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NFTs are the future of commerce and we’re only in beta. It’s like The Matrix, but more practical for your business and your bank account.
But what does that mean? How can you jump into the world of NFTs as an entrepreneur?

In this episode, Coasthawk joins me and reveals how to get started with NFTs, common mistakes to avoid, and how to go from an NFT consumer to an NFT creator.

Listen now and get a headstart on the future.

Show highlights include:

  • The sneaky “MAC” reason for why wasting tens of thousands of dollars on a profile picture can create stratospheric wealth (3:45)
  • Why buying an NFT can be your most profitable investment this year (even if you don’t understand what they are or how they work) (5:14)
  • The “Scroll Stop” secret for choosing NFTs you won’t regret (even if they go to zero) (9:01)
  • How to separate stud NFT projects from the duds by simply scrolling on Twitter (11:40)
    The “Roadmap Litmus Test” which can tell you if you’re blowing your ethereum on an NFT project before buying (15:25)
  • The single most accurate, yet unscientific way to “vet” NFT communities (22:15)
  • Why your emotions will ransack your digital wallet with wealth-destroying NFTs (aand how to minimize your risk) (34:52)
  • How to make more money watching cartoons than most people make working a 9-5 (54:26)
  • How to go from an NFT consumer to creator by the end of this year (or sooner) (55:27)
  • Why NFTs are the future of commerce (aand how to get your feet wet while we’re still in “beta”) (1:14:59)

If you want to check out Coasthawk’s NFT project, you can find it here: https://www.moonsofmars.xyz/. And you can follow him on Twitter @Coasthawk.

97% of NFT projects fail. Want to find out how to pick better NFT projects, so you can sell them for a sizable return? Head to https://dgen.fm and grab the free report I put together so you can pick profitable projects.



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