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Cory M. Carlson | Win At Home First

Are you asking the right questions to your kids with my daughter, Kiley Carlson

Cory M. Carlson | Win At Home First         Cory M. Carlson | Win At Home First        
Are you asking the right questions to your kids with my daughter, Kiley Carlson           Are you asking the right questions to your kids with my daughter, Kiley Carlson          
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    In this episode, you’ll discover… 

    • How asking your teenager questions instead of scolding them empowers them and builds a stronger relationship (3:48) 
    • The “High Low” conversation starter that gets your children to open up and share their day with you (4:51) 
    • How pushing faith onto your kids backfires (and how to encourage your kids to find Jesus after it backfires) (7:09) 
    • Why tithing to your local church can land you a promotion (even if you’re a teenager) (11:36) 
    • How even the smallest token of appreciation like gifting someone flip-flops lights up their world and helps you ditch your scarcity mindset (16:55) 
    • The “Mood Coloring Chart” trick from Pinterest that frees you from being a prisoner to your emotions (19:17) 
    • Lessons from a teenager about talking about the Bible with your co-workers (23:00) 

    If you’re a teenager and want to follow Kylie on Instagram, you can follow her here: https://www.instagram.com/kiley.carlson/ 

    Are you crushing it at work but struggling at home? If you want to learn how to win at home, then go to https://CoryMCarlson.com and download your free copy of “10 Ways To Win At Home.”

    If you're looking for a resource to help you with these times when your work is now in your home, check out my book Win At Home First on Amazon. Forbes Magazine rated it one of 7 books everyone on your team should read

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