BSA59: Spanking the free line chumps
On this week’s “Ben Settle Show”, Producer Jonathan and I argue, fight, and insult each other over such important topics as:
- Why the law of reciprocity is bull crap.
- Why a man should never buy a girl dinner on a first date.
- Why men should avoid self-described feminists on dating sites like the zombie apocalypse plague. (Yes, even if you are a male who wears a “this is what a feminist looks like” t-shirt, you should still avoid them. Here’s why…)
- The one time it makes sense to give away a ton of free content.
- Why moving the free line attracts so many low class jackass customers.
- Why it’s foolish to try to sell to everyone in your market.
- Why nobody benefits from a “good will email.”
- What to say at the opt in that will (1) make your list more likely to buy (2) turn away freebie seekers and (3) virtually eliminate complaints that you’re selling too much.
- And so on…
Ben Settle