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Billy Gwaltney | Cover Your Assets

Ending soon-Gender neutral discount in Massachusetts

Billy Gwaltney | Cover Your Assets         Billy Gwaltney | Cover Your Assets        
Ending soon-Gender neutral discount in Massachusetts           Ending soon-Gender neutral discount in Massachusetts          
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    The state of Massachusetts is taking away gender-neutral discounting.

    This means that you can no longer add that to your policy to get a whopping 30-40% discount, which is the highest discount you can claim as an attendee.

    Comparable to your trainee discount, which is not available to practicing physicians.

    In this episode, we show you how to use gender-neutral discounting to lower your premium rates permanently.

    Listen now!

    Show Highlights Include:

    • How insurance companies decide how much to charge you on premiums (and how you can lower it in your benefit.) (1:04)
    • Why females need to get your disability coverage ASAP (hint: you’ll likely end up paying a fortune ) (1:45)
    • 3 different scenarios take advantage of your disability coverage and claim benefits while working your profession (4:13)
    • How to claim the 30-40% gender-neutral discount before it expires permanently (7:11)

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