I will bring ideas, methods and strategies that will inspire you to step into your greatness and live life on purpose. Let's be fit, fierce and unstoppable.

(00:35): Hey there, gang. Welcome to find your fear. You are going to love today's topic, holistic wellness. But before we dive into that, I have to say that I just am so happy that you are here listening in once again. Or if this is your first time joining us, we welcome you either way. We are just glad that you are here today, and I have to thank you for your love and support. I appreciate all your feedback, your reviews, and I love that you share this podcast with your friends and your family. So if you can keep on doing that, it would help reach more women and it impacts more lives. And it's certainly a team effort. And that's what we're all about here on find your fierce. So thank you so very much for all that you do for who you are and for listening in each week. Now, let me tell you about Jen founder of rooted holistic health coaching.

(01:18): She's a nurse, a wife, a mom, she's my friend for a years now. And I can't wait for her to share all of her wisdom, her knowledge and her hurt with you today. Let's welcome, Jen, how are you, girl? Thank you so much for having me today. I'm doing awesome. Yeah, this is going to be so good because nutrition is the biggest thing that I know women, men, we all deal with. I know I posted a, just a simple question yesterday on Facebook. Do you have a challenge or more of a challenge when it comes to convincing yourself to go work out or passing up the junk food, and I'm telling you about 90% of people who responded was B nutrition. So what do you got for us? Where should we start? Well, I think it's first important to understand, you know, right now we're living in an era that we've never lived in before.

(02:13): So if we rewind back, you know, 60, 70, 80 years ago, we don't have the chemicals that were in our food supply that we have today this day and age. So right now we're up against 3000 chemicals in our food supply that most people don't know about, which can really then to a lot of addictive tendencies to food can become addictive. So we want to eat more and more than it helps us the whole, you know, then we start running down this rabbit hole. So it's hard to climb out of. So I think first and foremost is awareness of what we're eating, how we're eating the quality of foods that we're eating and getting back to eating more in sync of how our body's designed, which is foods that are fresh from the earth and of minimal processed foods. You know, things that are clean, good source foods, I think makes a huge difference first and foremost.

(02:56): And so once we start breaking that, you have it and then start getting, you know, more into the, you know, clean eating. Our body will actually start to crave that more and more and more, and it becomes easier to then say no to. So if you come up against like, which is going to be easier, workout or food, then it becomes a lot easier because once you start feeling a lot better too, then it started motivation to want to continue to feel a lot better habits, habits. So our nutrition is, is, is pretty much a habit. It's our go-to. If I go into the pantry and grab the bag of salt and vinegar chips, which I do sometimes I'm probably addicted to that salt. Well, you're saying that we can eliminate all of that when it comes to changing and rewiring the way that we think about food and, and rewire what it is that we, what we crave.

(03:45): Absolutely. Absolutely. So once you start, like, you know, thinking of, you know, we're eating for our health and we're eating for, you know, to fuel our body. And so once we start, the more that we continue to do that the better we're going to feel and the more energy that we're going to have, and we're not going to have these slumps all the time. And when we start understanding to how our body is meant to be fueled throughout the day, you know, small frequent meals throughout the day, stabilizing our insulin levels throughout the day and not having these afternoon crashes, you know, is going to impact everything. And so when we eat, when we feel our body, right, we're going to maximize our workouts. And then when we burned through our workouts and guess what happens at night, we're going to sleep more sounds because we have been utilized all of our good energy.

(04:25): That's been burned off. So our quality of sleep is going to improve well, when we sleep better than I left in levels are influenced during the day. And so as I, our ghrelin, which are, those are, there are two major hormones that affect our appetite and our cravings, right? So we have those two things that we're fighting against if we're missing that cycle. So everything goes together. So we talk about like holistic health and holistic nutrition. It's not a one size fits all approach. You know, we have to really look at the whole picture and really help the individual, all areas. So eating right is one part of the equation, which leads into the exercise, which is definitely a nonnegotiable. You know, if we're looking at optimal helmet, you know, wellness, you know, that is definitely a big component to it. Then we look at sleep, which is influenced by all those factors as well, hydration our mental outlook or how we think, how we talk to ourselves every day is, you know, impacts everything.

(05:19): So they all are intertwined and connect to one another, definitely. This is firing me up already. I love it. I think I have more energy now just talking to you and about holistic wellness, I'm going to be honest with you. I don't, I'm not sure if many people know what holistic means. I mean, it is thrown out there. I mean, it could be a buzzword sometimes. I mean, can you kind of share with us a little bit about the definition of it and what it means to you and, and, and the benefits, additional benefits that you've already shared of how we can incorporate that into our, our day in our life and live more holistically? Right. Well, lipstick is really about looking at the whole entire picture, you know, so a lot of times when people want to talk about health and wellness, the two top things that comes from top of our mind, right?

(06:03): But you'll probably hear over and over again, a diet and exercise. Well, it goes way beyond that, our thought pattern, the way that we think, you know, the way that we talk to ourselves, because we become our own worst enemy a lot of times, and those thoughts becomes our words. Those words become part of our habits. These habits start to form us and shape us. So we have to think about what we're putting into our, what we're putting into our head every single day, who we're surrounding ourselves with, who we're listening to. Sometimes, you know, it's a negative energy around us, you know, from people that are closest to us sometimes, or maybe it's social media that we're attached, you know, the we're scrolling through. And then we have you ever walked away from that? And you're feeling like, oh my gosh, I feel worse after I've been on this.

(06:45): And I feel drained and I felt, you know, yucky. And that's sometimes it's just because we're allowing that negativity to set into us. Well, then we don't realize that that's actually impacting us physically. We let that, that thought then take root. And now we're allowing that to now take shape into our, our health. So when we talk about holistic health and wellness, it's about the whole entire picture. It's about that. You know, the biggest piece is our mindset. You know, having a positive mindset, things that we can do to minimize the mental toxins, the energy vampires, I call them around our field, what we put into our body as far as clean nutrition, because, you know, there's a whole separate entity on food. Psychology, how food affects our mood through depression, anxiety, ADHD. There's so many links of correlations to that. So clean style of eating is so critical.

(07:32): You know, steering clear of a lot of the chemicals that could influence our hormonal imbalances. Talk about the, of what we put on our skin. We don't even think about that. That's a part of holistic wellness. You know, the sunscreens, the lotions, fragrances, all those things. Those are toxins that can come and seep into our skin that influence our overall wellness. Then we look at exercise, are we moving every day? Are we, you know, getting that, you know, our bodies as we're aging, we're losing muscle mass. So we have to deal with some type of resistance training to keep that up with bone density, just to help the style of aging. And then of course, just our home environment. If most times people are at home, you know, now more than ever because of COVID. And so we'd look at, you know, what is our home life?

(08:15): Do we have a lot of toxins around our home that could be affecting us the quality of our air. When was the last time we changed our air, the filters in our home, are we using purifications? Are we diffusing, you know, heavy chemicals to mask sense? I don't know how all these things like heavy duty, like cleaning products. So when we talked about holistic wellness, it's not just one thing where it took, you know, it's the whole entire picture of our wellbeing and how they all influence one another. So I always like to tell my clients, it's kind of like if we had a bicycle wheel and we have all these spikes in the wheel, right. And we took out a couple of those, we're probably going to get a little bit wobbly and we're probably not going to go as efficiently as we would want to with the distance we want to, to, because now we've got some broken spokes in that wheel.

(08:58): And so we really want to think about all of those folks being unclaimed and strong and durable. And so that can help propel us forward as we age in a healthy manner and to reduce our risk factors, you know, many diseases that, you know, we're, we could be subject to or crone to, you know, we look at epigenetics, you know, it's a way we can turn off our genes, you know, that we might be susceptible to certain things, but just because we're susceptible to them, doesn't mean that's the direction we have to go. We have control over that. We can definitely make lifestyle changes that maybe will help us move in the right direction to where we can minimize those risk factors. This is why we get along. So well. I love all of that. I love the whole, whole entire concept where we can focus on, I love the mindset who we surround ourself with the nutrition piece that I am going to be completely honest.

(09:48): That that is hard for while all of this is a challenge, especially if we're flipping the script when it comes to all these facets. I don't know if people even really think about what it is that they're putting into our home. So I thank you for sharing that or what we clean with and actually take it seriously or do their own research on what's best when it comes to the food part of it, because let's just, it's hard. I mean, there's so many different type of body, you know, body types, physiques, where do we begin when it comes to that? I mean, I know I'm assuming you don't calorie count. I always usually go about the 80 20 rule. Let's really dive in to that and things that we can actually commit to. That's the thing I'm not about the quick fixes. So what is it that you suggest and you recommend to your clients when it comes to that nutrition piece and again, everything in moderation, but where do we dive into and what, what are some steps that we do and start right now?

(10:41): Yeah. So I think, you know, first of all, understanding that we have to see through all of the noise that's on social media and that we have around us. So a lot of people want to buy into the quick fixes, the strategies that, you know, they see people's results and they got great results. Then they buy into that. So we have to understand, there was a study that came out of the university of Michigan at 90% of people who lose weight gain about 90%. So if we're doing it right, we shouldn't be the sickest country right now as we are. Right. And we, right now, I heard a very staggering statistic. I was on a call a couple of weeks ago with a cardiologist who is all plant based and very holistic. And he said, right now we're sitting at the latest research is 80% of the U S right now is overweight.

(11:25): And that's obesity and overweight combined, which is up because a few years ago it was in the seventies. Correct. So we are not heading in a good direction at all. So if we have all these great strategies, then why are we not sticking to it? Right. So I, I like to take really great pride in being on that 10% of the equation of teaching people, how to eat for their health and how to eat, right. We really shouldn't be counting calories if we understand how our body works and how it needs to be fueled. So the first step it's really individualized. There is no cookie cutter approach to each person because everybody has a lot of different factors. So when I, when I personally work with clients, you know, I really kind of dig a little bit deeper trying to understand, because if they're only, if they're going on four hours of sleep, every night, fat writing happens when we're sleeping, if we're missing those bonnets, or if they're trying to build muscle, if we're not hitting those spots during the sleep cycle, well, they're probably not going to get the results that they're after.

(12:17): So that might be the first focus that we need to really focus on, because then that's going to influence their hormones throughout the day, which is going to cause them to overeat and then maybe never feel satisfied. So that's a vicious cycle that we started down. So if we're working with somebody, first of all, seven to eight hours of sleep as non-negotiable, that really needs to be a first and foremost, because that I understand people will try to get as much done as they can throughout the day. But, but also understand if we get seven to eight hours of sleep every single night, we're actually going to be more effective with the time that we have shut it down, no matter what I love that it down. So that's for some pharmacists using like, there's several things too, like, you know, instead of being on your computer screen, you know, a couple hours before bed turning that off too, because that can suppress our melatonin levels, which affects our quality of sleep.

(13:05): So those are different factors. So I would say let's focus on sleep first and foremost, make sure you get good quality asleep. And then when we comes to nutrition component of it, you know, it's really about, I really figure out, you know, what's their rest. And I have a formula that I use. I figured out the rest of the medic resting metabolic rate based on their age, their height, their weight. And then I can project out like what their caloric intake needs to be. And that gives us a range that we can start to work on depending on their goals. But if we're just talking about like somebody who just wants to live a healthier lifestyle, obviously getting in fruits and vegetables throughout the day, well grains and the things that our body needs to function every single day and filling in those gaps. But I focused on quality of foods that we're eating so well balanced throughout the day.

(13:46): So small frequent meals and snacks starting the day first and foremost will high protein, 20 grams of protein is a really a non-negotiable because that's going to set the bar for the day. And that's, there's so many studies. I mean, I can pull them up and share with you. There's so many studies that show, you know, I think it was St. Louis university did a big study on just high protein breakfast alone. How, if it was somewhere in the trend of like 60, some percent that was, had a greater success in weight management and weight loss with just starting off your day with just a high protein breakfast alone, and that how that will help with stabilizing your insulin levels, to maximizing fat burning, to keeping you feeling fuller longer and helping with cravings and not having this crashes and deaths. So I don't want to get you off track of some of the tips I do.

(14:36): However, with you saying that protein and I'm I'm all about the big breakfast protein in the morning and sustainability that eliminate some of the bads that are out there and I'm just going to throw it. I mean, it's, it's the fasting, you know, things like that. I I'm, what are your, what do you think on this? And this is just a personal question. Like we're all about the sustainability. Do you suggest someone doing a fasting for a month because it works for them at that time? What's your take on that? Because I that's one of the biggest questions I get as a, you know, fierce coaches, what about this? What about that? And I'm like, oh man, like, and I'm big on getting things that work for them. Everyone's different, but I'm also, can you, my next question is, can you do that for the rest of your life, right.

(15:25): And what quality of foods are you eating in that timeframe when you are eating? Because the ones that I've seen, you know, misconception is like, well, I'm going to find a to this time. And then when I can eat in this small window, I'm going to eat all this processed stuff. Well, is that in alignment with good quality health? Is that in alignment with the future self you want to see in the mirror because there's two different things that are happening. So if we talk about fasting, you know, really honestly, we're probably all really fasting and we don't even recognize it. So we're cut off eating, maybe a seven o'clock at night and we don't eat until 7:00 AM. That's a 12 hour fast, that's a 12 hour fast. And that's actually perfect because I guess our body a break to digest, to rest, to utilize everything that it needs to do.

(16:08): And then, so then we can eat again the next day. So having, you know, a 12 hour window is actually great. So that's perfectly fine. There's a lot of conflicting inflammation that I see, everything that I do is evidence-based. So, you know, more and more research is obviously coming out, down the pipeline. So, you know, as it's emerging, then of course, then I will definitely say, this is what I know on this topic. And this subject, there is some supportive research, you know, that, that shows a lot of the 12 hour windows help stabilizing hormone levels and along those lines. But again, I really like to teach people, you know, just to eat for their health and how to do it, right, because you know, really gel like you. And I both know, like, if we understand how to eat, right, and we understand, you know, what our body needs from a micronutrient standpoint and a macronutrient standpoint, we should never be on a diet.

(17:00): Those, those diet, like what's the first three letters of diet, right? So if we understand how our body works and how it's designed, we should be eating for longevity for our health. And we should need to be wrapped up in this diet mentality, because we understand, well, want to go back to old school science, every, even with fitness and the movement, it's all, it, it always leads back to that old school, healthy, clean, organic. Absolutely. So we have so many, like I said, we have so many chemicals that are in our food supply right now that it influences so many of our hormone levels. So we, you see, you know, everything from estrogen being influenced to cortisol, you know, people don't even think about that. Eating a high processed actually creates inflammation within the body because it's a stressor. Our body's like, how do I break down this stuff?

(17:55): I don't even know what you're giving me. It's a stress. So it actually can cause additional stress. If we would, we look at the average American right now is not sleeping enough. They're going on five to six hours a day, they're drinking coffee or caffeine throughout the day to keep them awake, to mask what their body needs is, sleep. Right? And then we're throwing in a bunch of processed foods. We have high stress, mental stress, and then we're not exercising. We have all these factors that are coming into play where like, ding, ding, ding, we've got all these things happening. And so then we're seeing all these, you know, secondary medical issues pop up and then all these other things because of lifestyle choices. So I always love to just tell my clients just focus on 1% of the day. We don't need to change everything overnight, but to make this really realistic, you know, let's start reading our food labels.

(18:44): If you can't pronounce the ingredients that are in your food supply, your body probably can't either. That's good. You know, so just start keeping it clean start and the same for your skincare products, same for like things that are on your home. And this is why a lot of people are now going to work towards plant-based. It's not only better for our home, but it's better for our environment. It's better for everybody around us. So minimizing as much as we possibly can, you know, just stems into this huge ripple effect that affects so many different areas in our lives. Let's expand a little bit more on plant-based. I know you've been diving into that a little bit more. I know I've been searching and researching a little bit, some of the benefits and things like that. I know you're kicking off a plant-based coaching program that I can not wait to even take a look at myself because I'm, I'm excited about this because I want, I know I want to feel good.

(19:33): Right. And we're all faced with food in front of us. I mean, and that quick, fast junk processed food, and it's so good and it's right there attempting us, you know? And so let's kind of dive into a little bit about, about that plant-based and why you are so passionate about that and why you created this program and how do we get yeah. So the plant-based really is honestly, it kind of stemmed from just the whole holistic picture, again, not just, you know, ourselves so much, but just our whole environment and how we're now seeing like climate changes and you know, how we're seeing, you know, we've lost a couple of animals to cancer and we question, you know, did it come from their food? Did it come from the grass that they were eating from the chemicals that were sprayed on the lawn?

(20:20): Did it, you know, so, so many factors started to like to come to my mind, like, why do we have this rise? Why are, you know, we're not getting better and we're adding more and more chemicals to everything. And, and as I studied horticulture in college, you understand that, you know, that the GMOs and the chemicals and all this stuff and how we've kind of gotten away from mother nature and we've had this gravitational shift away from other nature. And we've what we're not getting better. It's not in a good direction. You know, the climate is getting worse. We're seeing a lot of illnesses come on the rise. So a lot of these things started coming back to, we need to really have this awareness of getting back to nature, how our bodies are intended and not only, you know, going to a plant based, is it better for our health and improves digestion?

(21:03): There's a ton of research. Now that's emerging just from overall, like reduce risks of cancers, reduce risks of type two diabetes, heart disease, number a number of benefits that go along with that. But it's also leaving an imprint on this earth that we can make it better because we are not going through traditional farming practices and different things. So there's a lot of great things that are emerging from it by doing so. And so I think that's why it's I'm more passionate about it because I see a bigger picture of this shift that we can be moving into a better direction, not just for ourselves, but for our, for our planet. Also. Now plant-based too. And does not mean no protein, correct? I mean, people hear plant base. They're like, wow, I have to get like, so let's kind of dive into that protein a little bit.

(21:52): Where can people get it? Right? Yeah. So there's a lot of great plans. There's a lot of great plant-based protein powders. You know, if you wanted to transition like pea protein, there's a brown rice protein. There's, I mean, there's a ton of different, great plant-based proteins. If you wanted to supplement that in, you can get your proteins by complimenting them together with do you know, you have keenwah was a great source of protein. You can have nuts, which is a great source of protein beans. Like there's so many different ways in which you can get a lot of proteins from plants alone. So that there's a lot that we can do that we can get just from plants alone, that we don't, we don't need beets. Now there is, you know, you do have to supplement, there are a couple of supplements that we do recommend, you know, B12 is obviously one of them, you don't get enough B vitamins, if you do eliminate meat.

(22:39): So that's one that you would want to definitely supplement with, but that's pretty much the major one, the rest of them, you can get from your plants and live perfectly healthy. It's so good. I'm really excited. And working people find your program. That is actually what kicking off here in just a few weeks. It might be actually now by the time that we are recording this and where can they find you? Yeah. So everything that I do is online, which is great. So I don't, I'm not restricted to it as zip code. I like to say we're in Ohio. So this is exactly. So I, everything that I do is virtual. So on my website, it's rated holistic health.com. There's a dropdown menu under programs. And that will say the 30 day transformation, the plant-based transformation. And that'll share a little bit about the program and it completely walks you through everything, you know, whether you wanted to try vegan or vegetarian and breaks that down for you.

(23:34): And it has, you know, sample menus throughout the whole entire process, different swaps that you could do that tons of recipes that you can follow. So playing around, you know, doing this things. And honestly, it's surprisingly, I haven't missed it at all. So I thought I really would miss meat. But honestly I have not, it's been a super easy transition and feel better than I ever have. So that's what I really want for other people too. I want them to just, you know, try it, to see how they feel if they notice a difference and then go from there and then if it's works for you. Great. And if it doesn't, that's okay too well, you're definitely glowing. You look absolutely amazing. And I know your energy level, I mean, is like through the roof, the way that you're helping people and showing up for your family and just yeah.

(24:22): Doing everything that you're doing with ease. And so this is absolutely amazing. I know you have an Instagram page too, where can they, what is that underscore Jenkins underscore health coach. Okay. Yeah, no, that is, that is awesome. Any other one last minute tips before we hop off here? I think that, you know, for mainly for people, you know, trying to find a healthy outlet, I think right now, more than ever, you know, we're under a tremendous amount of stress just this past year and a half that we've dealt with having a healthy outlet, you know, deep breathing exercises, meditation, re-centering yourself balancing, minimizing your time on social media. Cause I've noticed that. Or if you are on social media, unfollow, the people that maybe don't make you feel so good and surround yourself with good people that when you go there, you're like, oh my gosh, I feel good.

(25:12): That makes me smile. I feel good. And you know, cause that's a huge component. And then again, just clean eating hydration is most people walk around chronically dehydrated. So half of your body weight in fluid ounces every day of purified water is you know, that's a huge component as well. Again, the sleep, the exercise, I know you are awesome with your exercise. So people should definitely look you up if they have it for your fitness. You're amazing. That is, it's definitely all non-negotiables. If we're looking at a healthy way of aging and minimizing all of our, all of our, you know, diseases and chronic issues that could come up, if we don't do those things. So all very, very important, crazy thing. It's so much more than just the weight loss. Oh yeah. It's the whole entire package. And it's about that healthy, healthy aging and the wellness and aging gracefully and just having that energy and the strength and the mindset and just having that doing the inner work, but then it's the outer work is just going to follow.

(26:16): So this is awesome. I cannot thank you enough for joining us today. We will definitely be sending people your, your way for sure heads up guys. My book's at free. It's a woman's guide to freedom from confusion, control, worry, fear, and stress by letting go and saying yes to God's endless love. And I share my story of overcoming the odds and finding freedom in Christ. So if you're looking to find that peace and the calm in the middle of chaos, those looking find their own personal freedom through Jesus women who are looking for a way out, anyone who has any kind of struggle, whether it's physical, emotional, spiritual, this book, and the message that God shared with me is to give hope and healing. So it is now available on Amazon. So check it out and join us for the set free book club. As we walk through the journey together, you can find that link at Joel Allen, coaching.com or the just brief Facebook group. Also, if you are being called to rise, we want to invite you to the just brace sisterhood. It's a 12 month mindset and accountability experience rooted in biblical truth for Christian women like you who are ready to rise up. Just head to the just brief link@joeallencoaching.com heads up on the next episode, we're going to dive into a, not my kid

(27:23): Series. So be sure to come back and check that out. Thanks so much for joining us today. Please subscribe, share this episode, link on your social media. If you felt encouraged or inspired, as we all know someone that can benefit. And I would love it. If you would give some feedback and review as well, talk to you next time, [inaudible] be fierce. Be unstoppable. See ya.

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