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David Tian | Masculine Psychology

How To Overcome Your Neediness With Women

David Tian | Masculine Psychology         David Tian | Masculine Psychology        
How To Overcome Your Neediness With Women           How To Overcome Your Neediness With Women          
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    Have you ever bombarded a woman with text messages… offered to solve problems “so she will like you”… or found yourself reciting pick-up lines to conceal your nervousness?

    These behaviors hide your true self from the women you want to love you. Instead of appearing as a secure man and partner, you broadcast your insecurities and sabotage your attractiveness. You end up in the friendzone or come off creepy, and you don’t know why.

    There is a better way to attract women. One that doesn't deceive women. When you can meet your own emotional needs, you naturally become self-confident — and magnetically attract the right women to you.

    Don't continue repressing your needs. Discover how to love yourself in three steps, on this episode of The Masculine Psychology Podcast.

    Show highlights include:

    • Why advice about “what to text” increases your fear of being alone (2:15)
    • How to cure your neediness and squash your fear of being unlovable (4:11)
    • Why common pick-up tactics cause women to instinctively avoid your advances (6:01)
    • The 10 Human Needs — which of these do you expect others to meet? (7:08)
    • Your “One Need” that trumps all others (and why you could die penniless in a gutter and still have lived a happy life) (12:50)
    • Why having “good enough” social skills today prevents you from creating a successful relationship (17:05)
    • How to access your unconscious gifts so you can focus on what’s important in your life (22:17)
    • Use the “TR” structure of rules to discover —and destroy— the deep sources of your needy behavior (23:58)
    • The healthy, “10 out of 10” way to meet your own needs — it’s the “secret code” to a happier life (30:30)

    Does your neediness, fear, or insecurity sabotage your success with women? Do you feel you may be unlovable? For more than 15 years, I've helped thousands of people find confidence, fulfillment, and loving relationships. And I can help you, too. I'm therapist and life coach David Tian, Ph.D. I invite you to check out my free Masterclasses on dating and relationships at https://www.davidtianphd.com/masterclass/ now.

    For more about David Tian, go here:


    Get access to all my current and future online coaching courses by applying for the Platinum Partnership program today at:


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