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BSA20: Beware the “positive thinking nazis”

BSA20: Beware the “positive thinking nazis”           BSA20: Beware the “positive thinking nazis”          
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    On today's “anger packed” Ben Settle Show podcast…

    * How I “harness” negative thoughts and emotions to accomplish far more than I ever would by thinking positively. (The great late night talk show host Johnny Carson did this, too, and soared to the top of his game — with everyone *still* trying to catch up to him decades after he went off the air.)

    * How the positive thinking nazis keep people broke.

    * Why it's dumb to fake thinking positively.

    * Why holding on to anger is GOOD (no matter what the feel-good mush cookies tell you — never let go of anger, use it, like I explain in the show).

    * The Mr. Rogers secret to using negative emotions to accomplish your goals. (Yes, this is an honest-to-goodness negative thinking tip from the peaceful & positive Mr. Rogers.)

    * How I wrote my “Zombie Cop” novel in just a few weeks, instead of months or years. (And how to use this secret to write all the profitable emails you want for your business).

    * Why people who hate reading fiction (and especially horror books) are LOVING “Zombie Cop” — and reading the entire 200+ page book in 2 or 3 sittings.

    * Why writing daily emails is the best “therapist” you can ever have (and instead of paying for the therapy, you make sales from it…)

    * Why Anthony Robbins is dead wrong about how to manage negative feelings, experiences and thoughts.

    * And more…

    In many ways, this is our best show yet.

    And, easily the most valuable.

    (If you aren't afraid to use the info, at least.)

    Ben Settle

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