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In this episode, you’ll discover… 

  • Why asking more questions makes you a better leader at work and at home (1:35) 
  • The weird “side-by-side” communication secret that brings you closer to your spouse and children (4:12) 
  • How mowing your lawn without earbuds rejuvenates your spirit after a long, stress-filled week (8:18)
  • Why God wants you to have abundance with your health, finances, and family (even if it seems like He doesn’t) (13:01) 
  • The wicked way your desire for control keeps you trapped in a scarcity mindset (14:54) 
  • How your brain works in 3 simple steps — and how to “hack” this to create abundance in your life and business (16:45) 
  • The 2 words you must utter to erase 6 years of a divorce-induced depression (23:29) 
  • How exercising your mindset like your biceps helps joy radiate through every bone in your body (26:08) 
  • The “Look For The Wobble” secret that helps you get out of an emotional funk with ease (and without exploding on your spouse, kids, or pets) (26:32) 
  • How to transform your depression into serenity and your anxiety into hope (30:18) 

If you’d like to connect with Kendra, you can visit her digital marketing agency website here: https://www.kendraramirez.com/. Or you can connect with her on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kendraramirez/ and Twitter here: https://twitter.com/KendraRamirez 

Are you crushing it at work but struggling at home? If you want to learn how to win at home, then go to https://CoryMCarlson.com and download your free copy of “10 Ways To Win At Home.”

If you're looking for a resource to help you with these times when your work is now in your home, check out my book Win At Home First on Amazon. Forbes Magazine rated it one of 7 books everyone on your team should read.

Read Full Transcript

Welcome to the win at home first podcast. I'm your host, Cory Carlson. This podcast is where we talk about how successful business leaders win, not only at work, but also at home. On this podcast, we will go behind the scenes with great leaders to hear stories of how they win. Thank you for listening and on to today's episode.

(00:26): Hello, this is Corey today's podcast with Kendra. Ramirez is a great one. She runs her own digital agency, but yeah, she's just been a student of the mind and learning about mindset and coaching entrepreneurship. So a wealth of knowledge, but yet she's also had a lot of adversity that helps kind of tell a story that is inspiring from depression, divorce, bankruptcy, but yet now she's got a thriving business. There's a lot to learn of one how she came out of the valley. Also the daily habit, she has it continue to be successful. And it's an awesome episode. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did on to today's episode. Hello, this is Corey. You're listening to win at home first podcast today, I'm joined by Kendra Ramirez and she is a, a wife, a mother, a business owner. She owns her own digital agency. And so just having success in all different areas and a strong woman in her faith. So wanting to invite her onto the podcast so we could learn from you Kendra. So thank you for joining us today. Thank

(01:33): You so much, Corey. I appreciate it. Kendra. What is the key trait for leaders to win at work? And when at home really one of the things, if I could go back and tell myself in the early days, when I first became a lay leader is ask more questions. I thought a leader meant we had the answers. I thought leadership was, people would turn to me for answers and that's not true at all. And so it was understanding that I don't have to have the answers, but I have to empower my team to willing to be vulnerable and say, when they didn't understand something or share their knowledge, their wealth of knowledge with the rest of the team members and really make it more collaborative. And just as a leader, asking more questions versus trying to always provide those answers and then just leaning in on those uncomfortable things, right? Those tough conversations. You don't want to have being able to just lean into that discomfort because otherwise it's just going to turn into resentment. So it's a lot easier just to have that conversation versus allowing it to kind of fester and drag on. And then your other team members are looking at you going, why didn't you pull the trigger on that situation that needed to take place,

(02:46): Ask more questions, great Hanser and so helpful and applicable. How does that work in your marriage? Ask more questions. And I, we spend a lot of quality time and kind of debriefing from a day perspective. And in that time we're able to ask each other, you know, how how's your day going? Well, and my husband is just such an awesome leader. I love hearing him he's in commercial construction and, you know, deals with very difficult and sometimes safety concerns and tempers flare because things aren't going and he's just so calm, natured that he knows how to diffuse the situation. And so he grounds me in the most beautiful way because I'm type a I'm 900 miles a minute. And so when we're able to have those debriefs, you know, from the day and being able to see him show up as a leader really inspires me.

(03:43): So talking to the female, the relationship, usually it's the female. Who's good at asking questions. The man is not, how do you encourage us men to be better at wanting to ask questions, wanting to sit in answer questions as opposed to just be quiet.

(04:01): And, and that, and totally is in our marriage as well. I'm an extrovert. My husband's an introvert. And what I find is just finding those little opportunities, either at the dinner table, we have a hot cup and we have lots of amazing conversations in the hot tub. And I found that it's more of just the side-by-side conversation versus the sitting across the table from each other. And I do that with my son as well. I have so many more wonderful, beautiful conversations when I'm in the car with my son versus sitting across the table. And I really think it's rooted in the early days of being threatened when someone is eye-to-eye to you. I go, I think that's in part of our DNA, but when you come alongside and set side by side by someone, it really opens up the lines of communication.

(04:52): And that's something I really wish I knew early in my relationship, you know, with my son. And I really just kind of fell into it, you know, driving to school. And my gosh, he is way more talkative where when we're in the car versus at the dinner table, and then there's some amazing tools out there that, you know, little cards that you can share, the prompt questions and the days those were a lot of fun is as well. And just, there's going to be times where we're just chatting and then there's going to be times where there's just not a lot to cover. Yeah, they was good. The day was good. And you know, maybe really digging into specifics instead of saying, how was your day, tell me one thing you learned today, right? Or tell me one thing that was a challenge today. When we get a little bit more specific in our actual questions, it really opens up the conversation.

(05:43): I like how your marriage, you have the hot tub, almost like this destination. Like kinda like when we go in here, like this is where we talk. And, and, and so I think that that par for every couple, I, my cousin, they've kind of got for him, his his son and him, they have the safe couch, kind of what, when we go to the couch, you can talk about it. Anything you want, you're not going to get in trouble. I mean, there may be a minor consequence or something, but this is the safe place. You ask all your questions, you tell them and kind of what's going on. And so I kind of liked the idea that you're having. There is some destination type conversations. And then as far as your son driving around, I completely agree. It drives me crazy. When I pull up to an intersection, I see a kid in the passenger seat with his ear buds in, not at all, they're not talking at all.

(06:30): And so it's just a good reminder to all of us. One, make sure the kids don't have the earbuds in, but also for us, like, don't have a work call, do your best on to have a work call or listen to podcasts, but instead, just turn it off and just talk because there is, I agree to, and from dance or gymnastics or soccer for us, that is, there's some great conversations there. And so you and your husband, both super busy, obviously construction is going crazy right now. Can't keep up your jobs, demanding a digital agency. How do you to basically just kind of manage both pushing hard, you know, obviously you have a kid. And so how does that work in your guys' marriage to bounce both careers and, but yet have time for each other.

(07:18): Yeah. You know, the week is during the workweek is probably when we, we both go hard and allowing that conversation can I'm in the evenings, but it's the weekend when we both have property and a home in Indiana. And so it's 10 acres. And so that's our getaway on the weekends. So we'll, we have a dog and we load her up and we, you know, head out and go out there, you know, for the weekends. And there's always house projects. We used to have renters in the home for several, several years and we've decided, you know, no more renters. And we started that last may. And so we've just been renovating the house since last may. And that just has been this awesome project for both of us and get to use our hands. We get to use our creativity and we play, and we love our neighbors.

(08:06): And we also have a Polaris general, which is a side-by-side and we ride trails together. And we just have so much, we truly enjoy spending time, you know, like that, you're going to find this really funny, but like I, well, cause we have 10 acres in Indiana. I'm a lot of grass. And when I can unwind and mow grass and it's that quiet time, it allows me to kind of just debrief from the week and, you know, talk to God by Mellon Frey for the neighbors, one mowing. And it's just a really wonderful way to unplug.

(08:43): So while you're on there on the tractor, I assume we're riding lawnmower. You're being intentional where you're not listening to music. You're not listening to podcast is not about more consumption of information instead. It's, it's just a moment of pause where you're praying, you're thinking, reflecting, whatever it may be that day. Yes,

(08:59): Exactly. Yeah. I don't use any your buds and I'm just, you know, mindful in mind my time and it's, it takes me probably two, two and a half hours, you know, to, to Mo have that solid two time,

(09:12): Man. What lucky neighbors get prayed for, for two hours? I mean, Man, That's good. Do you have other moments throughout your day? I mean, obviously that's mowing the yard that's on the weekend, but throughout your day that you're really kind of leaning into that power of pause where you are unplugging.

(09:31): Yeah. The first thing I do in the morning is about setting my intention for the day. Really was RT stoke, sorry. And he's the one that told me about when you're in the morning, you have to ask yourself, what's your emotional weather forecast today? I'm morning does not start out by watching news or grabbing my phone and flipping through social media. I haven't watched the news in many, many years. I don't want to start my day out that way. And so I really have that power of pause in the morning. I am doing my gratitude. I'm praying for other people and the church I go to in our app, I read scripture and I read journaling where people are talking about that scripture to help me understand it. And then we get the opportunity to pray for others that have submitted prayers.

(10:20): I get to do a prayer request. And then you also list your gratitude for the day. And sometimes it's gratitude. Sometimes it's an image of the app, just prompts those conversations. And that's how I start my day before diving in, into work. And that's that quiet time in the morning, really, really, and allows me to be able to set intention for the day and not be in a whirlwind. I'm not immediately looking at work emails first. And I really cherish that sweet quiet time. And, and that prayer time is really where I can, you know, hear from, hear from God. In I small group, we meet every Sunday and we talk about hearing from God. And I asked myself many, many years ago, my parents I'm like, God, you know, why do I have to pray when you already know my prayers? And he very clearly answered to this because if you're quiet enough to hear me

(11:15): Cool, that's great. What are you hearing from God right now? It's really this most beautiful thing right now. It's just be a light, right? That's really what he's put on my heart is be a light and all the talents that I have equipped you with, those are given to you to be able to serve others and being able to, to do that. And anyone that reaches out that wants to talk about entrepreneurship or marketing or mindset, I always make time for those conversations and they're always fruitful and I love doing it. And so it's in those moments where I absolutely see him show up

(11:54): And so good at that quiet time. So you can hear me so you can actually hear, I launched a a challenge and we just launched it yesterday. And one of the things kicked off with our big group. Coaching call is pretty awesome. But this idea of in John, the first words that John captures Jesus talking about is what are you seeking? So it's a little bit of Jesus just showed up to you, or I w how would we answer that? What are you seeking and what does that answer and to your quiet time about, so God can whisper into us, but it's also, so we can just call out what we're, what we're even thinking about what we want. Cause we've got so much that we, you know, I want my business, I want my health, I want this, I want this, that may, if we just boiled it down and we can just in a quiet time, we can hear from God discern what it is we actually want, what are we seeking?

(12:46): Yeah, totally agree. Absolutely. Right now ask you shall receive. And a lot of us aren't asking because we're fearful of asking, We think it's selfish, who've been told, you know, don't, don't ask, that's selfish. You go help others serve others.

(13:00): It's so true. And I really struggled that in my early days of my faith journey of, well shouldn't, I kind of live in this, you know, lower, lower level, lower capability and a, you know, kind of servant, you know, poverty, scarcity mindset and Mary Miller, who I'm sure you know, is, you know, just a fantastic coach. And she's just like, no, God wants a bonded, you know, he wants to be able to provide. And, and, and she's like, think about like how excited your son is and lit up when he gets to do something that's in his wheelhouse or he gets to, you know, enjoy something. And in the same for God watching you, right. When he's gifted you with something and you're Annette with it changing. And I know you talk about that in your book. And I love that when you're talking about trash and about, you know, the scarcity versus abundance mindset.

(13:53): And I really struggled with, with that because I didn't grow up with money. We, you know, we filed bankruptcy and when I was 12 and we lost our house and I was a child at 80, so lots of people lost their houses back then. I didn't understand that. And so therefore, any dollars I got, I would kind of scroll them away. Well, as a business owner, you can't lead a business like that. You can't do that. And so when I was able to shift and understand my money story and move that into abundance story, that God, if you give it to me, I'm going to give it right back out. And so being able to have that mindset and allowing like all of my team members to show up in their zone of genius, because I've given them freedom to do so and pay them handsomely for it. I've had team members literally brought, you know, their first home this year and know, and got just the sweetest, you know, think you have, like, I wouldn't have been able to do this. And I see him in all of those opportunities and God get, give me, cause I'm going to push it right back out.

(14:54): What was the key moment? The tipping point for me to go from that scarcity mindset to that abundant mindset. I know listeners want to know, but I selfishly want to know.

(15:05): Yeah. And, and it really was. And so I've had a coach for the last eight years and it's just been absolutely a huge pivot point for me. And so when we really started understanding how my brain works, that shows up in the stories that I'm telling myself and then reframing those stories, understanding the power. And so when I let go and shifted from scarcity to abundance, it was really about control. I was fearful. I was in, in fear of, okay, well this is my business. My name is on it. It's my reputation on the line. If it doesn't get done right then it's going to come back, you know, on me. And I was stifling the business, literally choking the business cause there's only so many hours in a day. So when I let go and started bringing others into my business and growing the team, my business took off.

(15:55): It literally grew 300%. So when I talk to entrepreneurs, I encourage them. Like if someone could have told me sooner to go and start bringing people into your business sooner. And when I say bring people, you know, day one, it doesn't have to be full-time employee. It can be contractors, you know? So being able to get things done and then grow into full time and making those steps was huge for me. And that's really where my business shifted. And I was able to show up in that abundance way and allow others to be in their zone of genius and then allow them to share their gifting. And it's just been absolutely incredible.

(16:35): The word reframing and the idea of reframing. So explain that a little bit more for, for anyone like trying to think there are I get it reframe, but how do I do that? Yeah. So reframing it's yo. So our, our, our minds, right. What our, our reins do is it's a thought which leads to a feeling which leads to an action or inaction. And so maybe that thought is, you know, I'm not worthy enough. I'm not smart enough. I am fearful, you know, from a money standpoint and that scarcity. So I want to reframe it and say, well, what would it look like if I had had plenty of money, what could I do if I had plenty of time and money and how could I serve and show up and how could I provide those dollars, those extra dollars and be a blessing to others through that abundance. And so being able to flip that, right. So then that thought that feeling shifts, right? Cause that thought was I'm fearful, I'm in, you know, the control issues.

(17:39): And then the feeling was, you know, being able to, well, I need to hang on to this. And then that action or inaction I wasn't taking action was in inaction because I was fearful. And then being able to reframe that and put that into that abundance that no, my money can help someone else's dream. And maybe God's gonna use me in that way to fund someone's dream. Or I love doing, you know, just spot blessings, you know, maybe there's an interaction or an encounter with someone at the grocery store where, you know, someone in front of me. And she started putting items back because she had, you know, so much budgeted for her grocery bill and I leaned over and paid for the whole thing. And, and it was God like put that in on my heart. And that was such a cool opportunity. Had I been in scarcity? I would've never done that before and being in abundance and like, it's his money, it's not my money. And so putting me in places where I could do those blessings is just, it's just so overwhelming.

(18:40): That's great that thoughts lead to feelings, lead to actions. I've heard it's one more attitude leads to results, right? So your thoughts, feelings, actions, Bob Proctor came over that years ago. And I know where a lot of people in this could be myself as well, but for other listeners is w a lot of us started a results. Like we look at the results. We look at the month revenue, we look at the money in our bank account. We look at the pounds on the scale. We look at the results. And then from there we go to our thoughts. Well, depending on what we're looking at, those thoughts very often can be bad at a bad revenue month, which lead to bad feelings of this is never going to work out. Which obviously, what does that do? That leads to bad actions. If you don't think it's going to work out, you're going to have cruddy engagement.

(19:23): And therefore it is a self fulfilled prophecy. You come right back around and guess what? You have batteries, alts, because you didn't do anything cause you were moping in self pity party. So it is it's back to starting with the thoughts, reframing, having positive thoughts, which I know for some listening and bright thinking, you know, it's all a kind of make believe or hate to start bleeding, positive thoughts, but it is a little bit of by thinking as science shows, we actually act differently when we show up better. And it's kind of the whole law, the mere idea where if I'm showing up better, the prospect, the client spouse, they, they feel our energy and therefore they can be more responsive. Yes,

(20:03): Exactly. And you're right. So many people are like, oh, that sounds really woo. And that doesn't seem faith-based and I'm like, no capture. Your thoughts is all throughout the Bible. Right? And so when we understand that our brain is just tripping us up, our brain is like in fear mode, because you know, in the early days we had to worry about being attacked by a, you know, a saber tooth tiger. We don't have to be in that fear place anymore. Right. And understanding that fear is just false evidence appearing real right. False evidence appearing real. And our brain is just in the fight flight or freeze mode. Our brain is just panicked in that situation. And when we're able to reframe those thoughts and really look, and you said it, you said energy, everything is about energy. And when I say that, I get a lot of strange looks and I'm like, okay, I'll, I'll, I'll give you a point about energy. Have you ever been in a room? And you felt like someone's looking at you and then you look up and they're looking at you, that's energy, they're sending energy out and you received it.

(21:11): Right. And, or, or if someone's close to you and you can just feel like their presence close to you lets energy. And so what energy we put out when we send an email, the energy we put out, when we create a piece of content, that energy, when we put out on those calls, it is felt on the other end, right? Like how many times have you been on a potential sales call with someone in, you know, on the other end, you can tell the person's just having a terrible day, their voices low, like literally in my early days of sales, they would put mirrors up in our cubes and say, are you smiling while you're dialing?

(21:43): Yes. Yes. It's so true because they can feel it on the other side. Now it's a great example of someone looking to you at the, across the room or the intersection or wherever it may be. Definitely integrate great stuff.

(21:59): Thank you very much for listening to today's episode. I hope you are enjoying it so far before we go back to the rest of this episode. I want to share with you my book when at home first, some of you have read it. So thank you very much for others of you. You have not. And I encourage, if you're looking for a resource to help you with these times of your work is now in your home and your home is now in your work. And what this looks like. This book is being helpful to many leaders like you whores magazine said it was one of seven books. Everyone on your team should read in the book is broken up into four different sections to help you versus about you. Understand who you are. The second is marriage in ideas and tips to help with your marriage. Third is parenting and the last is work. So these four different sections to help you recalibrate during this time and to help move forward. So if you are needing additional resource, I encourage you to check out my book went home first. It is available on Amazon, as well as audible and so on to the rest of the episode. Thank you very much

(23:06): A question I like to ask people, cause there's a big pivotal moment in my life. Is there a moment in your life where you had to hand over your story for a greater story? Kind of like the kinder show had to be over it's time to hand it over to God and what he has in store for you. Oh yes. How long have you got?

(23:27): Yeah. You know, so I always say, you know, where all this confidence comes from now and this joy filled life and gratitude life that I have is because I came from a really hard place. 15 years ago, I went through divorce. I was massively depressed. I was under, you know, depression for over six years and it was the darkest time. It was super isolating and oh, by the way, was also failing in my business. Right? Like all of it was crashing down and I'll never forget, like driving to a church parking lot and just saying, I guess I surrender. I was like, I can't do this anymore. I'm done. And being able to make that shift and I'll never, ever forget that. And from that moment, I sought out a small group at church. I'd never done that before and went to a stranger's house and spilled my guts with strangers in a small group at church.

(24:20): And that was the first time I had felt really deeply loved in a long time. And so that story led to so much healing over the last 15 years. And so that's where I'm really vocal about it because like, we look at each other going, gosh, you know, she's got it all figured out or he's got it all figured out. Like, no, you don't know how I had to scratch and claw and heal to get to where I am today. And that's why I'm super open about talking about it because I wish I'd had that spoken to me 15 years ago when I was in such a dark place.

(24:56): And I did not know that story and like to unpack a little bit more, but I guess two things or two points on what you just said is that people look at somebody say, oh, they've got it all together. You know? And then your, your, your comment of, Hey, I had to come through kind of the valley shadow of death there at a time in my life. I'd say that's true for a lot of us. Like, we will have these stories, but also in the moment, even if you look like you've got all together are still those down days. There are still those tough days. And there's a common, I say almost all the time with clients or close friends is that someone will share something on a zoom call or a coaching call. And they literally will say something like, I'm probably the only one dealing with this.

(25:36): It's like, no, you're not alone. And so I think, I think there's kind of two parts to that. One is yes, we've all kind of came through some crap at some point in our life. But then there's these small micro losses each day. We feel that we've got to pick ourselves back up. We've got to spend time on the tractor, just praying. We've got to get up and do journaling and reflecting because that's what kind of keeps us in the game. Otherwise the, you know, the devil comes to kill steal and destroy and we are not armored up each day, then it can happen.

(26:07): Totally agree. And so your mindset is like a muscle, just like, you know, exercise. So to create a daily practice of, you know, of gratitude of looking and seeking those little small moments, those godly, you know, hearing a child, laugh at the grocery store or just those little moments of maybe a smile or a stranger holding a door for you to write those little moments. And when we get out of alignment is when those hard times seep in and what it looks like to identify, what out of alignment looks like. I call it, look for the wobble. So the wobble is when you're short with your spouse, you're short for animal. Something irritates you that normally wouldn't, you know, like for me, like dishes piled up near the dishwasher, but not in the dishwasher. Like, you know, when those little things are irritating, you, they really shouldn't.

(27:05): So to me, looking for those wobble moments says, Hey, you haven't been doing your daily practice or Hey, you need to take a time out yourself. Maybe you need a nap. Maybe you need to call a friend. Maybe you need to read a book. Maybe you need, maybe you're hungry. Maybe you just need to eat something, whatever it is, but true stopping and asking yourself, okay, what do I need right now that I've allowed myself to kind of get in this wobble? Because you know, my, my normal isn't being thrown with my spouse or my animal, or being frustrated or dishes, you know you know, and so catching that wobble before it becomes an explosion, because what happens is we don't catch those wobbles and we're out of alignment and we just kind of allow that to fester. And then we go into those explosive, you know, stays because we didn't stop in those moments, ask ourselves, truly ask ourselves, what do I need right now? But I just need to take a walk. Like I need to, you know, unplug and readjust.

(28:06): Yeah. It's not the straw that broke the camel's back. It is everything leading up to it where there's no margin in our lives. We've said yes to way too many things or, you know, whatever it could be. And I like the idea of watch, look out for the wobble, because with the dishes example, we all, I mean, a lot of times we point to the other person, it's their fault. It's their fault. And it's like, no, what about me? I know what the clients, and when we start, sometimes when marriage gets brought up or maybe it's a teenage kid or whatever, even if it's a coworker that they're being a pain, it's Hey, we can't fix the other person. We can start with ourselves. So let's start with ourselves. If it's a spouse, let's spend some time in prayer praying about them. I have people write out what are 10 things you're grateful for, for your spouse.

(28:54): And it kind of helps. I have to do that occasionally for Holly, if I'm in a, in a funk, but it helps. And it it's just changing that posture that we can't go fix somebody. So when we look out for the wobble it's, Hey, what can I do in this situation? How can I respond differently and handle it? I like the phrase, look for the wobble. I like simple phrases. That's fantastic. Your story's inspiring from the standpoint you had money battles early on. So some scarcity mindset, then the divorce. And so some abandonment feelings. And then both of those you've rebounded from reframe, from, and able to pursue entrepreneurship, business owner, you know, being a wife, being a mother now with an abundance and a more of a community aspect. I love how you just have totally transferred all of that.

(29:44): Yeah. It's just been an incredible story. And there's many times where I'm just brought to joyful tears and like, holy moly, I can't believe this is my life now compared to where I was 15 years ago.

(29:54): So what would you say to a listener who is in that depressed, struggling with anxiety? I think I'm going to be here in this valley, shadow death forever. What would be your, what you'd share with them?

(30:07): You definitely, and you said it, you're not alone. There's so many of us that struggle with that and really getting back to me. And I just speaking to my own personal, when I was fighting depression, depression feeds off of isolation. So the best thing you can do is, is get out and find community, find someone else, you know, to be able to, to lean on, find a group, to get involved in to be able to start speaking and kind of crawl out of that isolation. And then, you know, anxiety is more forward thinking, it's future thinking and we're playing the what ifs. Well, what if this happens? And what if that happens? What I asked is the reframe, instead of, you know, just the, what if from a negative flip it to the, what if, what if something amazing happens because you leave the house today? What if something amazing happens because you pick up the phone and have that conversation that you were fearful happening. And so being able to really flip that script, one of my favorite favorite books on this topic is get out of your head by Jenny Allen. I've read it three times. I did a book study on it. It's a fantastic book. And it talks about how our brains are wired, the reframing aspects. And it's just fantastic reading

(31:21): Anxiety. What is the future negative? The opposite of, that's obviously hope looking into the future of positive. And I think that's a good word for all of us as we go into 2022 is how could this be a year of hope, hope for our marriage over our families, hope for our parents, kid relationship, hope for our business, because it has been a scarcity mindset just due to whether it's circumstances or whatever surrounding us, but for all of us to adopt that idea of hope.

(31:50): Absolutely. And it's just, it's just a learning process. All of it is, we're all learning and we're always going to be evolving. And if we look at it like that, it doesn't feel as scary when we're just like, Hey, we're all learning. Nobody's got it all figured out.

(32:05): How do you continue to have a positive outlook on the future? Whether it's business growth, it's revenue. I mean, so, all right, great. Let's have a word of hope for 20, 22. How can we do that?

(32:17): Leaning into him and trusting him, right? He's the provider, he's the one that's going to show up. And so we really just have to lean in into him and where he's heading us in. It's really those little steps of obedience. I feel like we're all just puzzle pieces in my puzzle piece may help someone else's puzzle piece. And so being able to, you know, share our gifts and our talents and be able to be those puzzle pieces to each other and freely sharing those puzzle pieces. And I feel like it's in those steps, those a Mediant steps. We don't need to have all the steps figured out. I don't need to know exactly where I'm going to be. You know, a year from now five years from now, I need to be obedient. And so what does that look like? It's think about it. Like your headlights at night in your car.

(33:08): You only see so far out when you move, so you have to move. And I think a lot of people get in that paralysis and they're paralyzed and they don't move, but they keep saying, well, this keeps happening. It's happening, but they aren't taking any action. So reminding ourselves that, no, you're, you're the vehicle and you're going to be shown more. God, ask us just to take us step. He didn't ask us to figure out what years are going to be like from now we don't. But if we're obedient in our steps, other things show up when we're, when we just take small steps.

(33:49): Yeah. God gave us a three-year strategy. We'd say, all right, God, see ya, I'll see you in three years. Right? Checkup. Yeah. And I kinda had gotten, you know, told me, you know, early on in my life, Hey, oh, by the way, I'm gonna make you go through, you know, divorce. I'm gonna make you go through depression. I'm going to make it go through a failed business. I wouldn't be like, oh, I'm never getting married. Then if that's the case, I had laid that on my heart. I would have never, but now I'm still grateful for every single thing, all the valley and mountain moments. Right. You know, from those valley moments, I had beautiful mountain moments and there'll be other valley moments in my life, but I hang onto hope that there's going to be another mountain moment right after.

(34:33): Absolutely. We just end on that right there. What's the best way for people to get ahold of you, Kendra. Super easy to find in special media for Kendra Ramirez, or you can visit us@kendraramirez.com. Thank you so much for your time. I really enjoyed the conversation. Oh, same here. Thank you so much for having,

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