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Chris Garrison | Bigger Vision

Are you Growing or Preserving

Chris Garrison | Bigger Vision         Chris Garrison | Bigger Vision        
Are you Growing or Preserving           Are you Growing or Preserving          
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    Society has been shoving the idea of a “money making blueprint” down your throat for decades. They tell you:

    “Get a degree.”

    “It takes money to make money.”

    “Invest in a mutual fund and get an easy 5%.”

    And to back up this advice, they point to that one billionaire investor… forgetting that he didn’t get rich by following that advice

    Following the usual advice is NOT a money blueprint. It’s a broke blueprint. And if you’re making less than $100 an hour you must avoid this advice at all costs.

    In this episode, you’ll discover the 4-step plan to get from minimum wage to millionaire in the fastest time possible.

    Listen now.

    Show highlights include: 

    • How to turn your small business into a million dollar empire by taking the day off to socialize (2:05)
    • 3 ways to mitigate risk in your business (and unlock generational wealth) (3:21)
    • The “break up with your best friend” principle for cracking your first million (12:08)
    • A 4-step blueprint for creating an empire in your 20’s and 30’s (even if you’re broke now) (12:39)
    • 3 sustainable ways to ethically and legally dodge tax (21:11)

    Get past being stuck and find new ideas to grow by joining the Bigger Vision Facebook group and visiting MyBiggerVision.Com

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