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Every entrepreneur dreams of making their first million. It’s just a number, but it’s the first milestone that shows that you’ve “made it”. 

But if you search around, the internet’s full of conflicting advice on how to get there. 

One side says you can make millions while you sleep – the other wants you to work 8 days a week. One guru says “real estate”, the next says “ecom”, yet another is shilling the latest flavor of the month. 

But the truth is, it doesn’t matter where your first million comes from. It’s all about your mindset. 

In this episode, you’ll discover the secrets of the millionaire mind, and find out how to turn your mind into a cash-generating machine. 

Listen now!  

Show highlights include: 

  • The “risk lens” inside of you that stops you from taking million dollar opportunities (1:47) 
  • The “employee to millionaire” roadmap that that works even if you’re barely got enough cash to keep the lights on right now (7:22) 
  • Why ignoring Elon Musk, Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos gives you a better shot at reaching a million bucks (10:44) 
  • The “hunt once, eat twice” strategy that billionaires use to scale their businesses to the moon (12:24) 
  • The “Budweiser” method that paves the way to lucrative partnerships (22:22) 


Get past being stuck and find new ideas to grow by joining the Bigger Vision Facebook group and visiting MyBiggerVision.Com

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Do you ever feel stuck in the rat race? Life doesn't have to be that way. If you're willing to put in the work, in “bigger vision”, Chris Garrison helps you discover the keys to abundance, freedom, and personal growth, that let you live the life of your dreams. And now here's your host, Chris Garrison.

(00:33): Hey everybody. It's Chris Garrison. Welcome to the bigger vision podcast. I'm so excited that you took time outta your day and best in yourself because ultimately that is the best return on investment that you could ever make is in yourself. And today I've got a very hot topic, especially if you've not gotten to this point in life yet. And it is the first million making the first million. You know, everybody wants to be a millionaire. They make shows about it. Thousands of articles wrote about it, and everybody seems be able to have the magic bullet to bring you to millionaire status. Some say that you can have it overnight. Some say that you can do it, not doing anything. It's a hundred percent passive. If you'll just sign up and pay for the program. Some say that it's a lifetime of effort for you to become a millionaire.

(01:17): There's a little bit of truth in every bit of it, to be honest. But the reality is, is there is different. The reality is, is it starts with you. The reality is, is it is the mindset. There is a different mindset that a millionaire has compared to the person that is paycheck to paycheck. The person that is paycheck to paycheck doesn't understand the thinking of a millionaire. They haven't grew graduated into that thought process. So you're saying, Chris, well, what the heck is that mentality? What is that thinking? Well, it's taking risk because a millionaire is going to see opportunities and they don't focus on the risk, but the paycheck to paycheck mentality is going to in opportunity, but more than an opportunity, they see a risk and it cripples 'em because fear immediately takes over and begins to hold them back with all of the, what ifs.

(02:15): You know, I believe it was Tony Robbins that said what you focus on grows, and you got two choices here. You're either gonna focus on the opportunity and what it can bring to you and in a positive manner. And that is going to grow, or you're gonna focus on the negativity, the possibility of failure and loss when opportunity is presented. And what happens is, is as you focus on that risk of failure, that risk of losing something at that point, it gets so big that it overshadows the opportunity and you walk away. And when you walk away from the opportunity, you've walked away from your future. Because in that opportunity, whether you have failure or loss or not, you grow through it. And the growth that comes through the process of becoming a millionaire is a growth that can only come from the process of walking into being a million.

(03:05): There there's processes and procedures that are required for you to be able to build a million. And those same processes and same procedures are the same requirement that is to build 2 million and 3 million. See it all starts with you and self development. That's what this whole life is about. Life doesn't happen to you. It happens for you so many times, we sit here and think, oh, this is awful. Or we'll look at someone else and we'll just sit there and, you know, wish that they had not walked through something because it was just traumatic and hard. But the reality is is you shouldn't be wishing that you should be celebrating the fact that they actually made it through. And now they've got a thicker skin. They've got skill sets that are built. They've got a sense of longevity. They've got the grit and the grind to be able to push past hard because life is going to resist you.

(04:04): And you have to lean into that resistance. And you have to push past the undesirable feeling of pain. You have to push past the fear. You have to push past all of those elements that try to say, sit in your safe place. It's already okay, man. You know, you got a check coming on Friday. You know that you get to show up to work on 8:00 AM Monday morning, and you get to go home at 5:00 PM, but it's a jail sale guys. And gals, it is a jail sale that thought that mentality is putting shackles on you. And we've been trained to be that way. And it's, and I'm not trying to say, Hey, this is a someone else's fault in the way that you're you're living right now, because you have choices. Nobody's controlling you. Nobody's got a gun to your head. Nobody has a gun to your head telling you, you have to do this this way every day.

(04:57): If that's the case, then that's a whole nother matter and we need to get the police involved. Okay? So we were trained. Don't touch this. It's hot. It will burn. You don't do that because you need to do this. Don't collaborate with your friends in school because that's cheating. We were taught all these do not dos because we were gonna have a negative response to our action. But the reality is, is in life, there is opportunity that is presented to you on a daily basis. And we pull away and turn our face to those opportunities because we immediately look at what could happen in a negative way. Instead of looking at what could happen in a positive way, in what it's going to bring to our life, see the millionaire, sees the opportunity and then begins to act on it. He begins to study to educate himself about what this all entails.

(05:54): What is it gonna require of me? What is it going to give me? What is it going to look like? Smell like taste. Like what does this opportu, what is this opportunity? We wanna know everything about it. And we begin to dive into that information with eyes of optimism and possibility. And as we begin to get more educated and more familiar with it, we begin to take action further into it and begin to run in that direction. If we see it's going to bring us what we want, see a multi a millionaire takes opportunity based off what it brings to our life, how it enhances our life. That is why you've gotta get the millionaire mindsets before you can do anything else. Otherwise you will stay in a paycheck to paycheck mindset because it is a false safety. It is false security. It actually brings zero security because you're putting all your dependents in someone else.

(06:53): You're putting it in, in a company. You're putting it into another person and you don't have financial freedom and financial freedom. We live on an listen. We live in a world that its economy is based off of currency. And without currency, without dollar bills, you are not or assets that produce dollar bills. You ever find yourself financially free. That is why and why you were earning your paycheck. You find out how to maximize that paycheck by bringing as much value as possible to whatever organization you're plugged into, whether it's your own organization or one that you work for as a con subcontractor or a, a W2 employee, whatever it is, you find out what is valuable to them. And you began to bring as much of that value as you can, to maximize your paycheck. And you keep your cost of living as minimal as possible so that you can shave off the extra and you take the extra and you begin to fall assets that you could plug that extra into that beat inflation that produce cash flow that hopefully creates you tax savings through depreciation.

(08:10): These are things that multi-millionaires understand. These are qualities and attributes that are plugged into their life that allow them to not only make million, but to make multimillions. I had a significant, very thought provoking conversation with my business, coach Kelly, Garrett, and there's another handful of us that's in this group. And she brought to us and she said, I want to communicate with you guys about the billionaire that's with the B the billion mindset in the millionaire mindset. And she threw a disclaimer around and said, I'm not a billionaire. I'm just, she's a multimillionaire. And everybody in this group, multimillionaire, and, and that can be a net worth, or that can be an liquidity, meaning it's sitting in the bank. So she began to talk about how she was trying to figure out why some were achieving and doing more, and what that thought process was.

(09:07): You know, it all boils down back to our self-development. That's why you are listening to this pod cast to enhance your techniques, your attributes, to enhance everything about you, so that you can produce more so that you can hit your potential self. And she said, billionaires, they look at scalability. You know, a millionaire would look at company and say, I'm going to start this company and grow it to this. And it might just be in a niche market, but a billionaire is gonna look at it and say, I want to already acquire. I wanna acquire an already established company, and I want a scale. So let's take the fast food industry. As an example, they might look at Garrison's fish and steakhouse, and it might be producing, or let's just say $250,000. And it's bringing in over a million dollars in revenue. And they're gonna, now this first of all would be too small for big and air, but I'm just trying to get round numbers, but they're gonna look at that.

(10:08): And they're gonna say, what can we do to automate Garrison's fish and steak so that we can have 20 Gar is efficient stakes so that they can multiply that $250,000 net EBIDA that net profit. And they can multiply it by 20, because if you've got 20 locations producing the same thing, you've just multiplied it. They look at automation, they look at processes and procedure because that allows them to scale. They don't look at perfecting one and done. So there's a difference between the way the billionaire mindset is in the millionaire mindset. That is why a multimillionaire can get to a billion because they have these thought processes right here. And how did they find these thought processes? They studied, they allowed self development. They developed themself by reading, listening, watching, and understanding and asking questions from successful individuals that are before them. Why did I pay the money that I paid to get coached in business by Kelly?

(11:14): Garrett is because she has more millions than I do. And I wanna learn from someone that hit a million dollar mark and kept going. I didn't have access to a billionaire. And quite frankly, that would've been too high of a reach because hitting the million and going to the 10 million mark, and then the hundred million mark it, different skill sets than hitting a billion dollar mark. And they would be too high level. And over my head, and I wouldn't have captured what I needed to capture, because when you've moved down this journey, there's elements that just become second nature. That is hard for you to pinpoint and tell others, unless they ask you a direct question, then yes, it will come out. So scalability is one of the five things that was brought up in this conversation and then the product desirability over promotion.

(12:08): So as in a, in a billionaire mindset, they're thinking about monthly reoccurring revenue, my mentor, Mark Evans, DM calls it MRR. And that really got me excited the other day, because when I first started my cleaning company, I was going after told you, I don't know if I told you, but I went into debt on a extraction unit, a carpet, cleaning, steam cleaning extraction unit. And I, the grit in me and the life or death of making it successful. I knew I was gonna be able to make that payment. And one of the strategies that gave me confidence to be able to make that payment is I said, if I go into these restaurants, they get their carpets cleaned month. And I could count on the fact that next month I'm gonna be showing back up to clean that carpet. So now I don't have to kill and eat every single month.

(13:02): I just have to hunt once. And then I am able to eat over and over again. That was a, that right. There is a craft, a skill that billionaires use because they understand I can, first of all, save money on marketing dollars. But second of all, I don't have to do the kill and eat mentality so they can promote, promote, promote, promote. And then once you have a taste, once you try the value you're hooked, and you're gonna go back because a billion there is going to create, or a billionaire mindset is gonna create a long-lasting product or service. They're not gonna create a substandard product or service. They would've never have gotten to a multimillionaire on their way to billionaire, if that was the mentality. So in the process of promoting, they have built something that is going to be sought after over and over again.

(13:57): My coach used the, it was a protein bar and she was like, I tried, you know, I bought a box of these, liked them. And I go back on the internet and purchase a box over a box over a box. As soon as I see that I'm getting down and it's routine reoccurring, I would never have to be marketed to again about this product. Because as I know for face value, that this product is something that I like very, very important right there. The other thing is so let let's take business owners for a second. So many of us are looking at team members, employees, AKA team members, as expense instead of an asset. So what is an expense? It's a liability as something that takes from us, correct. And what is an asset? It is something that produces and gives value to us, but we look at how much we're having to pay to bring somebody on board.

(14:53): And you've gotta step back and think about let's. Let's just assume that you are a valuable person because you're listening to this podcast and you are about bringing it to the table when you're out in the marketplace, bringing value and exchange for money. Okay. How much would it take for you to move jobs over to another company? And how much do you think you would be willing to pay someone for the same position right now in you're trained of thought before I asked you that question, see, so many of us want to pay as little as possible, and we can't pull from the best in the pool, because the best in the pool are making money and the best in the pool won't opportunity. If you are trying to plug someone into an organization, that's not giving 'em opportunity of growth. If you're trying to grab someone from another organization into yours, and you're not willing to pay the them more than what that organization is paying, whether with benefits, with actual paycheck, money, with opportunity, with culture, with vision, then you're never gonna grab the best of the best, the cream of the crop.

(16:05): You gotta pay for it, and you've gotta change your mentality to be able to pay for it. Otherwise you will see it as an expense and yourself out of it every single time. So change your mentality that your team members are not liabilities, but they're assets, cuz they're bringing something to the table they're producing. And if they're not producing, then they're not the team member. And they're not a part of your culture because they're not a part of your core values because I guarantee you every are one of you listening to this that owns a business or works at high level in a business in management leadership. The core values definitely have in them in some way or another that they're bringing value to the table. If they're not bringing value to the table, if you're not bringing value to the marketplace, you don't deserve to get paid.

(16:52): So kindly allow them to go and take opportunities somewhere else because they will be held back in your establishment and that is wrong to hold them back. So you're gonna attract bigger players when you allow and showcase opportunity. And that opportunity needs to be shown in that opportunity needs to be shown in growth in the company. That opportunity needs to be shown in knowledge, growth, self development growth as well. We forget that all of us inside, whether we are currently aware of it or not really do desire to develop ourselves. A lot of times, we just never been exposed to it. So we don't even realize or understand that that's a thing. The other thing is time. You know, a billionaire is going to sit there and look at time. They value their time because they understand that every moment's clicking away, I'm sitting here doing this podcast right now because I believe that it is building my network.

(17:54): And by me, bringing value that network will increase in number and opportunity will come forth for me and to others that are in my network. That is why I take the time out to re record these podcasts. That's why I pay a pretty decent amount of money so that I have the backend work done for this podcast so that I can save my time and not trying to figure out how to run a podcast. I just record this raw audio plugging in to my team and my team sits there and creates all of the, the, the marketability and, and polishes it up so that I'm sounding okay to you guys and rolls the intro, the outro. So time is a very important thing to, to a billionaire. They're looking at trying to figure out how can they cheat time? How can they maximize their effort so that they maximize the out of time that they have. And one of those ways that I have found is you lean into others that are already in down the path, have gone before you and have experiences that you can leverage because as you begin to look into other successful individuals and their lives, especially in the industry or the ability of what you are trying to become or do, then you are able to take from their knowledge and that right there expedites the time that it would've taken. If you did it all by yourself, that's why it's so important to be plugged into a network of highly successful individuals. Those that are pushing those that are hunger, those that are not complacent in life, because there's a ton of individuals that have actually made a little bit of money and got complacent, but those individuals are actually losing. And I can just go back to our ever present non friend that lingers around us called inflation.

(19:48): If they've hit the mark and inflation keep is increasing and growing, then they're actually losing. In all reality, there's so much at stake. That's why it's so important that you get these fundamentals of mindset down so that you can be what you need to be. And you can live the dream that you want to live. You may not have the dream of being on a fancy yacht and having a second home. Your dream may be way more simplistic. You might be more of a Phil, a Phil philanthropist. You might have the dream of making an impact on the poor, on the hungry, on the sexually abused. You might have the dream of stopping the sex trafficking, whatever the dream is. If you have put in the time and effort and invested in yourself and changed your mentality and put in the consistency and taken those actions to walk the path and get behind individuals that have been successful in walking the path, then you will have the financial freedom to be able to impact and do the dreams that you have.

(20:57): That's what it's all about. Stay hungry, never get full. Stay broke, never get rich. I'm talking about, I don't want you to be hungry and starving and I don't want you to be broke. That's not what we're talking about. Talking about mentally because when you stay hungry, you're always looking for more to eat. When you stay broke, you're always looking for more revenue to earn. And before you know it, you're fat and happy and you are able to unload onto others. Your success you've gotta fill up first before you have any overflow out, you've got to fill up yourself first and how do you do it? You do it by listening to episodes like this right here on bigger vision, plug into YouTube. And you find the content of the person of the thing that you want to do and find someone and that's successful at doing that thing.

(21:50): And you absorb it in because there's an opportunity right there. Not many people take the effort to gain new skill sets and opportunity is found in skill. It could be skill of leadership. It could be skill of motivation. It could be skill of carpentry of HVAC of meta services. Opportunity is found in the knowledge of a skillset and you've got to begin to develop yourself. And the last thing was your brand, the reputation, you know, billionaires focus on a reputation. That's why they spend so much money. Look at Coca-Cola. Look at Budweiser, look at at and T and all of these, these large, you know, billion dollar companies and what their reputation brings. Let's take apple. For example, how many folks have an iPhone sitting in their pocket, walking around that you pass every single day? Why did they choose to grab the iPhone?

(22:52): Because they believe that it was the best because apple built a brand that they bring the best product to the market, that with their product, it'll change your life. We all want our lives to be changed. That is really the selling point on anything. Is it going to affect my life in a positive manner? Is it going to make a difference and make me happier? And apple sold that and they backed it up. They literally backed it up. Therefore they have a reputation and a brand that is desired internationally. Their stock is worth more than most stock is worth. It stays stable and, and all majority of the time climbs it's because they created a brand. They created something and sold it on the basis that it will change your life for the better. Now we all have majority of us, the ones that really know the good shit have an iPhone in their pocket.

(23:52): I'm sorry for you, Android folks. I'm just joking, but I am an iPhone user and I've tried the Android and I prefer the iPhone interface. That's what, that was my first phone. After I'll load the coat, no Kia phone where you can it's you know, they had a little game snake. I remember playing that at 15. When I first got my license and, and I, I got a cell phone just in case I broke down. Wasn't like we have the day where you got single digit age kids walking around with a brand new iPhone. It's insane, but the reputation you've got one name and it takes a lifetime to build that name. And it takes one moment to kill it. That is why it's so important that you always bring forth ethical actions, that you are a person of character and that your company and the company that you work choose to work with and for is a company of character.

(24:45): I can't tell how many times I've given away money to customers that were unhappy with services, where we dropped the ball more than what I would prefer to think about, but that is our guarantee. A hundred percent satisfaction guarantee. And if, even if we did the best cleaning that any cleaner could do, or the best process in disaster cleanup in restoring a home from a fire water or mold damage, even if we did the absolute best and our customer was dissatisfied, we still will give a money back. Why? Because I still point back to myself and I say, you didn't set expectations correctly. My team didn't set the expectations correctly, and I didn't impress the, the, the fundamental importance of setting expectation. Listen, this game of life can be as traumatic as you wanna make it. But there's one thing that I'll do wanna most definitely tell you, we all walk the same, Joe.

(25:48): We all have the ups and downs. We all have the successes. We all have the losses. We all feel the failures and the shame. Last week, I went on the fishing trip and the came in Sunday night, went fishing that morning, puked off the side of the boat at 12, stayed in bed all the way into the next morning at 5:00 AM I out there and had a puke Fest for five hours. And I had to miss out on 12 amazing entrepreneurs, socializing and giving information about what they're doing and how they've been able to be successful in these areas. I could have got down on myself. I could have had to pity party. Well, it always, you know, I should have known gonna, I paid almost $5,000 to go. I did pay pretty probably over when you're considering the tips and whatnot, but around the $5,000 mark to go on this trip and it wasn't to go fishing.

(26:40): It was to get in the room to get around individuals that have gone further down the path that I have gone so that I could understand and learn and maximize and steal time, leverage their experience so that I could get there quicker than if I was on my own. That is why you pay to get in those rooms. It's not to, to do the event. It's not to hear one speaker. Yeah. It's it's to hear the speaker, of course, but it's those relationships that you're going to build. You have to get outta your comfort zone and you've gotta ask someone, Hey, what's your name? What do you do? And, and why do you do it? And grab their contact information and follow back up with them and communicate with them because the gold is in relation because the experience comes from those relationships that you gather.

(27:28): We all walk through the journey of life. The difference is some choose to look at the opportunity in what it's going to bring and how it's going to affect their life in a positive way. Others look at at opportunity as possibility for failure. So which one are you? Are you the one that's going to look at opportunity as something that is going to change their life for the better, or are you gonna look at opportunity as something that might have a loss and allow failure in to their life, allow another moment to where they feel less than because what you focus on grows. Remember what you focus on grows. It's about changing your mindset and you can, but you've got to train your thoughts and you've got to put the correct influences in to help train your thoughts. And you've got to build the environment that allows you to maneuver in a correct and positive thought manner, self development, baby.

(28:36): That's where it's at because everybody that achieves high success invest in themself more than anything else. I want you to live in success. If this has moved you, if this has motivated you, then please plug into our community on Facebook. My it's bigger vision Facebook group. If you wanna hop on a website, it's ww.my bigger vision.com. We've got a podcast page. And then there's a little page there talking about my real estate investments and whatnot. And I just, I wanna see your lives changed. I want to see difference if you're just gonna sit here and listen to these podcasts and not take action, then you might as well be enjoying a video game. But if you're listening to this podcast, I know that your action taker so began to absorb as many positive influences as you can so that you truly can live in success. And till next time let's grow together,

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