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Today’s podcast contains a new set of 7 Email Players rules.
Producer Jonathan and I talk about things like What the world’s greatest publicity marketer taught me about how the way the world really works… how to make yourself hard to leave in a relationship… you can’t cut off Superman’s bollocks and expect him to save the world… and the dorky elBenbo band marches on.… READ MORE

I just slapped up a brand new, shiny, “candy-like” podcast episode for your listening displeasure. It’s about how to “flip” being discontent into achieving whatever goals your greedy little heart desires.… READ MORE


Today’s podcast is all about shaming people, how to do it, and why it’s a good thing — including for your bank account. This is probably one of the more controversial episodes. (It even enraged Producer Jonathan at one point.) … READ MORE

This week’s righteously short podcast is about a secret I learned back in 2002 (when I first got into direct response marketing) from the great Dan Kennedy in a free lead gen tape he gave away.
Something that has guided my business ever since.… READ MORE

Today’s podcast marks the beginning of the next “volume” of Email Players rules episodes. Volume 1 was rules 1-140, which I am going to be transcribing and putting into a book soon.
In the meantime, to start listening to volume 2 (rules 141-147).… READ MORE

This week’s podcast is about the world’s most dangerous number. Whatever business you do, whatever your social situation, whatever your personal life goals… avoid this number or face your doom.… READ MORE

Today’s podcast reveals a marketing secret I learned while doing my bathroom reading (TMI) that explains exactly why nobody buys from you. It has nothing to do with claims, proof, offer, list, or any of the usual suspects.… READ MORE

Today’s podcast I give advice to my small drinking town with a big fishing problem about how to make more sales during the wine walks they have in the summers. Advice that, yes, also works for any other kind of business, too.… READ MORE

Today’s podcast dispels all the horse crap people are spreading about how to create content that’s interesting (and not boring) — whether it’s email, blog posts, Facebook lives, social media, videos, speaking, podcasting, non-fiction, sales copy, or anything else.… READ MORE

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