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Bob Gardner | Alive and Free

Out of Control

Bob Gardner | Alive and Free         Bob Gardner | Alive and Free        
Out of Control           Out of Control          
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    Most of the people who have come to a Freedom Specialist retreat—myself included—have had one thing in common:

    Their biggest fear is a lack of control. But this fear itself dupes you into subconsciously sabotaging everything you value in your life. It’s why relationships fall apart. It’s why you can’t get ahead in your career. And it’s why you imprison yourself in misery.

    And you know what?

    This fear—in every example I’ve ever seen—stems from being dishonest to yourself. When you’re honest with yourself, you set yourself free from this problem and open yourself up to bliss and joy.

    In this episode, you’ll discover how to be more honest with yourself, and why honesty may be the most important factor to your happiness.

    Listen now.

    Show Highlights Include

    • The insidious way fearing your lack of control leads to addiction and misery (1:09)
    • The “Anti-Jordan Peterson” approach for finding joy and hope in life instead of war and struggle (6:20)
    • How embracing your compulsive and destructive behaviors actually helps you get rid of them (even if you think it’ll make them more pronounced) (8:04)
    • How saying you love yourself when you don’t deteriorates your control over your life (13:23)
    • Why eliminating “I am” phrases from your vocabulary instantly catapults your happiness and freedom (15:22)

    If you want to radically change how much control you have over your emotions in as little as 20 days, you can go to https://thefreedomspecialist.com/feelbetternow and sign up for the Choose Your Own Emotion course.

    If you or somebody you know is looking to drop the ‘F’ Bomb of freedom in your life and break free from addiction, depression, anxiety or anything that’s making you feel flat-out stuck, head over to https://thefreedomspecialist.com/ and book a call where we can look at your unique situation and give you the roadmap you’ve been missing.

    If you’d like to buy a copy of my book, Is That Even Possible?: The Nuts and Bolts of Energy Healing for the Curious, Wary, and Totally Bewildered, you can find it on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/That-Even-Possible-Healing-Bewildered/dp/1512336041

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