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Greg Smith | Rise Above Podcast

4 Steps To Stop Procrastinating Now!

Greg Smith | Rise Above Podcast         Greg Smith | Rise Above Podcast        
4 Steps To Stop Procrastinating Now!           4 Steps To Stop Procrastinating Now!          
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    Have you ever found yourself avoiding the work you know you need to get done? When you work for yourself, it can be easy to put off difficult or unpleasant tasks because there’s no one forcing you to do it. But the key to your success is getting those hard things done. So how do you overcome your tendency to procrastinate?

    In this episode, Greg gives a 4 step plan for ending procrastination, a method for knocking out the tasks on your to-do list, and a crucial mindset shift you can make today to be more productive instantly.

    Show highlights:

    • This simple first step can help you crush procrastination forever (2:15)
    • Eliminate this from your life to become more clear, focused, and productive (4:44)
    • An easy method that forces you to get stuff done (5:43)
    • How Parkinson’s Law can help you stop procrastinating (6:10)
    • The iron-clad mentality you need to destroy your excuses (8:10)

    If you want to live life on YOUR terms and spend more time doing the things you love, then head over to www.riseabovepodcast.com and download your free Freedom Formula. What are you waiting for?

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