Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles

9 times out of 10 people listening to your podcast are no where near their computer.

They're either in their car, or at the gym, or washing dishes, or doing any number of things that makes it hard for them to take you up on your call to action.

That's why it's so darn hard to get email subscribers from your podcast show.

And most podcasters don't even try.

But if you want to get more downloads, stay connected with your listeners, and sell more of your stuff you absolutely need to get them back to your site and on to your emails list.

One of my private clients was having trouble with this very thing, so I recorded a short video showing him an easy way to get people back to his site an on his list.

He said it was OK for me to share it with you, so I put it up on my You Tube channel.

Click HERE to watch it now

Enjoy the video,
Producer Jonathan


Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles


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