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Cherylanne Skolnicki | Brilliant Balance

Jealous Much? 3 steps to feel better about your own life

Cherylanne Skolnicki | Brilliant Balance         Cherylanne Skolnicki | Brilliant Balance        
Jealous Much? 3 steps to feel better about your own life           Jealous Much? 3 steps to feel better about your own life          
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    Have you ever caught yourself feeling jealous of others’ successes, looks, or achievements?

    Whether we like it or not, we all feel envious sometimes. The feelings can chase us around and fill us with strong emotions like anger, shame, and sadness. 

    You may hesitate to confront your envious feelings but doing so can set your heart free and fill you with joy again.

    Listen now to discover 3 simple steps to shift your perspective on envy and transform your negative emotions into deep gratitude.

     Show Highlights Include:

    • How to channel envious feelings and use them as motivation to become your best self (05:00)
    • A simple yet powerful 2 second mindset shift to break free from the weight of envious feelings (05:32)
    • The “zooming in” strategy to shift your perspective out of envy and tap into deep gratitude (07:52)
    • How looking at life in “freeze frames” misguides you and makes you think you’re behind others (11:49)


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