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Ferris Bueller once famously said…
“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it.”
And when it comes to real estate, if you fail to recognize lousy advice from your broker, then you’re destined for a future of frustration and hamster wheel hustling.…


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Ask the question, ‘what do you really want’ to most real estate agents and what follows is usually one of the following:
Either a moment of stone-dead silence or
An amalgamation of numbers relating to how many homes they want to sell or how much profit they want to make.…


Go to www.AgentOnfire.com and Download Your FREE Copy of “7 Listing Secrets”
Your success in real estate is directly equivalent to the number of listings you get. And the number of listings you get is directly correlated to the number of shots you take.…


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“Stop being a slave to your inbox!”
Email is a huge distraction, especially for hungry real estate agents wanting to get quality listings, grow their business and take control of their habits, rather than allowing them to control us.…


Go to www.AgentOnfire.com and Download Your FREE Copy of “7 Listing Secrets”
“Fine = Contempt = Settling = Is for pilgrims and not for successful real estate agents.”
You’ve probably said the word a million times: Fine.…


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The big mouth agent loves to talk about NOTHING other than himself.
He (or she) spends all their time boasting about how ‘great’ they are and what results they’ve had in the past with the goal of winning over the homeowner.…


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Real estate open houses are one form of sales tactic – but do they really sell homes or is it more about the hype?…


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There are two types of people in the world, hustlers and everyone else.
The hustler is a rare breed. It’s someone who has ambitions and aspirations that align together.…


Go to www.AgentOnfire.com and Download Your FREE Copy of “7 Listing Secrets”
Many agents never get listings because they’re easy prey for guys like me and you – the people who know how to do it and have a proven process of getting results.…


Go to www.AgentOnfire.com and Download Your FREE Copy of “7 Listing Secrets”
Honesty and integrity are essential components in any business, but it’s paramount in this business of real estate.…


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