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Chris Garrison | Bigger Vision

Growing Pains

Chris Garrison | Bigger Vision         Chris Garrison | Bigger Vision        
Growing Pains           Growing Pains          
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    If you're feeling overwhelmed by the challenges you face in life, you're not alone. It could be dealing with stress from work, hitting roadblocks, or looking at an ever-growing to-do list… 

    It's inevitable. Even as you become more wealthy, the problems don't go away. They just accumulate more zeroes. 

    In this episode, you'll discover how to simplify your life in overwhelming times – so you can lean into resistance and unlock your life of abundance. 

    Listen now!  

    Show highlights include: 

    • The “meal prep” method for living an abundant life (5:35) 
    • Get yourself out of a rut by dwelling on the past (13:11) 
    • How “Big Rocks Theory” helps you build a multi-million dollar business from scratch in the most efficient way possible (17:50)
    • Why extreme productivity is as simple as a getting your notepad, drawing dollar signs and counting to three (19:53) 
    • How to become a $10,000 per hour producer within the next ten years (even if you only earn $10/h now) (21:05) 
    • Unlock productivity superpowers by slacking off for a few hours each day (24:09)

    Get past being stuck and find new ideas to grow by joining the Bigger Vision Facebook group and visiting MyBiggerVision.Com

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