Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles

So many things trip people up when starting their podcasts.

What equipment to use?
What to talk about?
How to get it into iTunes.

But one of the biggest things that holds most people back is…

What do I name my show?

You don't want to go too narrow or people won't listen.
You don't want to go too broad so people don't know what you're about.
How do you pick the perfect name for your podcast show?

I've got some insight for you.

And after naming 90+ shows – you'll want to listen closely. Especially if you want a show that gets people's attention and makes you unforgettable.

There are three key things you need to have the perfect name for your show. Ask yourself…

1. Am I FIRED UP about this?
2. Can I create a MOVEMENT around it?
3. Do I want EVERYONE to know about it?

And as a special bonus.

Watch this video to see how I helped Ann name her show “Break the Stake”

See you next time,
Producer Jonathan

Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles


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