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Highlights from this episode include:

Why only 4% of people in the U.S. will have enough money to last them through retirement (and how to join this 4% club) (4:35)
How loser friends who blame others for their problems steal your wealth faster than greedy Wall Street bankers (7:00)
The insidious way religion keeps you from becoming wealthy (and how to fix your money outlook so you become rich without giving up your faith) (9:05)
Why God wants you to be stinkin’, filthy rich (11:01)
Why you can’t eradicate poverty by giving more money to the poor (11:24)
3 questions that prepare you for a long-lasting retirement — regardless of the tax hikes that tear apart our economy (15:52)

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Highlights from this episode include:

How a trip to the driving range is like taking a “chill pill” when work makes you stressed to the max (even if you’ve never golfed before) (4:35) 
Why picking the wrong hobby can bankrupt you and sabotage your relationships (and how to pick one that improves your business and marriage) (6:31) 
How “living within your means” makes you miserable (and how to properly invest for the future without sacrificing your fun today) (8:34) 
The “Cash Reserve System” that transforms your emergency fund into an income-producing asset (10:58) 
Why having fun is the single best way to prevent burnout (14:53) 

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Highlights from this episode include:

Are rising inflation and interest rates working against your wealth? (1:51)
How your blind spots prevent you from reaching your potential (2:37)
The importance of a “BSMS” to ensure you make smart financial decisions (4:16)
How your subconscious biases cause you to miss opportunities (5:42)
Why choosing Quality over Quantity makes the difference in your business (7:30)
Emotions are driving your decisions — are they costing you profits?READ MORE

Show highlights include:

Grow your wealth -and business- with the counter-intuitive “IIP” strategy that doesn’t focus on money (3:40)
The short-term impact of the $1.9 trillion federal stimulus package and how it could tank your investments (5:37)
The tax-sheltered trading account you can use today to maximize your “Buy Low Sell High” investment dollar (7:19)
How you can still make “Bitcoin Profits” without investing in the unstable crypto markets (8:21)
Four long-term “Hold & Grow” stock recommendations that will grow your stock portfolio (but only if you don’t need the money for at least 1 year) (8:49)
3 hot stock picks that will continue to grow — in an sector that has no limit (9:17) 
My counter-intuitive criteria for short-term growth stocks during this economic crisis — industry trends hide the winners but I’ll show you where to look (10:19)
The essential industry that will roar back when the economy reopens (11:31)
The Reddit-crazed stock that has real growth potential… and why the hyped up others could sink your investment portfolio (12:07)
“The Wealthy Investor’s Way” of looking at your taxable gains while building your fortune (13:24)
How to make mountains of money when your stock market ticker bleeds red (14:39)

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Highlights from this episode include:

How having a life-changing opportunity fall into your lap hurts you more than it helps (3:01) 
The one skill that’s made Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, and Oprah Winfrey unbelievably wealthy (and how to harness it yourself) (3:21) 
Why you should never believe the doom and gloomers of the stock market (and how to make profitable investments during a crash) (7:34) 
How the “Cash Reserve System” helps you recover from a nasty market crash in as little as 18 months (even if it takes years for the market to recover) (10:58) 
3 industries that recover quick fast after the market takes a nosedive (12:13) 

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Highlights from this episode include:

The “Financial Pyramid Program” that protects you from burning all your money in the stock market (even during a bubble) (2:41)
The most overlooked type of insurance that can potentially save you millions of dollars (3:03)
The insidious way growth assets flush most of your investment value down the toilet (and how to make sure they make you money) (5:03)
How hype drives up stock prices to astronomically inaccurate prices that can wipe out your retirement savings (6:14)
2 important tricks when investing in high flying stocks that prevents you from overpaying and underselling them (10:18)

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Highlights from this episode include:

How paying rent your entire life helps you retire at 40 and move to Hawaii (4:51) 
Why you should retire long before you decide to own a home (6:29) 
Why putting as little into your 401k as possible sets you up for greater long-term returns (even if your company matches everything you put in) (8:50) 
How defying conventional advice unlocks more freedom and wealth than you know what to do with (11:02) 

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Highlights from this episode include:

How to gift over $1 million to your heirs without it getting stolen by the IRS (even though you can only give $15,000 per person) (3:45) 
The “Welfare Business Model” for investing that grows your wealth faster than your taxes rise (6:09) 
How to avoid being financially ruined when new politicians raise taxes on the wealthy (8:25) 
3 types of charitable gifts that stop the IRS from taking most of your IRA money (8:56) 
The “Roth IRA Secret” that floods your heirs with tax-free money (14:18) 

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Highlights from this episode include:

The 3 pillars of a successful retirement plan that let you retire 10 years earlier (without worrying that you’ll run out of money) (2:12) 
Why you need short-term, long-term, and intermediate positions in your retirement portfolio if you don’t want to worry about running out of money (3:57) 
How to tweak the stocks in your portfolio so all your money doesn’t burn up during a crisis (4:20) 
The “Brokerage Link” secret that transforms a sucky 401k into a way to make you rich throughout retirement (11:23)

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Highlights from this episode include:

How the “Rapid Retire Program” can speed up your retirement by up to 10 years sooner than your peers (3:02) 
The “Corporate Bond ETF Method” that mitigates a large chunk of your risk in your portfolios (6:11) 
6 down stocks that can potentially be lavishly profitable as the world reopens (13:05) 
Why going conservative with your portfolios right before retirement makes you run out of cash too quickly (and how the “bucket concept” prevents you from doing this) (17:16)

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