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Jonathan Rivera | Daddy's Working

Both on Board with Ray Gonzalez

Jonathan Rivera | Daddy's Working         Jonathan Rivera | Daddy's Working        
Both on Board with Ray Gonzalez           Both on Board with Ray Gonzalez          
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    Marriage takes work and this is especially true when you work with your spouse. Each year, thousands of couples take on the challenge of starting a business together. They get to spend more time together and pursue their passion with their best friend.

    Unfortunately, not every couple has this experience.

    Working with your spouse can be stressful – and that stress can radiate out into all areas of life. It’s an extremely challenging balance – so what’s the difference between the Entrepreneurial couples that make it and those that break up?

    Today I’ve got another – yes ANOTHER – special guest on the Daddy’s Working show. Today I’m joined by Ray Gonzalez. Ray and his wife have created multiple 7-figure businesses together and their mission right now is to help Entrepreneurial couples create the life and business of their dreams.

    Show Highlights Include:

    • The beginner’s guide to the deliberate practice of personal growth (5:30)
    • Short-term motivation vs. long-term inspiration (7:00)
    • Deciding to work together as a couple: what things were like in the beginning (8:15)
    • How Ray uses his core values to live his best life (19:00)
    • Critical money habits of people who grow up poor (20:10)
    • Why work-life balance is total B.S (22:45)

    How would you like to spend more time with your family and less time in your business? Go grab yourself a copy of my Digital Daddy’s Toolkit where you’ll get my top 3 speed-influence tools to make you a trusted expert in any market. FAST. Go to www.daddysworking.com/ddt

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