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Cherylanne Skolnicki | Brilliant Balance

Why do we love the Hot Mess Mom?

Cherylanne Skolnicki | Brilliant Balance         Cherylanne Skolnicki | Brilliant Balance        
Why do we love the Hot Mess Mom?           Why do we love the Hot Mess Mom?          
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    For many of us, it’s easy to fall in love with the ‘hot mess’ mom. The mom who leaves her house in pajamas, has misbehaving kids, and no plans for dinner. We love that. We connect with that!

    But has this comfortable and relatable role trapped moms in a race to the bottom? Can you deeply connect with your kids if you only see yourself as a ‘hot mess’?

    In this episode, I discuss society’s perception of the ‘bad mom,’ the ‘perfect mom,’ and how to sit right in the middle for a full and present motherhood. 

    Show highlights include:

    • How the ‘hot mess mom’ set foot in our culture (and why we relate to her so much) (2:14)
    • Why Instagrammers and comedians have turned the ‘perfect mom’ role into a nightmare (6:18)
    • Why you are more comfortable celebrating your losses than your wins—and what this says about the time you spend with your kids (7:39)
    • How combining disaster and perfection helps you raise healthy, happy children (10:39)

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