Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles

It seems like it was only yesterday.

When we travelled to the Philippines to meet our son, Huddy for the very first time.

With his sense of humor, quick temper, and hate for all green veggies – we know he has grown to be “one of us.”

It's been two years since he came home with us and we decided he's ready to see where he came from. We're going back to the Philippines between November 6th-18th 2018.

Why am I telling you this?

Two reasons.

1. I won’t be writing you as often since the wi-fi is spotty.

2. If you can’t stand to be away from me, you can keep up with our adventures on instagram https://thepodcastfactory.com/ig

I’ll talk to you soon,
Jonathan #DaddysWorking Rivera

Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles


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