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Cory M. Carlson | Win At Home First

What is your definition of ministry? with Dan Britton

Cory M. Carlson | Win At Home First         Cory M. Carlson | Win At Home First        
What is your definition of ministry? with Dan Britton           What is your definition of ministry? with Dan Britton          
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    In this episode, you’ll discover… 

    • How to create divine connections with random strangers during your mundane travels that blossom into inspiring friendships (5:40) 
    • Why a “Family Mission Statement” puts raising good, Christian kids on “easy mode” (and how to create one at dinner tonight) (8:37) 
    • How giving up on life-altering business opportunities brings your family closer together (without sacrificing your career) (16:01) 
    • The “One Word Vision Method” that helps you achieve your wildest goals instead of constantly coming up short (22:42) 
    • How partnering with a friend in your faith journey doubles the wisdom you get from it (29:05) 
    • The “Apple Seeds Technique” first developed by a Christian psychiatrist that instantly tells you if you should move cities, change careers, or go to a different church or not (39:05) 
    • How the “Controlling the Controllables” mindset frees you from anxiety and frustration in your career and home life (42:52) 
    • Why setting your alarm for 4:30 am (although that early may not be for everyone) brings you closer to God than going to church every Sunday (46:41) 

    If you’d like to check out Dan’s Wisdom Challenge mentioned in this episode, head over to https://wisdomchallenge.com. You can grab a copy of Dan’s One Word book at https://getoneword.com. And you can follow Dan on Twitter at https://twitter.com/fcadan or send him an email at dan@fca.org.  

    Are you crushing it at work but struggling at home? If you want to learn how to win at home, then go to https://CoryMCarlson.com and download your free copy of “10 Ways To Win At Home.”

    If you're looking for a resource to help you with these times when your work is now in your home, check out my book Win At Home First on Amazon. Forbes Magazine rated it one of 7 books everyone on your team should read. 

    Are you stuck in your business, your marriage, or with your spirituality? If you are, I’m launching the Prioritize Leadership Academy in April — designed to help you break through your financial, family, or faith-based rut. You can learn more about it here: https://www.corymcarlson.com/prioritizedleaderacademy/.

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