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A Tale as Old as Time... Timeless Investing Strategies

A Tale as Old as Time... Timeless Investing Strategies           A Tale as Old as Time... Timeless Investing Strategies          
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    After a soaring bull market since The Great Recession, the investing world stopped dead in March 2020. It rebounded quickly, but we’re heading towards more market volatility than we had in the past decade. 

    A volatile market doesn't have to mean watching all your investments go down the drain. But it is a time to make sure your strategy has proven, timeless investing strategies. 

    Not only do these strategies protect your wealth, but they can also grow it. 

    In this episode, you’ll discover the 10 timeless investment strategies and how they help you thrive during any market. 

    Listen now. 

    Show Highlights Include:

    • How looking like a drug dealer when making large purchases keeps your portfolio healthy and growing (5:51) 
    • Why Dave Ramsey is dead wrong about debt (and 3 filters to use it to become wealthier) (7:19) 
    • The “Time Horizon” technique which transforms market volatility anxiety into excitement and unfair returns (8:37) 
    • The boring, yet powerful reason why the 401k is the largest liquid retirement account for Americans (and how to duplicate this with other accounts) (10:19) 
    • The sneaky “Rebalancing” trick for making more money in your portfolio with minimal effort and capital (11:50) 
    • The “Conversative Bonds Cushion” which shrinks your risk during turbulent markets to almost zero (14:09) 

    To schedule your free retirement tracking meeting, specifically for first responders, head to http://pensionattention.com/ or call us at 805-409-8150.

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