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Cherylanne Skolnicki | Brilliant Balance

Finding calm in the chaos

Cherylanne Skolnicki | Brilliant Balance         Cherylanne Skolnicki | Brilliant Balance        
Finding calm in the chaos           Finding calm in the chaos          
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    With everything going on right now in the world, in your life, and in your home, sometimes this season can feel more chaotic than enjoyable.

    In this episode, I discuss three opportunities you have to grab a moment of calm and solitude amid the hectic holidays.  

    Show highlights include:

    • How to set yourself up for a successful day (even when you know things are about to get super busy) (2:11)
    • The “Tea Time” ritual that gives you a break right when you need it most (5:32)
    • A 5-minute solitude exercise to refresh and recharge you no matter what has happened in your day (5:54)

    Come follow along!

    Balance the hustle and bustle of the holiday season with our master holiday plan. Visit: https://brilliant-balance.com/holiday

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