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Highlights from this episode include:

Why you’re not earning “Boss Pay” and how to change that today (6:53)
What the book of Ecclesiastes says about the myth of work-life balance (7:19)
A fundamental character trait you can develop to guarantee your success (9:32)
How the debt from your home can be used to secure your financial future (12:23)
How your mortgage can secure your financial future (12:23)
The “Asset Acquisition” test you can use to determine if a 401k loan is right for your situation (13:43)

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Highlights from this episode include:

The essential mental shift you must make to reach your current goals as fast as possible (2:11)
How to take full advantage of your “15 minutes of fame” so you don’t miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime (8:10)
Why a full list of to-dos today ruins your tomorrow (9:13)
How to use other people’s wins to create victory in your own life (13:08)
Why you can work extremely hard and still fail (and how to transform that failure to quick success) (15:09)

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Highlights from this episode include:

Why confidence in your financial position can lead straight to bankruptcy (6:23)
The surprising reason your advisor’s fees make you more money than they cost (8:36)
An essential conversation to have with your advisor before you go broke (10:10)
The “Concept Slave” mistake that will devastate your portfolio and how to free yourself from its shackles (10:49)
Why you should never bank on an inheritance (even after you’ve received it) (13:18)
How your financial success can be your financial downfall (16:12)
3 “Anti-Aging” reasons to get your financial plan in place today before you end up in a nursing home (19:03)

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Highlights from this episode include:

A “Common Sense” step you can take today to get the best return from your retirement investments (3:07)
Why traditional education teaches you nothing about financial knowledge and how self-education helps you take control of your money (3:34)
The “Transparency” secret to strengthening your cash flow (and your marriage) (4:46)
The “4 A System” for rock-solid cash reserves that will be there for you when you need them most (7:23)
4 questions to ask yourself that guide you to income-generating investments that support your retirement lifestyle (9:54)
Why “Peer Optimism” destroys portfolios and how to politely decline such “opportunities” and stay friends (11:03)
A commonly overlooked financial tracking method that ensures you have the money you need when you need it (14:40)

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Highlights from this episode include:

A Bible story that teaches you everything you need to know about maximizing your current assets (2:31)
2 resources everyone can immediately use to profit from no matter what your financial situation is (3:20)
The “Silent Secret” for turning your plans into reality (4:35)
A 3-step process to achieving all your personal and financial goals (8:12)

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Highlights from this episode include:

Why you’re manifesting negative events into your life (and how to fix it today) (7:33)
Three words to say to yourself to crush doubt and help you achieve what you desire (12:26)
The “Dangerous D’s” that derail your life and stop you from accomplishing your goals (13:15)
How to prevent distractions from taking over your life (17:25)

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Highlights from this episode include:

The Collusion method for helping others determine their life’s purpose (15:21)
How to maximize your salary even if you work in the educational bureaucracy (21:11)
The “Specific Skills Criteria” you must consider when choosing a college and major (22:49)
Why the Reagan Model of education will no longer help you achieve your goals and what to do instead (26:03)
The surprising reason that learning prevents career advancement (26:59)
Why “soft skills” hold the key to motivating your children effectively (29:23)

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Highlights from this episode include:

Why children are causing families to go into staggering amounts of debt and how to avoid it in your household (5:36)
The sneaky reason your tax refund keeps you from getting ahead financially (6:25)
The “Christmas Every Day” approach that prevents holiday debt (7:58)
How to spend less but create more Christmas morning excitement for your children (9:00)
A profound lesson you can teach your kids that will save you thousands during the holidays (11:07)

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Highlights from this episode include:

Why it seems impossible to get ahead financially no matter how much income you earn (4:04)
The business owner’s secret you can use to reduce taxes even if you’re an employee (4:35)
Are you just working to pay taxes?… READ MORE

Highlights from this episode include:

Why your retirement account makes college funding more difficult (4:49)
The worst possible decision you can make about your child’s education and how to avoid it (6:31)
How overbearing parents ruin their child’s opportunity to get the right college education (11:04)
Why 529 plans are one of the worst ways to invest a college fund (15:17)
How 529 plans make college more expensive for you than it should be (16:31)

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