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Roy Furr - Freelance Titan part 2

Roy Furr - Freelance Titan part 2           Roy Furr - Freelance Titan part 2          
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    In fact, after writing sales copy for almost a quarter of a century as a full time gig (mostly writing for my own businesses)… I’m starting to view what drives top performers for what it REALLY is…

    A mental illness.

    No sane person wants to deal with all the self-hate, mental and emotional trauma that an A-list player has to deal with.

    But there’s a reason top producers in any field are so out of balance. And it’s the thing that eventually makes them great.

    If you want a brief glimpse of how one top copywriter deals with it, click here and listen to this week’s episode of Off The Chain.

    All the best,
    Doberman Dan

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