Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles

A guy I know and respect told me I HAD to read some eMail from some other guy I don’t know too well.
He said it was the best thing he’s read all year.
I’m a marketer.
I’m always looking for good ideas.
I’m on the other guys mailing list.
So, I dug around and found his email.
Read it.
And thought.
Who cares?
The guy was whining about his dog dying and his wife leaving him.
Like some bad country song.
I went back to the guy who recommended it and saw a big discussion going on about the email and I wanted to jump in and tell these people they are effing idiots.
This is when I took a step back and realized how flawed I am.
I severely lack patience for stuff like this.
Last month I had to put my dog to sleep.
She was a beautiful little pug who had been in our family almost 17 years.
I didn’t post on social media about it.
I didn’t write an email about it.
I kept it to myself.
Why? Becuase in my eyes, classy people keep sh*t like that to themselves instead of parading around looking for sympathy.
Then I started thinking about the “wife leaving” part.
OK, if Cupcake packed up and took Huddy with her I would be in a bottomless pit of despair.
I get that.
But I look at the guys business and from what I can tell he runs around from conference to conference taking notes and selling them.
In his sad email he talks about how he wanted to retire and travel with his wife.
He couldn’t believe she left before they could do that.
If he weren’t so busy conference hopping and instead took his wife with him – or better just skipped the conference and created a life where he could spend time with his wife NOW rather than later – maybe she wouldn’t have hauled ass.
Maybe I’m a sociopath?
Maybe I lack empathy?
But I just don’t feel bad for people who put their family on the back burner while they “build a business.”
You could die tomorrow and what would you have?
Some dollars in the back?
Some Facebook likes?
Some faux friends?
That ain't much.
So what’s the point?
Instead of living your life for your business you should be creating a business that supports your life.
Or at least that's what I believe.
If you’re not doing this, don't worry.
It isn’t too late.
You can get started right now.
There are many different ways, but my favorite is to go to http://ThePodcastFactory.com and pick a show or two that seem cool to you.
Start listening.
Do what the hosts tells you to do.
Reap the benefits.
And create the life that keeps your family close and your dog alive.
OK, the Dog thing may not be accurate.
But the family thing is.
What are you waiting for?
Get to stepping.
Producer Jonathan

Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles


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