Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles

.:: If you want good sound, hire a musician ::.

I see it all the time.

A guy is a musician,

He plays gigs here and there.

Loves to play, but can’t make any dough doing it.

Since he knows how to “make music” he looks for a way to use his skills to make a living.

He sees podcasting is hot.

He knows how to edit.

He can mix.

He knows how to make you sound good.

That’s nice if all you care about is sounding good.

But what if you want to create an evergreen asset that delivers a consistent stream of pre-sold clients?

Sounding good isn’t enough.

You need a strategy to snap your ideal listener out of their daily fog, grab their attention, makes them listen to your show, and get on your calendar.

Sounding good is the easy part.

We have audio engineers on our team who handle that.

We send you the right equipment so you don’t have to waste time sweating the small stuff.

And most importantly, when you work with us – we spend the first few weeks nailing down the concept that will bring more of your ideal listeners into your world so you can build trust and credibility with them.

We call this The Client Cloner.

It’s step #1 of our 5 step Direct Response Podcast™ framework.

If you want good sound, hire a musician to help with your podcast.

If you want an asset that raises your status and brings you ideal pre-sold clients – we should talk.

——-> http://ThePodcastFactory.com/call/

Producer Jonathan – out.

Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles


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